【Chiffon’s blog】August 30, 2019 Virgo New Moon【short version】

  • 2 年前
August 30, 2019
Anglaishe Princess

I'm Chiffon .
Today is the August 30, 2019 Virgo New Moon ♍️
During the previous new moon, I told you that Anglesh's watermelon
I told you during the last new moon that Anglesh watermelons have soft seeds and you can eat the whole seed.
The watermelon with hard, black seeds is grown mainly for eating the seeds.
The watermelons with hard, black seeds are grown mainly to eat the seeds.
If you are not in the habit of eating watermelon seeds, you may be surprised.
In Anglais, after frying the black seeds, only the shell is removed.
The fruit inside is then seasoned with salt, sugar, and herbs.
It's also nutritious and good for the skin ⭐️.
Once you start eating the spiced seeds
Once you start eating spiced seeds, they become so delicious that you can't stop ✨.
If you have a chance, you should try watermelon seeds❣️

Voice actress : Noriko Ueda
This audio was made available on the Vanikey LLC website for a limited time.


