10:09Webb! Now I know where I've seen that man before. His picture was in the paper last week.
10:13He was the one that hanged that notorious public enemy, Honey Boy Sprague.
10:17That was me. It was my last job and my prettiest job.
10:19How come?
10:21He had a prick in his neck and couldn't get rid of it. I told him I'd fix it for him.
10:25By hanging it?
10:28How'd he come out?
10:31That's how I got this place. He willed it to me before a lot of witnesses.
10:34Your place?
10:36Oh, that's fine. Well, I'm awful glad I met you.
10:40Do you mind if we take a look inside?
10:42No, go right in. The door's open.
10:44It always is. The lock's busted.
10:48Here. Would you mind putting this on?
10:50Who, me?
10:51Yes, come on. It won't hurt you.
10:53It ain't even gonna approach me.
10:58That man sure makes me nervous.
11:01Hey, mister, um, um, hey, termites?
11:17It smells kind of mysterious and musty in here.
11:20Yeah, the smell of the dew on the grass.
11:22The smell of the new-mown hay.
11:24The smell of the cow.
11:26It smells, period.
11:27Oh, now, Webb, oh, how does it smell musty when they've been closed up a long time?
11:31Hey, don't you think you ought to straighten yourself out with the guy that owns it before you start to move in?
11:35Well, why, the place is ours. I'll call Dad tomorrow and have him send a deed and there'll be no argument.
11:39All right, but it's your funeral.
11:41Her funeral? Not the way that hangman looks at Monday.
11:47What a fascinating room.
11:55Nice place for a victory garden.
11:58What a lovely fireplace, Webb.
12:00Can't you just see yourself sitting in that chair evening?
12:02No, but I can see a boy bathing the crick out of his neck.
12:07I see you're saying on your card you're just married.
12:10That's right.
12:11You don't show it.
12:12Oh, believe it or not, this is Mrs. Fry and I'm Webster Fry.
12:15Pleased to know you.
12:17I'm Ben Bowron.
12:19What did you run away for?
12:21You keep your knots to yourself and leave my neck out of it.
12:25Do you live in this big house all along?
12:27No, I live in the little house at the back, next to the hen house, where I can watch the egg.
12:31Good idea.
12:32Mr. Bowron, there seems to be a little mix-up.
12:34This place was given to us as a wedding present.
12:36I knew Honey Boy was a killer, but I didn't think he was a crook.
12:39Father gave it to us. It'll be all straightened out tomorrow.
12:42But is it all right if we stay here tonight?
12:44Sure, it's all right.
12:46If you don't mind the dirt.
12:48No any?
12:49Skip it.
12:50This used to be Honey Boy's hangout.
12:52He strangled a woman right in that chair.
12:54That's his picture up there.
12:56It's been done over to hide the crick in his neck.
12:58His head wobbled over like this.
13:02Anything wrong with yours?
13:05Harmony, put the car up and bring the bags in.
13:07Yes, ma'am.
13:08We're staying.
13:11Be firm.
13:15Well, I must get the ropes in.
13:17It looks like rain and they might shrink.
13:25Why, I'd bat his brains out.
13:28Just wish he'd start on me.
13:42What's the matter? What's the matter? What's the matter?
13:44Look, darling, a piano. Isn't it wonderful?
13:47Oh, it's a little out of tune, I guess.
13:50No, it's all right.
13:53It's all right.
13:55We're wrong!
14:11Look, I'm your husband.
14:13Remember me?
14:14The fellow that did with the I do's this morning?
14:17It's no use, Webb.
14:18I like it here and you don't.
14:23It'll be all right.
14:25As soon as we get a little paint.
14:27Maybe some new furniture.
14:29And after all, we will be together.
14:54Well, honey boy, glad to see you come home to rest.
14:57Take him right in.
15:12Hey, you, drop over the hat.
15:14Who, me?
15:15Yes, you.
15:17Hey, you, drop over the hat.
15:19Who, me?
15:20Yes, you.
15:23It's a little out of my line.
15:25Mr. Webb, where is you?
15:28Don't forget what he said.
15:30Nobody can ever come between us.
15:33Sign here.
15:35Well, who are you?
15:36Jones Transfer Company.
15:38Oh, must be the things I had set up in town.
15:41What do you want?
15:42Put it in the storage room. We won't open it for a week.
15:45Listen, lady, you don't leave things like that lay around for a week.
15:48Look, Buster, you...
15:51Please put it where my wife tells you.
15:53Okay, it's your body and coffin, right?
15:55Body? Right from the penitentiary.
15:59They want it in the storage room.
16:01Storage room? Well, that's revolting.
16:03Well, where is the storage room?
16:04Maybe you'd better put it in the parlor after all, don't you think so, darling?
16:07Oh, yes, by all means.
16:09What do you think?
16:11Yeah, it's all right with him.
16:16Well, let's go.
16:20Come on.
16:26You folks act like you wasn't expecting Honey Boy Sprague's remains.
16:29Honey Bo... Honey Bee...
16:31In there?
16:32You're his relatives, ain't you?
16:33Well, not exactly. You see, I'm...
16:35Yes, I know. His girl.
16:37I knew that the first time I saw you.
16:39So long.
16:43Cut it out.
16:45Well, I can think of nothing nicer than to spend the rest of our honeymoon in a mall.
16:49I'm packing, Miss Jackson.
16:50Yes, right.
16:51Now, I like this place.
16:52It's beginning to intrigue me.
16:54And when I'm intrigued, I'm a very determined man.
16:57Mr. Webb, I wish you'd quit being so brave for all of us.
17:00What's the matter? You scared?
17:01What are you going to do with the body? Frame it?
17:03Oh, now, Webby, don't be like that.
17:04Somebody must have arranged to have it sent here.
17:06Maybe it was Ben. You know, our hangman friend.
17:08Harmony, go get him and bring him in here.
17:10Me go get him?
17:11Don't argue with her. Do what you're told.
17:12Yes, sir. I'm going, but I'll be prepared.
17:20It works.
17:21What are you going to do?
17:22I'm going to call the newspapers and get some publicity.
17:23You don't think I'm going to miss a chance like this, do you?
17:25You can't do that.
17:26I can't, hey?
17:27Then we'll throw a party.
17:28I'll invite some of your mobster friends.
17:29You like those people.
17:31I'll fix the place up nice and sweet and get some skeletons and use them for Venetian blinds.
17:36Now, let's see.
17:37Who can I ask?
17:38I can ask Peoria Joe, Walla Walla Bolivar, Michigan Fred, Weehawken Bess,
17:44Oh, that's what we'll do.
17:45We'll play some games.
17:47Let's see.
17:48We can play Duffler Apples amongst those guys.
17:49I love you.
17:50It'll be great.
17:52Then we can play Pin the Stuff on the Donkey.
17:53And then Post Office.
17:54You kiss my girl, I'll stick you with a knife.
17:55I'll shoot you.
17:56I'll cook my hip.
17:57My hip.
17:58What are we getting excited about?
17:59There's nothing to be afraid of.
18:00Who's excited and who's afraid?
18:01That's one side of my nature that never comes up.
18:02Let's see.
18:03Who can I ask?
18:04I can ask Peoria Joe, Walla Walla Bolivar, Michigan Fred, Weehawken Bess.
18:05I love you.
18:06I'll stick you with a knife.
18:07I'll shoot you.
18:09The body.
18:10No, nothing to be afraid of.
18:12We'll play some games.
18:14We'll play some games.
18:16Then we'll play Pin the Stuff on the Donkey.
18:20And then Post Office.
18:26The body. No no.
18:45So death so that all the dice that night. That night reaping.
18:52A grim harvest of horror harvest of horror.
18:58He dragged the body he dragged the body down the stairs down the stairs into the kitchen
19:05Into the kitchen and put him into the icebox
19:13Who the mayor?
19:17No, don't lock him up. Put him in the icebox. Put him in the icebox. No, no, no, not the mayor. Send him home
19:26The maniac killer the maniac killer was doomed
19:31By the crimson hatchet
19:35He held in his blood-drenched hands. Blood-drenched hands.
19:41Blood-drenched hands
19:43They got him in the end. They got him in the end.
19:50The end. Yeah, I got that. They got him in the end. I said finis.
20:00When I get mad, there's something I gotta do about it. I gotta give way to myself. I'm like the terrible timid Mr. Bing.
20:05You're brave. You're wonderful. I love you.
20:07Say that again. I love you.
20:10Well, I love you, too.
20:15What are we getting all excited about?
20:18After all, there's nothing to worry about. He can't hurt us. He's dead.
20:23Tell you what we'll do. We'll call the undertakers and get them to take him out of here. Better than that, I'll call the police. Okay.
20:29Whether they're heading right to or not, he gave me this property and the least I can do to show my
20:34appreciation is to give him a decent burial.
20:37What will it be? Under the cypress or oleander? Oleander. It's poisonous.
20:42In two hours, we could be in New York with millions of people around and all of them alive.
20:51I'll take it.
20:56Chief of police. Boy, am I glad to see you. Why? Well, I, you see, the thing happened this morning. Who are these people?
21:01Well, that's my wife. That's my chauffeur. That's, uh... And who are you? I'm Webster Fry.
21:06I phoned you. And this? Well, he just hangs around. I hung a man once that looked like you.
21:12Herbie, check up on him. Oh, he was a professional hangman. He hung Honey Boy Sprague, who used to own this house.
21:16He gave it to me. My father gave it to us. We came up here for a honeymoon. So far,
21:20we've had all the privacy of Grand Central Station. Yeah, it looks like an old Indian trail running right through here.
21:24I'm not interested in real estate. I came up here to, uh...
21:28To find a corpse. To find a corpse.
21:31Would you mind telling me where I could find the deceased? In the parlor.
21:36You might have said so. You might have asked me.
21:40In the parlor. Go on, all of you. That means you too. Come on.
21:44I begs to be excused. I was allergic to corpses. In there.
21:48All right, Herbie, let's get it opened up.
21:51Empty. Gone. Thank goodness. Makes you so glad. Why shouldn't she be glad?
21:55She didn't order it. She didn't want it. She hasn't any use for it. And she's glad to be without it.
22:00So you hid it. Why should I hide it? I don't know. Maybe you're making a collection.
22:05You're a... My collar. Read it at your leisure and call me at the office any time.
22:10Come on, honey. You get the car, Harmony.
22:14My butt is willing, but my knees won't raise to the occasion.
22:18I'm disappointed. I did want you all to see how I'd straightened him out.
22:24You sure you hung him until he was dead?
22:26When I hang him, they stay hanged.
22:29Quiet. I've got to think. When I think, I've got to have quiet.
22:34It's the creative artist in me.
22:36Whoop! Lock the doors. Maybe we've got something here.
22:39Hey, smooth it. Look. Police car.
23:04Hey, maybe we'd better scram, huh?
23:06Don't be silly. We're not backing out on account of a cop.
23:08You could be the one that's being silly.
23:10Why leave with your chin? You could come back after the cops leave.
23:13We're going in now. Now remember your characters. Look sad.
23:17Yeah, look sad.
23:19Oh, shut up.
23:20I ain't do nothing to yours. He mustn't marry with you.
23:26Hold everything.
23:27Sure. Corpses don't hop out of coffins and walk away, do they, Herbie?
23:30They do not.
23:31They've got to have help, don't they, Herbie?
23:33They sure do.
23:34So, who moved him?
23:35Come on, honey.
23:36As you were.
23:37You can't stop us.
23:38Of course you can't stop us.
23:39Didn't you ever read the Bill of Rights, the Delegation of the Penitentiary?
23:42The case of Mr. Longfellow versus the Penitentiary.
23:45As you were.
23:49Now, no more visitors. We're closed to the public.
23:52Come in.
23:53Good afternoon, officer.
23:55Who are you and what do you want?
23:56We're relatives of the deceased.
23:58We came to give him a decent burial.
24:00This is Big Sister Josie.
24:02This is Little Sister Mabel.
24:04And I'm sad.
24:06And these two gentlemen are his bereaved cousin.
24:08How about yourself? Are you a relative, too?
24:10No. I'm the family lawyer.
24:13Hmm. Fraternity brother.
24:15Whom do we have to thank for shipping the late Mr. Sprague here?
24:20Nobody claimed him, so I took it on myself.
24:22I hope I didn't break the law.
24:24No, just a slight inconvenience.
24:26A useless trip to the prison.
24:27And back, of course.
24:28Nice to be allowed to come back.
24:32May we see him?
24:33Sure. Go ahead.
24:35Come on.
24:42Somebody's selling tickets.
24:44Oh, outside, folks.
24:46Have to wait for the next show.
24:47Get away, son. You're bothering me.
24:49Come on.
24:51He's gone.
24:53Say, what is this, a joke?
24:54What have you done with my brother?
24:56I demand to see my cousin's remains.
24:58Hey, this ain't no time for no practical joke,
25:00even if you were a chief of police.
25:02Gee, maybe he got better and left.
25:04This is no practical joke.
25:05We just discovered the body is missing.
25:07In a few minutes, four of you can go home.
25:09I don't care.
25:10I don't care.
25:11I don't care.
25:12I don't care.
25:13I don't care.
25:14I don't care.
25:15I don't care.
25:16I don't care.
25:17I don't care.
25:18I don't care.
25:19The body's missing in a few minutes.
25:20Four of you came in.
25:22Let me tell you something.
25:23Now, Josie, let the chief explain.
25:26But I'm Ralph's big sister.
25:28I practically raised him from a baby.
25:30He was like my son.
25:34Now, don't get excited, Josie.
25:35Don't take on like that.
25:37You'll get hiccups.
25:38Remember your ulcers.
25:40Got any idea where the body is, chief?
25:42It's around here somewhere.
25:43That is, it was in the coffin
25:44when the expressman brought it.
25:45We'll search every room in the house.
25:47We'll start in the cellar.
25:48Where is it?
25:51I know that.
25:53Come on, everybody.
25:54Come on, the chief said everybody.
25:57Right this way, ladies and gentlemen. The bus leaves in five minutes.
26:00Chinatown, the Bowery and Eden's Museum. Oh, you'll love that spot.
26:03Lots of hangings there.
26:04Fatima, who dances with everything but her feet.
26:07Why, Ben, I never knew that you knew about those things.
26:14Hold it, everybody.
26:15Hey, boys, Frank.
26:16Oh, that's only a dummy.
26:18I had to practice with it every day.
26:20Well, don't do it again.
26:22And don't practice on me.
26:23Come on, everybody. Help me look.
26:25Come on, everybody.
26:47Instead of the bottom, we'll start at the top.
26:50Where is it? Don't answer.
26:51Come on, everybody. All of you.
26:53Can I go with you, Pee-Pee?
26:54All right, everybody. Go on upstairs.
26:56Go on.
27:18You two.
27:22Hurry. I want this place searched thoroughly.
27:24Search every room. Search every nook and cranny.
27:27What's that?
27:28It's in there!
27:35It's all right. Let me in. Don't crowd.
27:38There's nobody in here.
27:41Oh, this must be the crash we heard.
27:44He's still around.
27:45Where could he hide?
27:47I got it.
27:50Come out of that closet, or we'll start shooting.
27:53Come out with your hands in the air.
27:55I'll count three.
27:56One, two, three.
27:59All right, Herbie. Show them how we shoot.
28:13You got him!
28:14You got him!
28:16We never miss.
28:23What is this?
28:25It's that dummy again.
28:27Put him in there.
28:28That's right, Chief.
28:30He couldn't walk in.
28:31Lots of dummies can walk.
28:32You'll get around all right.
28:33Oh, thank you.
28:34What do you want me to do with him?
28:36Put him down in the cellar.
28:37Should I hang him?
28:39No, just put him.
28:40He looks better hanging.
28:41No personality.
28:45I saw you pick up something in the bedroom closet.
28:47What was it?
28:51What do you make of it?
28:52It looks like it was drawn by a drunk at the jitters.
28:57Don't you do that.
28:58It might mean something.
29:00So, you're trying to run out on me, eh?
29:02No, we're not trying to run out on you.
29:04When we go anyplace, we walk.
29:06The Bill of Rights?
29:08Invading the privacy of a man's home?
29:10So, you're trying to run out on me, eh?
29:12No, we're not trying to run out on you.
29:13When we go anyplace, we walk.
29:16The Bill of Rights?
29:17Invading the privacy of a man's home?
29:19So it's fine?
29:20You sent for me, didn't you?
29:22That I did.
29:23Is there any reason why my husband and I
29:25can't go back to New York and start our married life
29:27in the peace and quiet of the roaring city?
29:29My wife's right.
29:30There's no reason for us to stay here any longer.
29:32You two were here when the corpse directly arrived,
29:34and you were here when it disappeared.
29:36Nobody leaves this house till I find that body.
29:38Herbie, bring up the baggage.
29:40Get ready to stay here for the night.
29:41Yes, but what do we do for sustenance?
29:43Herbie, phone for some food.
29:45What do you think I'd better get?
29:46Oh, let's have hamburgers and onions.
29:48A steak sandwich.
29:49A little spaghetti.
29:51Yeah, ice cream with pickles.
29:52And some bicarbonate.
29:53Can I have some pork chop?
29:55And bring some liquor.
29:57I'll take care of all of you.
29:58You gotta make the best of it
29:59till I finish this investigation.
30:01We're just as interested in finding the corpse
30:03of the lector as you are.
30:04Aren't we, folks?
30:05Yeah, yeah.
30:06You ain't kidding.
30:08And as far as your legal rights is concerned,
30:09holding us here, you have not.
30:11So, you're gonna give me that bill of rights.
30:15That deleration of penance routine.
30:18The law says...
30:22Herbie, tell him what the law says.
30:25Well, uh, uh...
30:26Well, they're all related to Honey Boy.
30:27That's suspicion enough.
30:29Take him in and lock him up if you want to.
30:31That's what I meant.
30:33You're under arrest.
30:36The gun jumped into the policeman's hand and spat once,
30:39shooting the fiend right between the eyes.
30:41Then the following officer smiled at the lovers and said,
30:44I'm known as One-Shot Murphy, frugal, I'd say,
30:47and walked out, leaving the lovers
30:50chuckling and happy with their joy.
30:53Well, Chiefie, it certainly is a surprise
30:55to find out that you're an author,
30:56as well as a fine, upstanding servant of the public.
30:59Yes, Chief, it sure is thrilling stuff.
31:02What a thrill it is to be an author.
31:05What a flair you have for the dramatic.
31:08You like my flair?
31:10I'll bet you've actually been through
31:11all those experiences yourself.
31:13Well, of course.
31:14You just couldn't make up that kind of stuff.
31:16It's too real.
31:17But you marked my words.
31:18Why don't you buy some cold cream?
31:20I forgot mine.
31:21Help yourself, dear.
31:24You marked my words.
31:26I'll get a whale of a story in this house
31:28as soon as I find Honey Boy Sprague's body.
31:30Could I trouble you for a cigarette?
31:32Not at all.
31:34Help yourself.
31:35It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to be a writer.
31:38You must think I was brought up in Brooklyn or something.
31:41The guy is trying to tell me that 62 and 28 is 100.
31:45Be quiet, will you?
31:46I beg your pardon.
31:48We had a little argument.
31:49We were playing gin rummy and we...
31:50All right, boys, all right.
31:51Sit down.
31:52Sit down!
31:55It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to be a writer.
31:57Either one of you folks could learn it.
31:59Well, coming from you, Chief,
32:01that's a whale of a compliment.
32:03Man, go away.
32:04Stop pestering me, will you?
32:06I ain't bothering you.
32:07I'm just playing.
32:08Sit down and listen to the Chief.
32:11It's just a matter of looking after details.
32:14What are the details?
32:15Well, you see, for instance,
32:18there's little characteristics that trap criminals.
32:21I'm sorry to barge in on you like this, Chief,
32:23but I feel kind of useless downstairs alone
32:25and nobody to watch.
32:27That's all right, Herbie.
32:28Sit down.
32:29You folks don't mind, do you?
32:30Oh, no, not at all.
32:31I hope you can all find yourselves a chair.
32:34Yeah, isn't it wonderful
32:35that we can all be here together like this?
32:37Take Honey Boy.
32:38He had a head tattooed on his arm.
32:41It identified him and sent him to the chair.
32:42Not the chairs.
32:44I hung him.
32:45Of course.
32:46Now, take Honey Boy's partner, Smoothie Lewis.
32:48He had a nervous habit of crossing, uncrossing his fingers.
32:51Well, I could spot him in a room with a hundred other people.
32:54You see these details?
32:56Do you ever see one of these?
32:57Now, that's Killer Blake's identification.
32:59Pictures, scars, marks, fingerprints, the whole works.
33:02Say, if that guy came within a hundred yards of this place,
33:04I'd spot him in a minute.
33:05Say, it's marvelous what they can do today, isn't it?
33:09It certainly is.
33:10Who wrote this?
33:12The Chief.
33:14It's rotten.
33:16Oh, what's that?
33:18Come on, get out of here.
33:19Get out of here.
33:21These people want to go to bed.
33:22Come on, out.
33:23Out, every one of you.
33:24Come on.
33:25Well, good night, folks.
33:29Pleasant dreams.
33:30Good night.
33:35Good night, ma'am.
33:37Good night, Mr. Webb.
33:38Good night.
33:43New York is so pleasant at this time of the year.
33:55Now, it's too selfish of me.
33:58I wouldn't be fed of the bunch.
34:05Oh, hello.
34:07Can I borrow a blanket?
34:12What's the matter?
34:13Are we going too fast?
34:17This place is busier than a meat market with meat.
34:20How do you like this little number?
34:22Oh, I think it's scrumptious.
34:25How did they get in here?
34:28Heaven must have sent you over.
34:32Well, heaven's got to get me back.
34:33Oh, I like you, though.
34:34I like you very much.
34:36Now, go away, will you?
34:37I'm married.
34:38Yeah, but I'm not.
34:39I'm only engaged to Ted.
34:40You know, the beefy one?
34:42Yeah, what do you think?
34:43I don't care what he thinks.
34:44I'm fed up with him.
34:45I'm going to get married.
34:46I'm going to get married.
34:48I'm going to get married.
34:49I don't care what he thinks.
34:50I'm fed up with him anyways.
34:51He's always trying to bust somebody in two or something.
34:57Well, anyway, you can't say it's been a dull evening.
35:08Oh, but I like you.
35:10That's all, brother.
35:11What's the matter?
35:13Wait a minute.
35:14Wait a minute.
35:15I better look out here and see what's going on.
35:16Let me just check.
35:19Come on.
35:34Come on, Cal.
35:45A little something I picked up in Valley.
35:47How sweet.
35:55Where were you?
35:57Oh, I don't know.
36:00So you're like I'm dumb, huh?
36:01Who, I?
36:02No, the blonde next door.
36:05Did you see me go in there?
36:06No, but I saw you come out.
36:08How'd I get in there?
36:10You tell me.
36:12I bet I have an explanation in the morning.
36:13I'll bet you do.
36:14Oh, don't be like that.
36:17I don't get it.
36:20I walked in there.
36:21You saw me.
36:23Walked in just like this.
36:27There I was.
36:30What'd you do?
36:31Dye your hair?
36:32Well, what's the big idea?
36:33Now, don't get me wrong.
36:35Oh, you're in again.
36:36Hot dog.
36:37Yeah, but not for long.
36:45What do you want?
36:46Just out.
36:49Let me look first.
36:50You want to go to One Piece, don't you?
36:51That would make me very happy.
37:15So you switched to a brunette, huh?
37:17This house must be full of secret passages.
37:19Full of secrets, all right.
37:27So that's how you do it.
37:28Connecting doors.
37:31She locked you out.
37:32Oh, honey.
37:33Don't you honey me, you Casanova.
37:35But I am.
37:37But I am.
37:38And don't call me any more names.
37:40Clara found you out.
37:41My mother told me that you...
37:43Oh, the missing guest.
37:45Your mother.
37:46You might as well have brought her along
37:47with your father, too.
38:09Treat her so sweetly.
38:10More like a friend than a husband.
38:15I'd like to...
38:17You brute.
38:18What have you...
38:24You might have killed me.
38:30Do you believe that?
38:31I believe anything of you now.
38:44It opened right there.
38:49Oh, a staircase.
38:51More secrets.
38:54Oh, I mean, let's not go down there.
38:55You can't tell what we might meet.
38:56Oh, don't be silly.
38:58We might meet a redhead.
38:59Oh, wait, wait.
39:00I take it all back.
39:01I'm not jealous.
39:02Let's wait till daylight.
39:04Oh, no.
39:05We might find Honey Boy Sprague wandering around.
39:06Maybe we can solve this mystery.
39:07Oh, no.
39:08I take it all back.
39:10I'm not jealous.
39:11Let's wait till daylight.
39:12Oh, no.
39:13And to think we could have been in California.
39:24Don't push.
39:26I didn't.
39:29I guess not.
39:44Oh, stick him up.
39:55Hit him with the light.
39:56Hit him with the light.
39:58Web, it's dead.
40:01I know.
40:03Let me have it.
40:14I heard that noise again.
40:15So did I.
40:16Let's get out of here.
40:20I'll go on my own.
40:21I'm not holding your arm.
40:22Well, somebody is.
40:23Turn on the light.
40:25You've got it.
40:30It doesn't work.
40:31But we'll see.
40:32We'll see.
40:33We'll see.
40:34We'll see.
40:36We'll see.
40:37We'll see.
40:38We'll see.
40:39We'll see.
40:40We'll see.
40:42We'll see.
40:43Well, it would if you'd turn it around.
40:50Somebody tried to kill me.
40:51Oh, darling, are you hurt?
40:53But pull it out.
40:56Somebody's throwing darts.
40:59I'll take this.
41:01If anybody bothers us, I'll cut them to ribbons.
41:05Oh, you're full of baloney.
41:06What's eating you?
41:07And I never even saw the guy until we came here.
41:10You sure work fast, don't you?
41:11You're crazy to think I'd see anything in him.
41:14Give me credit.
41:15Anyways, I'm the one he's interested in.
41:18He called on me first.
41:20But I saw him come right out of that wall
41:22without his white horse.
41:23Oh, you're heads full of tacks.
41:25I got brains I haven't even used yet.
41:42Don't drop a gun on him.
41:50Go on.
42:03Hold tight.
42:11Where are we?
42:42Look, it's Bally Bally.
42:43Oh, we're back in our own room again.
42:46Nice house your father bought.
42:48Look at the fun we can have.
42:49You chase me, I'll chase you.
42:50Up ladders, down ladders, through the pile.
42:52What's the matter? You got something stuck in your throat?
42:54What is your game, brother?
42:55Oh, I don't care. Peanut or anything.
42:57Hold it!
43:05What are you wandering around the house for?
43:07What are you looking for?
43:09It's our house. We can go anywhere we like.
43:10Shut up, sister. I'm not asking you.
43:13You can't talk to my wife like that.
43:15Yeah, who says I can't?
43:16Ever hear of Bobo Hutch of Pittsburgh?
43:20What are you talking about?
43:22You mean your Bobo?
43:23I'll scram if you want to bump him off.
43:26Why don't you stop?
43:28There, see? He's gonna blow his topper.
43:31Pay no attention to a pal.
43:32After all, we're here for the same thing.
43:34We can make a deal.
43:35Don't count his word too much, sugar.
43:38What kind of a deal?
43:39Let's say we split 60-40, no matter who finds the stuff.
43:44Don't be a chump, honey. They're muscling in.
43:47Look, Bobo, give us a break.
43:51Okay, it's a deal.
43:53Got any angles?
43:55Maybe. Have you?
43:57Only the tattoo mark. That's the key to the stuff.
44:00You know that, don't you?
44:02Bobo, don't miss nothing.
44:05Well, I'll talk to you about it in the morning. Now, beat it.
44:10From now on, we're taking orders from you.
44:12If there's anything you want done, like eliminating that chief of police,
44:16just say the word.
44:19Good night.
44:29Hard to do.
44:32You were terrific.
44:33So now I'm Bobo Hutch,
44:35enemy number one, two, three from Pittsburgh.
44:39You certainly are a great help to me.
45:05You're a great help to me.
45:07You're a great help to me.
45:10You're a great help to me.
45:12You're a great help to me.
45:14You're a great help to me.
45:16You're a great help to me.
45:18You're a great help to me.
45:21You're a great help to me.
45:23You're a great help to me.
45:25You're a great help to me.
45:27You're a great help to me.
45:29You're a great help to me.
45:32You're a great help to me.
45:34You're a great help to me.
45:36You're a great help to me.
45:38You're a great help to me.
45:40You're a great help to me.
45:42You're a great help to me.
45:45You're a great help to me.
45:47You're a great help to me.
45:49You're a great help to me.
45:51You're a great help to me.
45:53You're a great help to me.
45:56You're a great help to me.
45:58You're a great help to me.
46:00You're a great help to me.
46:02We've been all over the house.
46:04There's been a hold-up and a killing.
46:06That Chief Bagnall come right out.
46:09Can't send anybody out now.
46:11The Chief's out with all the men except me
46:13and the Sprague Farm on an important case.
46:15There's been a murder.
46:17You get someone to the Sprague Farm and tell the Chief right away.
46:21He'll fire you if he misses the murder, you know that.
46:23Maybe you're right.
46:25I'll drive out and tell him myself.
46:32Okay, Keller, step in.
46:51No funny business or I'll kill you.
46:55Oh my goodness, what are they going to think of me?
47:02Mr. Webb, Mr. Webb, wake up and let me in.
47:16Wait a minute.
47:17What's going on here?
47:18What's the matter with you?
47:19What happened?
47:20Mr. Webb, we got to get out of this place right away.
47:21There's ghosts walking around with guns and coming out of walls and using phones and ain't
47:26Oh, now calm down.
47:27What about those ghosts?
47:28Where were they?
47:29In the library.
47:30One of them took a gun in his hand and another comes out of the wall right in the back of
47:33my head and used the phone and the first one took the first one away with him.
47:38Oh, he must be dreaming.
47:39There's only one phone in this house.
47:40I've searched it from top to bottom.
47:43If you did, you missed the middle.
47:44Oh, here's the phone.
47:45Now I can show it to you.
47:46All right.
47:47Let's go take a look at it.
47:48You stay here.
47:49No, you don't.
47:50I won't stay here alone.
47:51I won't.
47:52Don't come near me.
47:53We're not going to take any more chances.
47:54Let's go.
47:55Maybe I better wake up the chief.
48:03What for?
48:04Can't you handle it yourself?
48:06Oh, say, I like the way you do it with that keen mind and that zip while you found the
48:10people murdered.
48:11Now show us that phone.
48:12I was sleeping right over there and a man...
48:14All right, all right.
48:15Now show me that phone you were talking about.
48:17It's right over there among them booths.
48:22This is a silly idea, who ever heard of a phone behind a bunch of books?
48:36By golly he's right!
48:37Uh oh!
48:38Don't put your hand on that receiver, there might be fingerprints.
48:40Yes, and the first ghost called up the police department.
48:44The police department?
48:46What'd he say?
48:47Let me see, I don't remember exactly.
48:49My body was here, but my mind was on Lennox Avenue.
48:53Aw, come on, how many things?
48:55Yes, sir.
48:56Whoever answered the phone, he told them that he should, uh, he should, uh...
49:00Come on, come on.
49:02He should, uh...
49:05And he said that the chief should come to the roadhouse if there's been a hold up in
49:31the killing.
49:32What's the first thing?
49:33Coming right out of that wall right there.
49:41Which one is it?
49:42Right here.
49:43Sounded like the ghost done killed somebody.
49:44That's like Screams of the Night, chapter four, remember?
49:46Gotta man.
49:47What was that?
49:48Follow me.
49:50What's the matter down there?
49:54Over there!
49:56It's that dummy again!
49:59Wait till I get ahold of that old buzzer.
50:03Come on out or I'll let you have it!
50:09Come on, come on!
50:13Come on, I'll let you have it.
50:14Come on, come on.
50:17Where have you been?
50:18I sneaked out to my own bed.
50:20I can't sleep if I don't hear the chickens cackle.
50:23You stayed away long enough to hang that dummy again.
50:25This is no dummy.
50:27It's one of Honey Boy's cousins.
50:28Yeah, it's Ted, all right.
50:30Well, uh, uh, you're under arrest.
50:34Yes, you.
50:35This is some of your work.
50:36That's an amateur job.
50:37You'll go to the gas chamber for this.
50:39I'll never live down to this grave.
50:41This man was killed before he was hung.
50:43How do you know?
50:45Screams in the night.
50:46Your bathtub murder, the last chapter, remember?
50:49Well, you're probably right.
50:51That knot never killed a man.
50:53Perhaps hid him in there.
50:54Get your hands off of me.
50:58Leave me flat, huh?
51:00That's what he thinks.
51:02Walk out on him so fast it'll make your head split.
51:05Standing guard in this horrible house.
51:08No, sir, I don't have to stand up.
51:10I won't.
51:11Blond, blond brunette.
51:13What the heck's going on around here?
51:15Get out of here or he won't find me here when he comes back.
51:38Who are you, and what do you want?
51:58Sorry to barge in on you like this, lady.
52:00But just relax, keep your trap shut, and everything will be OK.
52:04You can't have that.
52:05It's mine.
52:06Give me that, lady.
52:09Help me!
52:10I don't want to be murdered!
52:12Oh, I don't want to be murdered!
52:18Hey, Chief, look!
52:19Killer Blake's picket fence!
52:22Come back here!
52:23Come back!
52:25Come on!
52:28You come back here!
52:29You get that back to me!
52:33That helmet is mine!
52:34You get it back to me in a minute!
52:36Give me that!
52:39Come on, Herbie!
52:41All right, we'll take charge now.
52:46Who are you?
52:47What's your name?
52:48Barney Google.
52:49What's yours?
52:50All right, Blake, we know you.
52:51What are you doing with this?
52:52I'm an art collector.
52:53Come on, on your feet.
52:54Put the cups on him, Herbie.
53:01Put them up.
53:03Now, back up just a little.
53:06A little more.
53:07Chiefie, could I trouble you to take Smoothie off my hands?
53:11Did you say Smoothie?
53:12Yeah, he's Smoothie Lewis, the fellow with the twitching fingers.
53:15I knew it all the time.
53:16You dirty double-crossing.
53:20Oh, no!
53:25What a story, Chief!
53:26How you captured Smoothie Lewis!
53:28Here, you put the handcuffs on him personally.
53:35Chief, you better come right away.
53:36There's been a murder out at Shady Knoll.
53:38Well, that was a phony tip.
53:39And Killer Blake escaped from the big house.
53:41He got Honey Boy out of his coffin and took his place in it.
53:44It's said that it's headed this way.
53:49Well, that looks like him there.
53:52What are you doing?
53:55What's that do?
53:56Get it open?
53:59Look, here.
54:07Look, Webby!
54:09We solved it!
54:11Well, I'm not going to argue with you.
54:12Here you are, Chief.
54:13Here's what all the shooting's about.
54:15Millions of dollars worth of them.
54:16Commonwealth diamonds.
54:17Congratulations, Chief.
54:18Great work.
54:19Now, get out, will you?
54:20Webby, I hope you get promoted.
54:21I hope they get a hundred and ten years.
54:23Get out!
54:26You're alone.
54:35Hey, so you got $800 off Honey Boy?
54:37I didn't run out of money.
54:38Didn't you all see the rope?
54:39Yeah, you can tie it out of my neck.
54:41Good idea.
54:42Let's keep the dummy.
54:46Mr. and Mrs. Fry, I'm Bischoff, the man that sold your father the house.
54:49But this isn't the house.
54:50The house is two miles down the street.
54:52But it's burned down.
54:53But don't let that discourage you, because I have a great many valuable estates here that I can...
55:03Shall I pack now?
55:05California, here we come.
55:09That dummy again.
55:11That ain't no dummy.
55:12That's one of them cousins.
55:22The End