• 3 years ago


02:01You think you deserve two kisses after the way you just treated me?
02:13Gosh, Peggy, I couldn't be sure your dad wasn't home till you answered me.
02:17I haven't forgotten the last time he caught me here, and how he promised to nail my hide
02:21to the barn if he ever caught me near you again.
02:23But that was over six months ago.
02:25Yes, I know, but he's not likely to grade me any higher now.
02:31What have you been doing since you left?
02:33Working steady.
02:34Horse breaking.
02:35Oh, Tom!
02:36That's worth $5 a head.
02:38Oh, you must have made a pile of money.
02:40Some weeks.
02:41A couple of hundred.
02:42Isn't that marvelous?
02:43Now you can start that little spread of your own.
02:45Like we planned.
02:46Like we...
02:48Peggy, I'm a low down good for nothing.
02:53When I drew the money out of the bank, I...
02:56It didn't look big enough, and I...
02:59I tried to double it.
03:01Oh, you mean you gambled?
03:03Yes, on the horse race.
03:05Oh, Tom, how much did you lose?
03:08All I had, about $2,000.
03:19Peggy, please don't cry.
03:22Oh, Tom.
03:23I'm afraid you've failed me.
03:46Out the window.
03:52My dad.
03:53Back from town already?
03:55Well, couldn't be two places at once, could I?
03:58What are you all fussing about?
04:00Oh, nothing.
04:01It's the curtains.
04:02The darn thing never did hang straight.
04:04Oh, what of it?
04:05You're always fussing with something.
04:07Seems to me you're all woman, Peg.
04:10Well, it's my fault I wasn't born a boy.
04:12You can't hold that against me.
04:14I do no such thing.
04:16While I'm considered the most generous man in the world,
04:19while I'm considered the most generous,
04:21most kind-hearted man in these here parts.
04:24Of course you are.
04:26Well, what happened in town?
04:28Did you have any trouble?
04:32We're about to lose the ranch.
04:35You mean Morley would take it?
04:39These bankers are a hard lot.
04:43After 20 years of hard work.
04:46Oh, I'm sorry, Dad.
04:48And all for the lack of a measly $1,000.
05:01Well, did Morley say what he was going to do?
05:05He talked mostly about you.
05:08About me?
05:10Said how sweet you were.
05:12That there weren't a gal in the valley
05:14could touch you for looks.
05:16Not a sponge.
05:17I can't imagine Jim Morley going romantic.
05:19The only girl he ever thought about was the one on the dollar.
05:22Well, he never said anything like that to me.
05:25Well, he's aiming to.
05:28Oh, I see.
05:30He'll be along here a while.
05:33And I imagine your being a little nice to him
05:37will go a long way in our keeping the ranch or not.
05:41Yes, I suppose it would.
05:45Of course, you're your own boss as always.
05:48So it's up to you.
05:51Oh, don't worry, Dad.
05:52I'll do the best I can.
06:00Maybe Morley ain't such a good looker
06:02as that worthless Tom Talbert you're
06:04about to throw yourself away on.
06:06But Morley's got money.
06:08And that's what it takes nowadays to make a woman happy.
06:12I'd think this thing over serious if I were you.
06:43Cheer up, honey.
06:44You don't need to give that Morley fellow any more
06:46edge than you ever mind to.
06:48But what about Dad?
06:50Peggy, I've had a chance to win your dad over.
06:53But I threw it away.
06:54I've had my lesson.
06:56I'm through with gambling forever.
06:58Yes, that's what you said before.
07:01Listen, Peggy, this time I'm meaning it.
07:09It's out of my life just like that.
07:11Now, don't worry about that $1,000.
07:13I'm going after it right now.
07:15Oh, but Tom, how can you?
07:16I don't know, honey.
07:17But I'm going to get it if I have
07:18to blast the town wide open.
07:20Oh, be careful, Tom.
07:21Don't do anything wild.
07:22This is one of these times when a man either
07:24quits or he fights.
07:25I'm fighting.
07:41I'm fighting.
08:12I'm fighting.
08:13I'm fighting.
08:42Hello, Ed Larkin.
08:43How are you?
08:44Hi, Tom.
08:46Say, Ed, I've got to raise me a heap of money quick.
08:51Uh, you don't know where there's a rodeo on
08:54or some wild horses to be caught, do you?
08:56No, I'd sure like to help you out, pal,
08:59but you're just a day late.
09:06Bank robbers!
09:09Get out of the house!
09:12Bank robbers!
09:15Bank robbers!
09:19Bank robbers!
09:28Not today.
09:34Here's a hat of one of the bank robbers, the initials are T.T., who's that?
09:41Tom Talbot, I recognize him, he went down there around the corner.
09:44How does it happen you have time for me during business hours, or am I a business proposition?
09:55Well, when I decide I want something, I don't wait, I go right out and get it.
10:01You and I are alike in that respect.
10:03I wonder what would happen if we were ever at cross-purposes over something.
10:08Four of them, riding like horse thieves, will you see me to my buggy?
10:21Of course.
10:32Well, goodbye.
10:33And thank you so much for the flowers.
10:35I'm glad you like them.
10:36I thought I'd drop by and take you for a ride.
10:39What are you doing tonight?
10:40Well, I, uh...
10:41Mr. Morton, I've been looking for you.
10:52Your bank was just held up.
10:54The bank?
10:55Yeah, I just saw four men pass by, burning up the road.
10:59Must have been them.
11:00Which way did they go?
11:01Well, they turned off up there, into the hills.
11:05We'll get them.
11:06Do you have any idea who it was?
11:11Only one of them was identified, and that was Tom Talbot.
11:15Well, I'll have to be hurrying back to town.
11:23I'll see you later.
12:26Mr. Morton.
12:32Mr. Morton.
12:38Mr. Morton.
12:44Mr. Morton.
12:52Hey, Luke!
13:02Talbot's headed your way.
13:03Get your boys out and grab him, and we'll split the reward.
13:16Come on.
13:24Come on.
13:32Come on.
13:40Come on.
13:48Come on.
13:56Come on.
14:04Come on.
14:12Have you seen Tom Talbot?
14:24No, you darn fool.
14:25That's who we're looking for.
14:26Well, we were chasing him, but he took to the bottom.
14:46Take him out.
15:11Come on.
15:22Put him on the back of you.
15:25Come on.
15:36Get your face down there.
15:41Get me down there, or I'll plug you.
15:42What's the matter with you?
16:11Almost called Talbot.
16:13Where is he?
16:14Which way did he go?
16:15Where's Talbot?
16:17How do I know?
16:18He told me to keep my face, no mud.
16:34Are you alone?
16:35Yes, for the moment.
16:36Dad's out at the barn.
16:37Oh, Tom, why did you do it?
16:39That wasn't the way to help us.
16:40Honey, of course you think I robbed the bank
16:42after what I said, but I didn't.
16:44If I had that money, don't you suppose I'd hand some
16:46of it over to you right now?
16:47Oh, yes.
16:48Oh, I'm so glad you didn't.
16:50But why have they accused you?
16:51They say that you were recognized among the robbers.
16:53Oh, that's easy to explain.
16:54Sit down.
16:55I'll tell you all about it.
17:08There's only one way out for me.
17:11That's to get a hold of Ed and make him own up that I had
17:13nothing to do with the robbery.
17:15I'm afraid Ed Larkin will never do that.
17:17He might as well confess his guilt himself.
17:20But I've got to clear myself.
17:23Your dad will have a hard time with Morley.
17:26Morley's a tough man to handle.
17:28I'm sure of it, Tom.
17:31You wait for me.
17:32I won't let you down.
17:33I promise, Tom.
17:54Well, you got good for nothing.
17:57Drop that gun.
18:00Oh, Dad!
18:02Throw up them hands.
18:05You win, Dad.
18:06I told you what to expect.
18:08If ever you came back here again,
18:11I wish you'd have held that gun so I could have blasted you.
18:15Oh, Dad, it's all a mistake about this.
18:17Honest it is.
18:18He had nothing to do.
18:22Who's there?
18:23Let him in, Peggy.
18:24Oh, please, Dad.
18:25Let him in, I said.
18:34Oh, Sheriff, you're a little late for the reward.
18:37But you can take him to jail for me.
18:39You're under arrest.
18:54Don't worry, honey.
18:55I'll keep my promise.
19:24Good riddance.
19:27Now I hope you'll take my advice and forget him.
19:30Not at all.
19:31I'm going to hire a good lawyer and do
19:32everything I can to help him.
19:34Oh, so you think I can't judge a man at my age.
19:39I know him better than you do, Dad.
19:41You wait and see.
19:42Well, we'll see.
19:44Darn you, Tom.
19:45I'm your lawyer.
19:46And I won't let you go into court and plead guilty.
19:49It's quite kind of you to put up a fight for me, Mr. Cruz.
19:52But I'm pleading guilty just the same.
19:55In heaven's name, why?
19:58I said my same.
20:00Now, listen, my boy.
20:01I'm not going to let you get away with this.
20:04I'm not going to let you get away with this.
20:06I'm not going to let you get away with this.
20:08I'm not going to let you get away with this.
20:10I'm not going to let you get away with this.
20:12Now, listen, my boy.
20:13It's a mighty weak case against you.
20:16And with your help, I'll sure get you off.
20:20No, it's no use.
20:23All right, then.
20:24Go to jail and see how you like it.
20:33Therefore, it is the judgment of this court
20:36that you be imprisoned for a term of five years.
20:41But in consideration of your past good record,
20:44the court directs that your sentence be served on the road gang,
20:48where your health will not be impaired by confinement.
21:07During these things, I'm always forgetting.
21:10Of course you are.
21:11But I know you shouldn't be wearing them.
21:13And I'm going to prove it.
21:14I knew you'd keep your end up.
21:16By the way, did your dad get the reward?
21:18Oh, yes.
21:19After your arrest, a conviction, why, Morley had to pay it.
21:21Then Dad paid it right back to him.
21:23And now he's in the clear.
21:25And Tom.
21:26Oh, you ought to see the change in him.
21:28Why, he's a different man.
21:30I hope the change in him includes the way he feels about me.
21:33Well, of course, I told him what you did and why.
21:35But he wouldn't believe me.
21:37If he were to think any good of me,
21:39it wouldn't be a change.
21:41It'd be a revolution.
21:43I'm sorry, young lady,
21:44but I've got to deliver this prisoner at the road camp by sundown.
21:50Listen, I tracked those four men,
21:52and they didn't turn up Buckhorn Canyon as Morley said they did.
21:55They went up Black Rock.
21:56I'm trailing them again tomorrow.
21:57Be careful, Peggy.
21:58Don't take any chances.
21:59I'm going to get you out of this fix.
22:01Now, is there anything I can do for you while you're away?
22:05Take care of my horse.
22:06Oh, of course I will.
22:09Well, young man, let's get going.
22:16Be careful.
22:40What's the matter, Dad?
22:41Ashamed to be caught petting your stock?
22:43Petting nothing.
22:44I was just looking them over for ticks.
22:46You can't fool me.
22:47I know you've got the kindest heart in the world.
22:50Where'd you get that horse?
22:52Oh, we're keeping him for Tom.
22:55Yes, Tom.
23:08We're keeping him for Tom.
23:10Five years is a mighty long time
23:12to pass your horse for that fellow.
23:14I can't seem for what.
23:16Now, Dad, I told you what Tom did for us.
23:19Say, he's as guilty as Jesse James.
23:22I'm proving that otherwise.
23:24How are you going to do it?
23:26Maybe by the time I get back from the little ride
23:28I'm taking today, I'll have a better idea.
23:39Good dog.
23:40Good dog.
24:08Good dog.
24:09Good dog.
24:10Good dog.
24:11Good dog.
24:12Good dog.
24:13Good dog.
24:14Good dog.
24:15Good dog.
24:16Good dog.
24:17Good dog.
24:18Good dog.
24:19Good dog.
24:20Good dog.
24:21Good dog.
24:22Good dog.
24:23Good dog.
24:24Good dog.
24:25Good dog.
24:26Good dog.
24:27Good dog.
24:28Good dog.
24:29Good dog.
24:30Good dog.
24:31Good dog.
24:32Good dog.
24:33Good dog.
24:34Good dog.
24:35Good dog.
24:36Good dog.
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28:21Good dog.
28:22Good dog.
28:23Good dog.
28:24Good dog.
28:25Good dog.
28:26Good dog.
28:27Good dog.
28:28Good dog.
28:31Tom G., it's good to see you in here.
28:34Now, is that nice?
28:35Well, you know what I mean.
28:37Hey, cut that out.
28:38No talking on the job.
28:42When did you get in?
28:44Last night.
28:45How'd they treat ya?
28:47Not bad, till tonight.
28:49Okay, if I'm alive, I'm in for shooting at tinhorn.
28:54There's a couple of these pals over there.
28:58I mean even with me I'm not on the job. I want to. See you later.
29:50That I can't get in with them now.
30:15Hands up.
30:19Get around are you.
30:24You for report the captain tonight and he'll finish it.
30:29I'll pick up those shovels you're going down to bury that guy to try to make
30:32a getaway come on get moving.
30:49For how did you get here I sneak down the hospital tent go back before you get
30:54shot I come because I want to square myself with you for what happened today
30:58this is Tom maybe I can help you to get out of here it's no use making
31:03a break shorty you know what happens they shoot you down you got me wrong maybe
31:08you get pardoned or acquitted go on shorty what's on your mind it was drunk one
31:13night and he told me you didn't have anything to do with
31:16a bank robbery it was
31:17a higher job more they paid the boys out of his own pocket to cover up
31:21a big hole in the bank's cash that's good to know shorty but unless I could get
31:27a hold of it and make him tell it in court.
31:57And Tom the handwriting in the money bag is identical to Jim Marley's that
32:01certainly checks with what shorty told me but we still haven't enough legal
32:05evidence to do me any good it's
32:07a question of making it lock and talk somehow I haven't seen it except today
32:12chase me down the canyon he knows men must have
32:15a hideout somewhere at Black Rock sure and it was look out that day did he
32:20recognize you I don't think so why if those men knew how much you had on them
32:26already you wouldn't be safe promise me you won't go up there again I'll do no
32:31such thing if the man who can kill you is hiding up Black Rock I'm going to find
32:35him and get the truth out of him it's a man's job Peggy I'd rather wait for five
32:39years than have you get hurt trying to help me thank you please promise me you
32:44won't take any more chances time's up.
32:48Goodbye Tom thank you won't you promise me no goodbye.
32:52Report back to work.
33:17Well you old horse thief where'd you steal that outfit the warden gave it to
33:21me for a present I've been promoted for good conduct well that's fine Tom I'm
33:25glad of it come on give me a load of dirt you'll do
33:28a lowdown laborer so we can have a talk.
33:43I heard by the grapevine some of the boys speaking on a break today I don't know
33:48a thing about it except they haven't got one chance in a hundred but they're taking
33:53it look.
34:05Come on get going and drive like the devil you haven't got
34:08a chance drive or I'll let you have it.
34:18Get going catch that wagon.
34:48Stop Tom let me off.
38:17I'm going for a ride, Dad.
38:19All right.
38:20Well, what's that?
38:32Oh, let's see.
38:33Howdy, Dad.
38:47Hi, Sheriff.
38:48We're hunting for four outlaws that held up the Westbound Limited last night.
38:51And they were seen heading in this direction.
38:53Well, they ain't here, Sheriff.
38:54Well, I'm not saying that you're harboring them.
38:57Just thought maybe you'd heard or seen something of them.
38:59No, not a thing.
39:02If we do, we'll let you know.
39:03Well, there's a big reward out for those men, Miss Peggy.
39:06They got away with $50,000 worth of bonds.
39:11I'll be up around Buckhorn Mountain most of the day in case...
39:16Say, Tom Talbot broke jail.
39:20I'm looking for him, too.
39:22And if you see him, you tell him that my advice is that he goes right back where he came from.
39:28And if I have to catch him and take him back, it'll mean another year or so for him.
39:33Thanks for telling me, Sheriff.
39:35If he comes around here, he'll know what to expect.
39:38If anything happens, you know where I'll be.
39:49Four men.
39:51Always four.
39:53It must be the same men that held up Morley's bank.
39:57If you figure that out, it could be another four.
40:01Yes, it could.
40:03But, Dad, what good would all those bonds be to the sort of men who would hold up the train
40:08if they hadn't a way to dispose of them?
40:11Maybe there's something to that.
40:14Perhaps they've got a crooked banker at the other end.
40:18I'm talking about crooked bankers.
40:21You've been seeing a lot of Morley lately.
40:23I'm not calling him a crooked banker until I can prove he is.
40:27Oh, Dad, you heard what the Sheriff said about Tom.
40:32Now, Peggy, you've got to be careful.
40:35I'm riding up Black Rock today.
40:37I wanted you to know in case I'm late getting back.
40:40You're not going up to see Tom.
40:41Oh, of course not.
40:42I'm just riding up to see if the stock followed the water up.
40:46Maybe there's no harm in that, but you've got to be careful, Peggy.
40:51Remember, you're all I have.
40:54Now, Dad, don't you worry.
40:56You know where I'm going and when I'm coming back.
41:21Let's go.
41:51Let's go.
42:25Can I do anything more for you?
42:28Not now, sister.
42:30Where are you hurt, Ed?
42:32A bullet through the lungs.
42:36Has anyone gone for a doctor?
42:40Have coyotes risked their lives for my hide?
42:45All right, then I'll go for one right now.
42:50All right.
42:51All right.
42:55You needn't be afraid.
42:57I know how you came to be shot.
43:00It was during the train robbery.
43:03Isn't that so?
43:07You should have had a doctor while there was hope for you.
43:10Do you realize they're leaving you here to die without one?
43:34You tell us, Jonathan, that I confessed to the train job.
43:43And the guys that were with me were Will Blake, Trigger Hannigan, and Jerky Johnson.
43:53Blake, Hannigan, and Johnson.
43:56But who was going to handle the bonds for you?
44:01Sam Morley.
44:04The guy we did the bank job for.
44:08He's up in the canyon now getting out the bonds for where the boys cashed them.
44:17Ed, will you do something else?
44:20Will you do something for me and do a fine thing?
44:23Tom Talbot is my friend.
44:25You know, he's in prison for that bank robbery.
44:28Won't you tell me the truth about it so Tom can be freed?
44:47There's no danger, boys.
44:49I know the girl who owns that horse.
44:52I'll take care of her.
45:17Oh, hello, Jim.
45:19There's an awful sick man in there.
45:21See what you can do for him while I go for a doctor.
45:25Why, what's the matter?
45:28Better see how he is.
45:40What are you doing here?
45:41Oh, I just came up to check over the forage.
45:44Dad thought we might throw some yearlings on those flats.
45:48We'd better hurry, Jim.
45:49That man's in a bad way.
45:51Just a minute.
45:53How is he hurt?
45:55Did he tell you?
45:57He was unconscious.
45:58He never knew I was there.
46:03Leave him to die, will you?
46:07You'll all be dying for the rest of your lives.
46:13There was a gal here.
46:16And I told her all I know about you.
46:24So he never knew you were here, eh?
46:27Well, for an unconscious man,
46:29he certainly told you too much for your own good.
47:26Oh, I got you again, my lady.
47:28Get over there.
47:56There he goes!
47:58Up around those trees, head for Blackhorn!
48:07I don't know why I did this, but thanks.
48:09I don't know why I did it myself.
48:12But Peggy thinks so much of you, I...
48:15Oh, can I see her?
48:16Yes, you could if she was here.
48:18But she rode off to Blackrock Canyon this morning.
48:20All alone?
48:22Yes, after the sheriff said that you escaped.
48:24She said she was going to clear you right away.
48:26Is my horse handy?
48:27Right in the corral.
48:28Lend me a six-gun and some clothes.
48:29What for?
48:30The bank robbers are up that canyon.
48:31If she needs help, she needs a bath.
48:33And if I don't come back?
48:34Well, he'll be after me.
48:36Glad you told us that.
48:38Trigger, go up the canyon and pick off the old man.
48:42Oh, no, please don't.
48:53What are you going to do with her?
48:54She knows enough to hang us all.
48:59Come outside.
49:00I've got an idea.
49:40Let's go.
49:55Have you seen Miss Peggy?
50:12No, I don't know anything about her.
50:16Don't lie to me.
50:19She's up in the canyon in Moray Shack.
50:33Well, you boys keep your eyes peeled.
50:58All right, stick them up.
51:01Get off your horse and walk over here.
51:10What are you doing here?
51:12Why, I came to see your boss.
51:14What do you mean?
51:16Hey, Marley!
51:44Well, here's one time you don't get away.
52:00There's no law against killing an escaped convict.
52:29What are you doing here?
52:58What are you doing here?
53:27What are you doing here?
53:56What are you doing here?
54:16They're going to give us a rush act.
54:39You slip out that window and grab yourself a horse.
54:41I'll leave you.
54:42Never mind about me.
54:43I'm not going.
54:44Never mind about me.
55:15Peggy, we win!
55:25All right, men, take her up.
55:38You got here just in time.
55:40Well, you can thank your dad for this, Miss Peggy.
55:42He rode halfway up Buckhorn Mountain to get me.
55:44And now, Tom, you can share in that reward
55:47for those train robbers.
55:48Oh, Sheriff, you aren't going to take Tom back to jail, are you?
55:51Well, I'm sorry, Miss Peggy, but it's the law.
55:53But I can swear to full confession
55:55by Ed Larkin, one of the bank robbers.
55:57Marley hired him so he could cover up his own crookedness.
55:59And I've got what they stole from the bank,
56:01just a lot of worthless old papers.
56:03Well, in that case, Tom, you sure are ready to pardon.
56:06And if you'll be responsible for him, Miss Peggy,
56:08I'll leave him here for you to take care of.
56:11Well, looks like he needs it.
56:16Oh, Tom, isn't it wonderful?
56:18He said you could cut in on the reward.
56:20And now we can start the spread of our own.