Featuring "RED" a beautifully rendered "Film-Noir" styled CGI animated short film! In the dark districts of the metropolis, a mysterious serial killer strikes down red dressed women.
- Directed by Alexandre Charleux, Amaury Brunet, Ning Zhang and Victoria Bruneel.
- Music by Pierre Caillet.
- Sound design by Rodolphe Kay and Benoît Pallandre.
To see the HD version of this short film please visit: https://vimeo.com/48003887
The official website for the movie: www.redthefilm.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/RED-Supinfocom-short-film/295993083747443
Alexandre Charleux - www.eyellusive.c.la
Ning Zhang - zhangning831029.blogspot.com
Amaury Brunet - 3dba.net
Victoria Bruneel - cargocollective.com/victoriabruneel
- Directed by Alexandre Charleux, Amaury Brunet, Ning Zhang and Victoria Bruneel.
- Music by Pierre Caillet.
- Sound design by Rodolphe Kay and Benoît Pallandre.
To see the HD version of this short film please visit: https://vimeo.com/48003887
The official website for the movie: www.redthefilm.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/RED-Supinfocom-short-film/295993083747443
Alexandre Charleux - www.eyellusive.c.la
Ning Zhang - zhangning831029.blogspot.com
Amaury Brunet - 3dba.net
Victoria Bruneel - cargocollective.com/victoriabruneel