• 3 years ago


00:00:30© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:06Blair General Hospital, emergency.
00:01:13I'm Paul Messinger.
00:01:14Yes, Mr. Messinger. Dr. Carew is expecting you. Use the first elevator.
00:01:22Say, ain't that the Wall Street guy, the bozo with all the dough in the world?
00:01:25Yes, it is.
00:01:26You know, he didn't even have on a diamond ring.
00:01:28Oh, diamonds on men are vulgar.
00:01:30I wish I was vulgar.
00:01:32Before we go in, Mr. Messinger, let me prepare you.
00:01:35Dr. Gillespie is an inspiration to the whole medical profession.
00:01:38Physically, he's worse off than most of his patients.
00:01:41His legs are hopelessly crippled.
00:01:44I'll take care of it, Dr. Carew, right away.
00:01:51I want to do a thing.
00:01:52Oh, I want to see Dr. Gillespie.
00:01:54I'm sorry, Dr. Carew. He has a patient.
00:01:56Just a little bit, I...
00:01:57We'll wait.
00:02:05Here's the pamphlet, Dr. Gillespie.
00:02:12Mrs. Roberts, you're going to have a baby.
00:02:19Why, what's the matter?
00:02:22I'm afraid.
00:02:26Women die.
00:02:28Well, suppose your mother felt that way about it.
00:02:30My mother had courage.
00:02:32I'm a coward.
00:02:34Mrs. Roberts, nature is a very wonderful thing.
00:02:38It takes the food you eat and changes it into the particular substances our body needs.
00:02:45If we break a bone, why, nature will provide the extra calcium to mend that bone.
00:02:50If anything, it'll be stronger than it was before.
00:02:53You understand that, don't you?
00:02:55Yes, doctor.
00:02:56Well, now, that's just what's going to happen when you have your baby.
00:03:00Nature will see that you have the strength and courage you need.
00:03:07Come on over here to the window.
00:03:13You see all those people down there?
00:03:15Those thousands of them?
00:03:19Well, the mothers of every one of those children felt exactly the same way you do.
00:03:24And so did their mothers.
00:03:26And those generations really had something to worry about.
00:03:29Because we doctors hadn't progressed very far.
00:03:32They were in real danger.
00:03:35Maybe it sounds silly to you, this horrible worry.
00:03:38But I couldn't help it.
00:03:40My husband's worried, too.
00:03:42Well, you go on home and tell your husband you're going to be all right.
00:03:47With modern methods, we seldom lose a mother.
00:03:51And we've no case on record where we've ever lost a father.
00:03:54Thank you, doctor.
00:03:56I feel so much better.
00:03:57Sure you do.
00:03:59Now, you take this pamphlet and follow the instructions.
00:04:04Take good care of yourself.
00:04:06And come back here and see me any time you want to.
00:04:12What's your first name, doctor?
00:04:18That's nice.
00:04:27My middle name is Barry.
00:04:41No, carnival, I won't let you have another nickel.
00:04:44Aren't you ashamed of yourself, an intelligent adult like you,
00:04:48gambling your wages away week after week?
00:04:51But someday I'm going to win it all back.
00:04:53Well, in the meanwhile, find another sap to borrow it from.
00:04:57Someday I'm going to sit down and prove to you you can't win money in a crap game.
00:05:02Get out.
00:05:04Yes, sir, I guess maybe you is right, sir.
00:05:07I've often thought I'd give up gambling and just stick to playing the races.
00:05:19Yes, Dr. Gillespie. Dr. Carew wants to...
00:05:21Never mind Dr. Carew. Where's Dr. Kildare?
00:05:24I don't know. Isn't he here?
00:05:25If he was here, do you think I'd be asking you about him?
00:05:28I don't know. I worked for you for so long, nothing you'd say would surprise me.
00:05:31Nurse Parker, Dr. Kildare is my assistant.
00:05:35He's here every morning promptly at eight o'clock.
00:05:37It's now six minutes past nine and no Dr. Kildare.
00:05:41What do you deduce from these facts?
00:05:44I guess Dr. Kildare is late.
00:05:46Oh, jumping Jeehoshaphat, where do you find Dr. Kildare?
00:05:51Where shall I look?
00:05:52Well, where do you think he'd be?
00:05:54I don't know.
00:05:55You keep your stethoscope in the wastebasket and your checkbook in the bathroom.
00:05:59How should I know where to look for your assistant?
00:06:01Dr. Carew wants...
00:06:02If Dr. Carew wants anything out of me, tell him to come down here and ask me.
00:06:06Oh, he is here.
00:06:08Well, show him in, show him in. Why didn't you say so?
00:06:11Yes, doctor.
00:06:13Dr. Carew.
00:06:15Ah, Carew, come in, come in.
00:06:17Must be something very important that brings the head of the hospital here.
00:06:21Leonard, this is Mr. Paul Messenger.
00:06:24Paul Messenger.
00:06:27Do you mean to tell me I'm actually in the presence of how many millions of dollars?
00:06:33Well, make it 18 million.
00:06:36Where did you get in?
00:06:38What can I do for you, Mr. Messenger?
00:06:40Dr. Gillespie, I've come here because I need your help.
00:06:43Well, that's very fine, but did you notice a room full of patients waiting at my door?
00:06:50I've only one rule.
00:06:51First come, first served.
00:06:53Rich, poor, and in the middle.
00:06:56Dr. Gillespie is quite right.
00:06:57I'm sorry.
00:06:58I'll take my turn.
00:06:59Oh, wait a minute.
00:07:00It might be three hours.
00:07:02I'll wait.
00:07:06Leonard, Mr. Messenger is a very important man.
00:07:08So am I.
00:07:09Let him wait.
00:07:18Send in the next patient.
00:07:20No, no, no, wait a minute.
00:07:21Hold the next patient.
00:07:22Come in here.
00:07:27Hold the next patient.
00:07:29I think I'll grab about five minutes sleep.
00:07:32Fix the alarm clock, will you?
00:07:35Mind you, I said five minutes.
00:07:41Send the next patient in as soon as you hear the alarm go off.
00:08:03Nine minutes past nine.
00:08:06That's a nice round time to come to work.
00:08:09I thought you were asleep.
00:08:11I never sleep.
00:08:13Seems I can't say as much for you.
00:08:16I guess it's the country boy in me.
00:08:18Now, listen, son.
00:08:20As my assistant, you naturally have certain privileges around here, but...
00:08:25Sleeping's a privilege.
00:08:27As my assistant, you naturally have certain privileges around here, but...
00:08:31Sleeping till noon is not one of them.
00:08:34Dr. Kildare.
00:08:35Well, nosy, what do you want?
00:08:37Dr. Kildare's breakfast is here.
00:08:40I didn't order any breakfast.
00:08:42I did. You worked here all night, and I figured you'd need it.
00:08:48What's the idea, Jimmy?
00:08:51Getting those pneumonia statistics?
00:08:54All done.
00:08:55Well, it's very plain you're trying to make it more and more difficult for me to get along without you.
00:09:02Trying to make it impossible.
00:09:04You have made it impossible, Jimmy.
00:09:08There's so much work to do and so little time to do it.
00:09:14Oh, and you know, doctor, when I finished medical school, I only knew that I wanted to do something in medicine.
00:09:19Then I met you, and everything was crystallized.
00:09:22Now I have what I wanted.
00:09:24The privilege of working for you and learning at first hand what only you can teach me.
00:09:30And carrying my work on after I'm gone.
00:09:33It won't be for a long while yet.
00:09:36Oh, that's not true. You know it.
00:09:41Nurse, next patient, please.
00:09:45Oh, Mr. Finch, sit down.
00:09:54Jimmy, have they told you yet who's outside there waiting to see me?
00:09:59No, sir.
00:10:01Pulse irregular, rapid.
00:10:04Mr. Paul Messinger, the United States Mint in person, is outside there waiting to see me.
00:10:13And he's going to wait three hours.
00:10:18Blood pressure 172 over 100.
00:10:21Go on, put your shirt on.
00:10:23No, no, no, no, no. Wait a minute, I want to talk to you.
00:10:27Say, we don't want to let him get off the hook.
00:10:33Is Mr. Messinger still out there?
00:10:35He's still there, doctor.
00:10:36Oh, that's fine.
00:10:39Mr. Finch, you've been drinking again.
00:10:43It seems to me I remember a promise you made me a couple of months ago.
00:10:47Doctor, I tried to stop, but I can't do it.
00:10:50It's not my fault. My father was the same way.
00:10:52You understand, don't you, sir?
00:10:54No, I don't.
00:10:55You're a fool, and there are a million other fools like you.
00:10:58They want to drink so they believe a legend started by a bigger fool that you can inherit drunkenness.
00:11:04Well, that's a lot of baloney.
00:11:06You can inherit a tendency toward diabetes or red hair.
00:11:10But if you drink, it's your own fault, and you can't blame your poor ancestors.
00:11:15But I always heard that...
00:11:16Yeah, and you were glad to hear it because it gave you an excuse for sticking a bottle in your silly face.
00:11:22Now go on and get out of here.
00:11:24And don't come back until you've stopped kidding yourself.
00:11:27Yes, doctor.
00:11:28Next patient.
00:11:33Bring in Mr. Messinger.
00:11:35Yes, doctor.
00:11:38Mr. Messinger.
00:11:39Come in, Mr. Messinger. Come in, come in.
00:11:42Sit down, Mr. Messinger. Sit down.
00:11:45This is Dr. Kildare, my assistant.
00:11:47How do you do?
00:11:49You know, there are still a lot of people ahead of me, doctor.
00:11:52But there's not one of them I can charge as much as I'm going to charge you.
00:11:56That's fair enough if you can help me.
00:11:58Well, you look well enough, but I can find something wrong with you.
00:12:02Worst comes to the worst, we can always take out your appendix.
00:12:07What can we do for you, Mr. Messinger?
00:12:09Well, I came here to ask your advice about my daughter, Nancy.
00:12:13Oh, that's easy enough. Just bring her in, we'll have a look at her.
00:12:17I've tried to urge her for six months to see a doctor.
00:12:19Only two kinds of people don't want to see doctors.
00:12:22Those that know they're well and those that know they're not.
00:12:25Something's happened to her.
00:12:27It doesn't seem to be physical, and yet it must be.
00:12:30Because she can't possibly have a care in the world.
00:12:32What you mean is that in a thousand and one baffling little ways your daughter's changed.
00:12:38That's it. That's exactly the situation.
00:12:41Just what kind of changes, Mr. Messinger?
00:12:44Well, she always was fond of dancing, but now she wants to go out all night, every night.
00:12:49Oh, that doesn't mean a thing.
00:12:51They call them jitterbirds.
00:12:53Jitterbugs, Dr. Gillespie.
00:12:55She's engaged to a splendid young man who adores her,
00:12:58and all of a sudden she's started to treat him abominably.
00:13:00Well, perhaps it isn't important, but when she sleeps, she keeps the lights burning.
00:13:05Ah, well, that's bad.
00:13:08But there's not a thing in the world a doctor can do for your daughter if she won't see him, Mr. Messinger.
00:13:15You were just about my last hope.
00:13:17I'm going to let you have Dr. Kildare.
00:13:21Jimmy, tonight you disguise yourself as a pot and palm or something
00:13:25and find out what's the matter with Miss Messinger.
00:13:28If it takes all night.
00:13:30If it takes a dozen visits, or a hundred.
00:13:32Excuse me, the expense isn't important.
00:13:35No, but a thousand lives a month are important.
00:13:39Tomorrow, Dr. Kildare and I are starting out on a long-planned experiment.
00:13:45This is sulfapyridine.
00:13:47Before it was discovered, the death rate of pneumonia was 25 percent.
00:13:52Sulfapyridine's brought it down to seven.
00:13:54My wife is one of those 25 percent.
00:13:56Well, tomorrow, Dr. Kildare and I are going to start trying to find out why those 7 percent still die.
00:14:02I understand.
00:14:04I'll send my topper at 8 o'clock.
00:14:07Goodbye, sir.
00:14:08Thank you both.
00:14:16Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I was thinking...
00:14:19Yes, I know what you were thinking.
00:14:21You were thinking, now, tonight I can't go out gallivanting with that pretty nurse, Mary Lamont.
00:14:29You know how much gallivanting I can do on my salary.
00:14:32I read in the paper the other day there's a doctor in Europe who claims love is a disease and that he can vaccinate you against it.
00:14:40Interns on $20 a month won't need any of that vaccination.
00:14:45Leonard Gillespie, you've done a lot of crazy things in your life, but this time you've certainly...
00:14:52What are you stalling around here for?
00:14:55Go eat your breakfast.
00:14:58What do you mean, busting in on me like that?
00:15:02You can't have anything confidential to tell me.
00:15:06I know everything that everybody's doing in this shooting gallery.
00:15:11Especially the things they're trying to hide.
00:15:14You have a lot of stooges telling you things.
00:15:17Molly, you hurt me.
00:15:19Well, let me tell you something. My stooges know every move your stooges make.
00:15:23My stooges are people of honor, which is more than you can say for that bunch of loafers that report to you.
00:15:29You bought an airplane.
00:15:32For 20 years we've worked together and now you start spying on me.
00:15:36What in the name of common sense are you going to do with an airplane?
00:15:40Well, I just thought it'd be nice to have in case of fire.
00:15:46Oh, come here, Molly.
00:15:49I only borrowed the plane.
00:15:51It's to fly Jimmy Kildare back and forth while we're trying to work out this sulfur pyridine business.
00:15:58Well, at least there's one blessing.
00:16:00You're not planning to do that part of the work yourself.
00:16:07You're tired, aren't you?
00:16:09A little bit.
00:16:11Well, why don't you take a nap right now?
00:16:13Well, just to get rid of you, I'll grab five minutes sleep now.
00:16:17Fix the clock for me.
00:16:37Dr. Young wanted in surgery.
00:16:39Dr. Young wanted in surgery.
00:16:41Dr. Young wanted in surgery.
00:16:43Dr. Young wanted in surgery.
00:16:47All right, come on, fellas. Where's my hat?
00:16:50Yeah, quit clowning. Where did you put it?
00:16:52Have you a picture of the hat, Dr. Kildare?
00:16:53Well, is there a hat? Our records show no entry of a hat in this hospital.
00:16:56Where's my hat?
00:16:58There was never x-rayed.
00:17:00What was wrong with your hat, Dr. Kildare?
00:17:02Did it need an operation?
00:17:03Say, why don't you try the maternity ward? Maybe it's going to have a little baby hat.
00:17:07All right, you asked for it, so don't blame me.
00:17:11Dr. Joyner, there is working in this hospital a very beautiful young nurse named Miss Lopez.
00:17:18She has big brown eyes.
00:17:20She wears a uniform just a little tighter than all the other nurses.
00:17:23Well, sir, the other day I was up on the fourth floor,
00:17:26and I just happened to pass that little room where they keep the flowers, you know.
00:17:30Well, what do you think I saw?
00:17:32Oh, now, wait a minute. Shut up. Here's your blame hat.
00:17:36Say, wait a minute. Don't hold out on us. What was he doing with Miss Lopez?
00:17:39Oh, well, Miss Lopez was alone. I can't help it if Dr. Joyner has a guilty conscience.
00:17:44Money, money, money, money.
00:17:47There it is, a half-month salary, ten bucks. Collins?
00:17:49Eight years grammar school, four years high school, two years pre-med, four years medical school.
00:17:54Then, if you're lucky, you get a job here as an intern,
00:17:57where every single month they force 20 bucks on you.
00:18:00Oh, that doesn't stop Kildare. He still rushes Mary Lamont.
00:18:03Maybe he's in love with her money. After all, you know, she's a nurse.
00:18:05She makes 85 bucks a month.
00:18:07Ah, a gigolo.
00:18:08Dr. Kildare wanted an emergency entrance right away.
00:18:11Thought this was your night off.
00:18:12Well, that's what he thought, but Dr. Gillespie changed his mind for him.
00:18:15Say, look, if you've got to work tonight, why can't I take out Mary Lamont?
00:18:19Well, I don't know why, but I bet she can pick up a reason.
00:18:24Blair General Hospital.
00:18:26No, mister, I can't tell you that. I'm just the telephone operator here.
00:18:29Of course I work in a hospital, but I don't understand medicine.
00:18:32My brother's been managing a chicken farm for 10 years, but he still can't lay an egg.
00:18:39Have you seen Mary Lamont?
00:18:40She said for you to pick her up at 41st Street and Gaylor Avenue.
00:18:43Mr. Kildare here yet, or do you want me to ride around the block again?
00:18:46Oh, coming.
00:18:48Where'd he get that bus?
00:18:50It's the first prize in a mind-your-own-business contest.
00:19:06There she is on the bus.
00:19:07I'll get her.
00:19:08I'll get her.
00:19:09I'll get her.
00:19:10I'll get her.
00:19:11I'll get her.
00:19:12I'll get her.
00:19:13I'll get her.
00:19:14I'll get her.
00:19:16There she is on the corner.
00:19:18Yes, sir.
00:19:26Hello, cutie.
00:19:31Hey, you in the blue hat.
00:19:35How about a little ride, sugar?
00:19:38Listen, you half-baked street corner Romeo, if I ever decide to take a ride...
00:19:42Oh, Jimmy.
00:19:44Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you.
00:19:46I thought I saw a pretty girl and I was trying to grab her off.
00:19:49Sure, grab her off, rush her to the hospital and take out her tonsils.
00:19:52Yes, step in and find out different.
00:19:54Just a minute, young man.
00:19:55What do you think you're trying to get away with?
00:19:57Picking up girls on my beat.
00:19:58Oh, I wasn't picking up any girls.
00:19:59Don't tell me.
00:20:00I heard every word you said.
00:20:02Can I ever meet my boyfriend without you sticking your nose in?
00:20:04Besides, how do we know you're an officer?
00:20:06Well, because...
00:20:09I'll fight it out among yourselves.
00:20:15Get inside before anything else happens.
00:20:23Well, I suppose the car ought to slay me, but...
00:20:26I bet it belongs to one of Gillespie's rich patients.
00:20:29I'd have borrowed his yacht, only it wasn't raining.
00:20:32Oh, I'm awfully sorry I have to work tonight, Mary.
00:20:34That's all right, Jimmy.
00:20:35I guess there's nothing we can do about it.
00:20:37You're a nurse, you know there isn't.
00:20:39I'm sick of being a nurse.
00:20:41I'm sick of being a nurse.
00:20:43The next time I'm born, I want to be a pretty thing with...
00:20:46an empty head and a cash register for a heart.
00:20:49Well, you can always quit the hospital, can't you?
00:20:52Why don't I?
00:20:53I don't know.
00:20:54I guess because you're crazy enough to want to be a nurse.
00:20:57You're a little crazy yourself, you know.
00:21:01I know it isn't ethical to ask a doctor about his patients, but...
00:21:04where are you going?
00:21:05Well, it isn't ethical, but I can tell you this.
00:21:08It's 53 blocks to the home of the gent that owns this car.
00:21:18Here we are.
00:21:22Shortest 53 blocks I've ever seen.
00:21:27In case you're not impressed, they tell me that Paul Messenger...
00:21:30is the seventh richest man in America.
00:21:32Jimmy, and he's your patient.
00:21:34No, not Mr. Messenger, his daughter.
00:21:36His daughter?
00:21:38The one that's in the newspapers all the time?
00:21:40The glamour girl?
00:21:41I guess so.
00:21:42What's the matter with her?
00:21:43That's what I'm trying to find out.
00:21:45Good night, Mary.
00:21:46I'll wait.
00:21:47Oh, well, I don't know how long I'll be.
00:21:49Well, my evening's ruined anyway. I might as well wait.
00:21:52What? It might take hours.
00:21:54You aren't going to operate on the girl, are you?
00:21:57She doesn't even know I'm a doctor.
00:21:59Say, what is this?
00:22:01As a matter of fact, Dr. Gillespie said to find out what was wrong with her...
00:22:04if it took all night.
00:22:05All night?
00:22:06Yes, well, it's all right, because her father knows I'm going to work on her.
00:22:10Oh, her father knows.
00:22:12Yes, you see, she's been acting peculiarly of late,
00:22:14and Mr. Messenger doesn't care what lengths we go to as long as we fix her up.
00:22:18Well, I've heard a lot about how debutantes carry on,
00:22:21but I've never heard of one having her father's permission.
00:22:24Now, stop kidding me.
00:22:25You mustn't be prejudiced against Miss Messenger just because she's rich.
00:22:29You mustn't be prejudiced just because she's young and beautiful.
00:22:32Blair General Hospital, please.
00:22:44And although Nancy has been conducting herself on the whole,
00:22:47as I outlined to you and Dr. Gillespie,
00:22:49to my amazement at dinner tonight,
00:22:51she was her own normal, sweet self.
00:22:54Dad, come in.
00:22:58Dad, you're just in time to tell me how...
00:23:01This is Mr. Kildare, the son of an old friend of mine.
00:23:04How do you do, Miss Messenger?
00:23:05Hello, Mr. Kildare.
00:23:07The carter party, remember?
00:23:08Oh, but don't look at my costume now.
00:23:10Wait till I get the headdress on.
00:23:12You two go downstairs, and I'll make a grand entrance.
00:23:15All right, dear.
00:23:16You're the loveliest thing I've ever seen.
00:23:18Just like your mother.
00:23:26Yesterday she said she wouldn't go to this stupid Cassandra's party under any circumstances.
00:23:30Let's wait and see.
00:23:32Don't shoot, Mr. Messenger.
00:23:34It's me, Charlie.
00:23:36Is there any doubt in your mind about my loving your daughter?
00:23:39Remember, I put this outfit on because she wanted me to.
00:23:41Well, once for love, I went out as the back half of a horse.
00:23:45Mr. Kildare, Mr. Heron, my daughter's fiancé.
00:23:48Mr. Kildare.
00:23:49How do you do?
00:23:53Why, Nancy.
00:23:54Excuse me.
00:23:56Hello, Nancy.
00:23:58You'll have to excuse me, Charlie. I'm not going to the party.
00:24:01You're not going?
00:24:02No. No, I don't want to go.
00:24:04If I don't want to go, I don't have to go, so I'm not going.
00:24:08I'm getting a little tired of this merry-go-round, Nancy.
00:24:15Good night.
00:24:16Good night.
00:24:22It doesn't seem more than six months ago that you told me your entire life was wrapped up in that boy.
00:24:27I do love him.
00:24:33You see?
00:24:35Now what?
00:24:37I don't know.
00:24:39Now I suppose the lights will be blazing all night in her room,
00:24:41and I'll be pacing this floor wondering how I can help her.
00:24:45Mr. Kildare, you must think me a pretty terrible sort of person.
00:24:50I know.
00:24:54That's all right, Nancy.
00:24:56Well, as far as I'm concerned, there are no excuses necessary.
00:24:59You're very kind.
00:25:01Why not at all?
00:25:02If you don't want to do a thing and you don't have to, why should you?
00:25:06Them's my sentiments anyway.
00:25:09Of course.
00:25:10Only, sometimes it's a little hard to explain.
00:25:12Then why try?
00:25:13You know, back home in my father's office, there's a motto hanging that says,
00:25:18never explain.
00:25:19Your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe you anyway.
00:25:23Do you get away with it?
00:25:25Well, I seem to.
00:25:27At least I never make a date in advance.
00:25:29I didn't even tell your father I was coming here this evening,
00:25:31simply because I might have suddenly wanted to change my mind
00:25:34and go out and come home with a milkman.
00:25:37You see, Dad, I know exactly how you feel.
00:25:40By the way, what kind of a milkman do you have on this block?
00:25:43Very charming gentleman.
00:25:44Well, why can't I meet him?
00:25:48Wait right here. I'll slide in to address.
00:25:50Remember, Dad, it was his idea and you brought him here.
00:25:53I see what your plan is, Doctor.
00:25:55But haven't you been able to arrive at any immediate conclusions?
00:25:58Only the obvious ones.
00:26:00She does love Heron.
00:26:02She's heartbroken at what she's doing to you
00:26:04and she's doing her best to seem perfectly normal, but...
00:26:07Mr. Messenger, this is a very delicate point, but I must know.
00:26:11Did your daughter ever have any reason to hate her mother?
00:26:14Hate her mother?
00:26:16Nothing could be further from the truth.
00:26:18I don't think so.
00:26:20Remember, nothing could be further from the truth.
00:26:23Why do you ask?
00:26:25No reason at all.
00:26:27Well, remember, this part is on me.
00:26:39Why did you want to bring me up here?
00:26:41Oh, it's just...
00:26:43We've had an exciting night, and I thought perhaps you'd like to see the daylight come.
00:26:48Do you watch for it often?
00:26:52Yes. Yes.
00:26:54Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if it were always daylight?
00:26:58I've thought of that.
00:27:02It's funny how the night affects some people.
00:27:05Me, for instance.
00:27:07I don't like it.
00:27:09A grown man, afraid of the dark.
00:27:12Well, I'm not afraid exactly.
00:27:14It's just that, well, when night falls, something happens to me.
00:27:19Yes. Yes.
00:27:23Look, if you're going to stay in New York, will you come to see me?
00:27:27If you want me to.
00:27:29We've been out since 9 o'clock last evening, and you've never once looked at your watch.
00:27:33You may not know it, but you get along with me better than anyone I know.
00:27:37Anyone excepting Mr. Charles Heron.
00:27:40There's no one on Earth like Charlie Heron.
00:27:42Oh, I could see you felt that way about it.
00:27:45When's the wedding?
00:27:47I'm tired. Please take me home.
00:27:50Of course.
00:27:54What did you find out about Miss Messenger?
00:27:57Only that she's a very complicated case. Maybe weeks before we get the answer.
00:28:01I told you that yesterday without even seeing her.
00:28:04I don't suppose you found time this morning to read the weather reports.
00:28:08No, sir.
00:28:09Well, that cold polar wave we've been waiting for has reached Canada.
00:28:13And in its wake will come pneumonia.
00:28:16Thousands of cases.
00:28:18You're going to fly north tonight to meet it.
00:28:20Then you'll check all the cases, wherever you happen to find them.
00:28:24And then you'll hop in a plane and bring me back the blood cultures.
00:28:28While I'll be camping right here, day and night, doing the laboratory work.
00:28:32And then, Jimmy, maybe in a couple of months we'll find out why that 7% still dies.
00:28:42Pardon me, sir. Don't you think we ought to rest a few days before we go on?
00:28:46Rest? What do we want with rest?
00:28:50Nurse! Parker! Come in here!
00:28:56It strikes so quick.
00:28:58We work so slow.
00:29:00Why, we ought to be ashamed of ourselves.
00:29:03This is the 20th century. We ought to be able to cure anything.
00:29:07And yet we let this white death, this invisible killer,
00:29:11run riot as though we were still living in the dark ages.
00:29:24Get me a hypo of adrenaline, quick.
00:29:38I have a bone to pick with you, and you stay. You're in this.
00:29:42Well, what happened? Tell me, quick.
00:29:44I fainted.
00:29:46Get outside there. Act as if nothing's happened.
00:29:48Give me that adrenaline.
00:29:50Adrenaline, yes.
00:29:52You have to know you can't burn the candle at both ends.
00:29:57It'll bounce back quick after this.
00:29:59It's just exhaustion, that's all.
00:30:02That's not all.
00:30:04And if you don't know what I mean, it's time you did.
00:30:07You know, too. I know everything about him.
00:30:10When you were running around in diapers, I was watching over him.
00:30:13Listening to him recommend eight hours of sleep for everyone else
00:30:16and get along with two himself.
00:30:18His legs were good once, but they wore out trying to keep up with his willpower.
00:30:22He had resistance, but he loaned it to his patients and never got it back.
00:30:27Now his time is getting short.
00:30:29I didn't think he'd want anyone else to know.
00:30:33The first day I came here, he asked me about a discoloration on his finger.
00:30:36Kept hounding me until I said it was a melanoma and it meant cancer.
00:30:40And why didn't you keep him from starting this sulfur pyridine business?
00:30:44Did he tell him what not to do?
00:30:51What's going on here?
00:30:54You gave me a hypo, didn't you?
00:30:56Yes, sir. Adrenaline.
00:30:58Good enough.
00:31:00What are you fussing around me for?
00:31:02Well, I came in here looking for trouble, and I found a gut here ahead of me.
00:31:06You go on back to your nurses?
00:31:08Not till you quit talking and go to bed.
00:31:10Oh, so you're a doctor now, huh?
00:31:14When did you start practicing?
00:31:16Still there.
00:31:18Call Dr. Carew, will you?
00:31:22Sure, he's the best doctor in this bowling alley.
00:31:25That's the reason he's head man.
00:31:27He'll have me skipping rope in five minutes.
00:31:30Dr. Carew, this is Kildare.
00:31:32Dr. Gillespie has just had a slight collapse.
00:31:34He wants you immediately.
00:31:37I didn't have any collapse.
00:31:39I got the constitution of a horse.
00:31:42I just get tired once in a while.
00:31:45Even a horse gets tired.
00:31:47I'm going to send your patients home.
00:31:48Come back here.
00:31:49I'm going to send them home.
00:31:50When I see you skipping rope, I'm going to run around town with a basket and collect them again.
00:31:56Dr. Gillespie will see no one today.
00:31:58Everybody be notified about new appointments.
00:32:00Yes, Miss Bird.
00:32:01Twenty-five years ago, I took you out to dinner.
00:32:05I might have known that sooner or later you'd take advantage of it.
00:32:09And you shut up, or I'll tell Dr. Kildare how you tried to put your arm around me in the lunch wagon.
00:32:15Leonard, I'm so sorry.
00:32:17Now, look, I've got a couple of mourners here already.
00:32:20What I need is a doctor.
00:32:23Listen to a doctor?
00:32:24Don't make me laugh.
00:32:25Well, I sent for you, didn't I?
00:32:27Now, listen.
00:32:29I passed out.
00:32:30Kildare injected adrenaline.
00:32:32I came to.
00:32:33Pulse 78, general feeling of latitude.
00:32:37Now, take it up from there and stick to medicine.
00:32:40If you still remember any.
00:32:42Cancel Dr. Gillespie's appointments for the rest of the day.
00:32:44Already canceled?
00:32:45Get his bed ready.
00:32:46And bring the three grains of sodium amytal.
00:32:48Yes, Doctor.
00:32:49I don't eat any dough if I can sleep without it.
00:32:51But you won't.
00:32:52I give you my word of honor.
00:32:54I don't believe you.
00:32:55Are you doubting my word?
00:32:57I certainly am.
00:32:58Wait a minute.
00:32:59Now, listen, every team.
00:33:01Do just as well.
00:33:03Now, you take those and don't argue.
00:33:06Yes, Doctor.
00:33:16Now, go to bed.
00:33:18You're too late, Miss Efficiency.
00:33:21Our corner druggist here gave me something just as good.
00:33:24Well, that's fine.
00:33:25Then off to bed you go.
00:33:26Take your hands off my chair.
00:33:30Now, get out of here, you meddling female.
00:33:32And never dare to show your nose in my office again.
00:33:36You're fired.
00:33:37I am not.
00:33:38I don't work for you.
00:33:39I work for the hospital, thank goodness.
00:33:41Well, then what are you doing in my office?
00:33:43Go on, beat it.
00:33:45Get into bed, Conover.
00:33:46Conover, don't you pay any attention to us.
00:33:48No, sir, I won't.
00:33:50Why, you disloyal, miserable, double-crossing...
00:33:55Yes, sir, that's what I am.
00:33:57But you's going to bed.
00:34:02Well, I'd better get my own work cleared up, just in case.
00:34:06Oh, uh...
00:34:07By the way, Kildare, Mr. Messenger rang me up this morning.
00:34:11From his daughter's mood, he feels sure that with a little time,
00:34:14you might gain her complete confidence.
00:34:17Dr. Carew, I...
00:34:18I understand.
00:34:19Naturally, you don't want to think about anything else at a moment like this.
00:34:23Of course, I don't have to tell you
00:34:25that any hospital is like a family of children,
00:34:28always out of the elbow,
00:34:29with winter coming on, no coal in the cellar.
00:34:32And Mr. Messenger's a very rich man.
00:34:35Dr. Carew...
00:34:36Hey, you're perfectly right.
00:34:37Forget about it tonight.
00:34:39We'll talk about it later.
00:34:49The old fussbudget gone.
00:34:52What? Yes, but...
00:34:53Dr. Gillespie, you...
00:34:55Hey, do you know something?
00:34:56Patients will hold a pill in their mouth until after you've gone,
00:34:59and then spit it out, the way I did.
00:35:02He promised Dr. Carew that you'd go to sleep.
00:35:04Oh, forget it.
00:35:05He broke a promise he made me back in 1921.
00:35:09Now, Dr. Gillespie, you and I both know that there's one particular reason,
00:35:13one inescapable reason why you must conserve your strength.
00:35:18You didn't tell Carew, did you?
00:35:20Oh, no.
00:35:21No, I knew you hadn't.
00:35:23I know you won't.
00:35:25Jimmy Kildare, out there,
00:35:27pneumonia starting on the rampage.
00:35:30Tonight, you're going to hop a plane.
00:35:34Well, nosy, what do you want now?
00:35:36Dr. Gillespie, are you all right?
00:35:38A full report of my mental and physical condition
00:35:41will be made out for the files.
00:35:43I'll see that you get a copy.
00:35:45Yes, doctor.
00:35:46Dr. Kildare, your mother and father are downstairs in the reception room.
00:35:49Oh, my mother and father here?
00:35:51Yes, doctor.
00:35:52Well, isn't that nice?
00:35:54Give them my best regard.
00:35:56Be back at 3 o'clock, Jimmy.
00:35:58We'll need a good, solid six hours together
00:36:01if you're going to go out tonight.
00:36:04Oh, Jimmy,
00:36:06you needn't bother telling your mother about flying.
00:36:09I wrote to her all about it last week.
00:36:11Oh, I wrote to her, too.
00:36:13She says yours is a very remarkable letter.
00:36:16She did, eh?
00:36:18Well, there's no trick to writing a good letter.
00:36:21She even sent me the letter she got from you.
00:36:24It's an enclosed fine coupon and three dollars.
00:36:27Please send me one pair of your loaded dice
00:36:30in a plain wrapper, very truly yours,
00:36:32Leonard B. Gillespie.
00:36:37I must have put this letter in the wrong envelope.
00:36:48Hello, Dad.
00:36:49How are you, Jimmy?
00:36:50Oh, fine.
00:36:51Gee, this is a treat.
00:36:53I knew I needed something.
00:36:54Now I know what it was.
00:36:55Let me get a good look at you.
00:36:57I brought you heavy overcoat,
00:36:58your winter underwear,
00:36:59and a chocolate cake.
00:37:00Don't let her kid you, son.
00:37:02The cake is for herself.
00:37:04Oh, don't tell me I know.
00:37:06I sent her a wire this morning.
00:37:07Happy birthday, Mother.
00:37:10What are you two doing in New York, anyway?
00:37:12Well, this trip's to see the fair,
00:37:13and you, it's my birthday present from Father.
00:37:15And we wouldn't have been able to make it
00:37:17if Jerry Coburn hadn't sold his farm
00:37:18and paid for that baby he had in 1927.
00:37:21Oh, what about his ulcers?
00:37:22Did he ever pay for those?
00:37:23Don't start that again, Jimmy.
00:37:25That's all I heard on the way down here.
00:37:27I made Father buy a new suit, too.
00:37:29See, he's getting stout.
00:37:30Where do we celebrate?
00:37:31How about Mike Sullivan's Cafe?
00:37:33Swell food, right across the street.
00:37:45Mrs. Kildare, the first time I saw your son,
00:37:47I knew his mother would be a fine-looking woman.
00:37:50Well, she's the prettiest one I could find, Mike.
00:37:52That's why I married her.
00:37:53Why not?
00:37:54A man goes into a store to buy a shirt.
00:37:56He picks the best-looking one.
00:37:57When he wants a wife, what should he do?
00:37:59Shut his eyes?
00:38:01You better be careful, Mike.
00:38:02Much more talk like that and you'll spoil her.
00:38:04Well, that's the way it should be.
00:38:05Say your prayers, pay your bills,
00:38:07be good to your mother,
00:38:08and you can walk up to anybody in the world
00:38:10and spit in his eye.
00:38:12Hey, Mike.
00:38:14I'll take this over to the bar and leave it there.
00:38:19Well, I promised Jim Galt
00:38:21I'd buy him a sun lamp.
00:38:22He wants to try it for his arthritis.
00:38:26I'll see you back at the hotel at 3 o'clock.
00:38:28Bye, son.
00:38:29Bye, Stephen.
00:38:30Goodbye, Mike.
00:38:31Goodbye, sir.
00:38:32Drop in tomorrow for lunch.
00:38:33It's Friday.
00:38:34We have three elegant kinds of fish.
00:38:36And we also have roast beef
00:38:37in case you bring a haven with you.
00:38:43That's funny.
00:38:44I was just going to invent an excuse
00:38:45to get rid of your father.
00:38:48So you could tell me your troubles.
00:38:51There's no use to follow me
00:38:52to try and keep anything from you, is there?
00:38:55I know the minute your father enters the house
00:38:57if he's worried.
00:38:58Or the way he hangs up his hat.
00:39:00He's worried about something now, too.
00:39:02How can you tell?
00:39:03Mind reading?
00:39:05Just love and understanding.
00:39:07Now tell me your problem, if you want to.
00:39:10All right.
00:39:12I have to keep someone from doing something.
00:39:15There just isn't any way to do it.
00:39:17You mean you haven't seen the way yet?
00:39:19Nothing's impossible, son.
00:39:20Unless you stop trying.
00:39:22But this is different.
00:39:23Because what this person wants to do
00:39:25is something that should be done.
00:39:27It's for the good of the whole world.
00:39:29There's very few men left like that now.
00:39:31Why do you want to stop him?
00:39:32Because if he keeps on,
00:39:34it'll kill him.
00:39:37I'm afraid I'm not going to be much help to you.
00:39:39I've never had to decide big things.
00:39:41With you or your father,
00:39:43I've always been able to manage
00:39:44by talking a little plain good horse sense.
00:39:47Except the one time I did tell him a lie.
00:39:49He'd been working in the garden too much.
00:39:51And I knew it was bad for his rheumatism,
00:39:53but nothing could stop him.
00:39:55So I hid his tools and told him a tramp stole them.
00:39:58That stopped him.
00:40:00Well, Mother, I...
00:40:04Wait a minute.
00:40:05You took away his tools?
00:40:08Well, I think you've shown me just what to do.
00:40:11Oh, but right.
00:40:12That isn't a big problem.
00:40:14I've always taught you right from wrong
00:40:15by the power of prayer
00:40:17and the back of a hairbrush.
00:40:20But if I do what I think I should,
00:40:21I'm going to look like a snake in the grass.
00:40:24Jimmy, it's Dr. Gillespie you've been talking about, isn't it?
00:40:28Well, uh...
00:40:32Yes, he's in bad shape.
00:40:34On this particular job he's doing,
00:40:35I'm pretty sure he can't go ahead without me.
00:40:38I see.
00:40:40And if you quit, he may have to take a rest.
00:40:45But, son,
00:40:46wouldn't it almost break your heart to leave him?
00:40:52it means the finish of all I've hoped and dreamed.
00:40:56God bless you.
00:40:59Don't feel too badly, son.
00:41:02You may be the only one that knows you're doing the right thing.
00:41:06It's an awfully nice feeling.
00:41:10I guess it doesn't matter what the rest of the world thinks.
00:41:16If I were you, I wouldn't read anymore.
00:41:19If I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut.
00:41:22Leonard, please.
00:41:26Well, maybe I don't feel so good.
00:41:29Your nurse will be here in a minute.
00:41:32Now look here, Molly Bird.
00:41:34I won't have any of your frozen-faced, mealy-mouthed nurses around me.
00:41:40Who'd you get?
00:41:41Mary Lamont.
00:41:42And there's no use trying to soft-soap her
00:41:44because I've told her exactly what to do.
00:41:47We'll see about that.
00:41:49Hello, honey.
00:41:51I had a heck of a time getting you assigned to me.
00:41:55Miss Bird here wanted to send in one of her favorites.
00:41:59But I told her unless I had that very beautiful Mary Lamont,
00:42:04I wouldn't play.
00:42:06Didn't I?
00:42:07You did not.
00:42:09And don't forget Lamont.
00:42:11In his office, he may be a doctor,
00:42:13but here he's a patient.
00:42:17Leonard, please take care of yourself.
00:42:28I'd like a cigarette, please.
00:42:34Never mind that, Chad. Give me a cigarette.
00:42:36No cigarettes.
00:42:38Are you going to mind me or that fool piece of paper?
00:42:41No cigarettes.
00:42:43Now look here, Mary.
00:42:45You're a very nice girl, and I like you.
00:42:48I'm going to give you a little advice.
00:42:51The great secret to being a successful nurse
00:42:54is to obey the rules,
00:42:56but at the same time, keep the patient happy.
00:42:59My book only says, obey the rules, period.
00:43:04What do you want to know about me? I'll tell you.
00:43:07It's time for your dinner. Let's see.
00:43:09Oh, now you're talking.
00:43:11Order me a small steak, some mashed potatoes,
00:43:15and a piece of apple pie and some cheese,
00:43:19and a cup of coffee.
00:43:26I'm ordering Dr. Gillespie's dinner.
00:43:28Please send up a small cup of gruel,
00:43:31some junket, wheat tea,
00:43:33no cream or sugar.
00:43:36Oh, that's fine.
00:43:38And after dinner, you might order me a postage stamp.
00:43:42I'd like to do a little reading.
00:43:47What do you expect to do with that thing?
00:43:49I'm going to take your temperature.
00:43:51Any temperatures taken around here, I'll take them.
00:43:55What are you laughing at?
00:43:56Something you said last week.
00:43:58There's no patient in the world as ornery as the sick doctor.
00:44:03And if there's going to be any talking done around here, I'll do it myself.
00:44:06Well, I'm not interested.
00:44:08What about?
00:44:09Jimmy Kildare.
00:44:12I might have expected that.
00:44:16Ninety-eight. Write it down.
00:44:22Say, what are you writing there?
00:44:24Temperature uncertain. Patient stubborn, bad-tempered, and childish.
00:44:33What about Jimmy Kildare?
00:44:35Well, you should have heard him talk this morning.
00:44:37He was spending a multimillionaire's money last night.
00:44:40A steak sandwich, two bucks.
00:44:42And what does Jimmy think? Boom.
00:44:44There goes a couple of shirts.
00:44:46Five dollars to the waiter. Bang.
00:44:48A new pair of shoes.
00:44:50Will the orchestra leader please play a boop-boop-a-doop for Miss Nancy Messenger?
00:44:55Give him twenty dollars, Jimmy.
00:44:57Wham. Shoot her clothes.
00:44:59With an extra pair of pants.
00:45:01Throwing all that money around last night and next morning coming back to twenty dollars a month.
00:45:06After all, everybody's human.
00:45:08Mm-mm-mm. Not everybody.
00:45:10You're right. You're not.
00:45:12The way you treat Jimmy. I mean, Dr. Kildare.
00:45:15Taking away his evenings off and working him eighteen hours a day.
00:45:19And I work eighteen hours a day?
00:45:28Oh, I'm sorry, Dr. Gillespie.
00:45:31I shouldn't be talking to you like this when you're not feeling very well.
00:45:44Hello, Mother.
00:45:47Did you get the sun lamp?
00:45:49They didn't have exactly what I wanted.
00:45:53Jimmy looks fine, doesn't he?
00:45:56I've never seen him look any better.
00:45:59Stephen, when you suggested coming down here, I thought there was something the matter with Jimmy.
00:46:03Or that he was in some kind of trouble.
00:46:06That you two were keeping it from me. You know.
00:46:08Don't tell Mother. She might worry.
00:46:10Nothing like that at all.
00:46:12I know that now.
00:46:13Well, do you feel better?
00:46:16Because now I know it's you.
00:46:19You've been unhappy for days.
00:46:21If it isn't Jimmy, it must be you.
00:46:23Why don't you tell me?
00:46:25You're going to in the end anyway.
00:46:34From Dr. Jack Carboy.
00:46:37Just the last paragraph. The rest is all technical.
00:46:41I think it's coronary disease.
00:46:43And dear Steve, it's a very unpleasant duty to tell you, but I think you may live ten seconds.
00:46:53Or ten years.
00:46:55Come and see me and we'll talk over the details.
00:46:59He says ten seconds.
00:47:01Or maybe ten years.
00:47:02Oh, Steve.
00:47:03Now, Mother, I'm going to see another doctor.
00:47:06That's why we came to New York.
00:47:08But we mustn't tell Jimmy.
00:47:13We've been married a long, long time.
00:47:16And every day has been a happy one.
00:47:19I had hoped that it might go on for twenty years more.
00:47:22You're not going to be foolish enough to tell me that you don't mind dying.
00:47:27So that we can think of some philosophy that will make it easier for either of us.
00:47:31No, dear.
00:47:32I just wanted to say that medicine might not do any good.
00:47:36But we know that tears won't.
00:47:39But there is one thing left.
00:47:41The same help and comfort we got the night that Jimmy had typhoid fever.
00:47:47And we waited, not knowing.
00:47:50You remember?
00:47:51I remember.
00:47:55He marks the sparrow's fall.
00:47:59Stephen, I'm going to take you to every heart specialist that's listed in the New York telephone book.
00:48:05I know he marks the sparrow's fall.
00:48:10But I remember, too, that the Lord helps those who help themselves.
00:48:23Dr. Kildare to see you.
00:48:25Send him in.
00:48:31Good morning, Kildare.
00:48:32Good morning, sir.
00:48:35Dr. Carew, what have you done about the messenger case?
00:48:38Nothing, nothing at all.
00:48:39I'd like to take it.
00:48:41You would?
00:48:42Yes, sir. I think it's too big an opportunity to miss.
00:48:45Oh, but, uh...
00:48:46Doesn't it matter?
00:48:49Oh, but, uh...
00:48:50Does Dr. Gillespie know?
00:48:53No, not yet.
00:48:55Well, I'd...
00:48:56I'd hesitate to take you away from him without his knowledge and permission.
00:49:00Uh, Dr. Carew, I've made up my mind.
00:49:03If necessary, I'll hand in my resignation.
00:49:05Oh, no, no, no.
00:49:07Yes, Dr. Carew?
00:49:08I'm assigning Dr. Kildare to the messenger case.
00:49:10Make out an order and I'll sign it.
00:49:12Oh, Dr. Carew, please.
00:49:13I'd rather tell Dr. Gillespie myself than have him run it through an official order.
00:49:17Oh, yes, yes, of course.
00:49:18Yes, sir?
00:49:19Don't put through that order about Dr. Kildare until I let you know.
00:49:23Well, this is all very fortuitous.
00:49:26Solving the messenger case will be a priceless asset to you
00:49:28when you're ready to go out into private practice, and, uh...
00:49:31Of course, it won't do the hospital any harm.
00:49:33I've taken that all into consideration.
00:49:35What's the latest report on Dr. Gillespie?
00:49:37There it is.
00:49:39Haven't you seen him?
00:49:40No. Nurse Molly Bird asked me not to go in.
00:49:43You're not very happy about his condition.
00:49:46I can see that.
00:49:49Wait outside, Mary.
00:49:51I don't want you to hear what I got to say to the head of your hospital.
00:49:59What's this I hear about you taking Kildare away from me
00:50:02and putting him on the messenger case?
00:50:05Why, who told you?
00:50:07Oh, I knew about it before the echo of your voice giving the order died away.
00:50:12What have you been saying to my boy?
00:50:15I've told you 10,000 times to run your hospital and let my office alone.
00:50:22It wasn't anything he said, sir. I made up my own mind.
00:50:25That's absolutely true, Leonard.
00:50:26Get out of here.
00:50:33Are you crazy?
00:50:35You know I can't go along with our work alone.
00:50:40I'm sorry, sir.
00:50:42Jimmy, you're tired.
00:50:45Take the day off.
00:50:47Go out and get some relaxation.
00:50:49You'll feel differently about it tomorrow.
00:50:53No. Messenger's too big a chance to give up.
00:50:57I don't see any reason why I should go on working 24 hours a day
00:51:01on something that won't pay me a cent
00:51:03when I can get in with one of the richest men in New York.
00:51:08So, Dr. Kildare,
00:51:11Mr. Messenger waves a checkbook in your face
00:51:14and you drop me like a hot potato.
00:51:17I've waited 20 years for an assistant
00:51:20and I find I've picked a common little money grubber.
00:51:23What did you want to study medicine for?
00:51:27You'd have made a swell pawnbroker.
00:51:30I'm not a pawnbroker.
00:51:33What did you want to study medicine for?
00:51:36You'd have made a swell pawnbroker.
00:51:50Take me back, will you?
00:51:55I'm tired.
00:52:03I need a fishing rod, doctor.
00:52:05Fishing rod? Where'd I get a fishing rod?
00:52:08Remember that fellow that we killed?
00:52:10The one that had the misery in his back?
00:52:12He gave us this.
00:52:13What are you grinning about?
00:52:15I'm glad you have to go away.
00:52:17I mean, I'm glad you're sick enough to be well enough to go...
00:52:20I mean, if you're getting some sleep, it'll give you some...
00:52:24Well, this is a fish basket. Take it with you.
00:52:26That isn't mine.
00:52:28Oh, yes, it is. I meant to give it to you for a Christmas present last year,
00:52:31but I forgot all about it.
00:52:32Molly, you're lying.
00:52:34You can't prove it.
00:52:38This is nice to keep hot coffee in.
00:52:40Where did that come from?
00:52:42It had the hospital's name on it, but I scratched it off.
00:52:45Well, under those circumstances, I'll take it.
00:52:48Well, for years I've known you've had Stooges reporting to you,
00:52:52but this is the first I've heard you have them stealing for you.
00:52:55Nurse Lamont, write this into your report.
00:52:59My patient was feeling fine until 15 or 20 chattering females descended on him.
00:53:05Goodbye. Quick.
00:53:08I guess I can take a hint.
00:53:11I'll see you before you leave tonight, Leonard.
00:53:14I'll be at the train, doctor.
00:53:16Should I go help Dr. Kildare pack his things, sir?
00:53:19Come over.
00:53:30The idea. After all you've done for him.
00:53:34Leaving you for a hypochondriac debutante with blonde hair and lots of money.
00:53:39Uh-oh. Another count he heard from.
00:53:42What do you mean?
00:53:44I forgot about the time we were worried about Jimmy and the redhead.
00:53:49You've been in love with him ever since.
00:53:51That's not true.
00:53:52Oh, let's stop kidding ourselves. We're both sunk.
00:53:59So that's the reason as soon as I got to New York, I telephoned your father.
00:54:02You're lunching with him, aren't you?
00:54:03Yeah. I'll see you later?
00:54:05Of course. We have a date for a walk, haven't we?
00:54:08Dad, if Jimmy's late, you charge it to my account.
00:54:10I will not. I'll take it out of your allowance.
00:54:13Come in, Jimmy.
00:54:17Sit down.
00:54:18I know nothing definite yet.
00:54:20Human behavior, especially unexpected behavior, is very often the outcome of some fixation in childhood.
00:54:27What are you driving at?
00:54:28Well, some instinct, and I can't rationalize it. It keeps bringing me back to Nancy's mother.
00:54:33Don't you know anything?
00:54:35That was over 12 years ago.
00:54:36There was never any divorce.
00:54:38Mrs. Messenger and I had separated for several years.
00:54:41You have no direct information of your wife and daughter during those years?
00:54:46No. I was in Europe.
00:54:47Mrs. Messenger died of pneumonia, hmm?
00:54:50Yes. She'd been ill for some time with a complication of ailments.
00:54:53But the end came through pneumonia.
00:54:56In a Long Island place out near Eastbury.
00:54:58You understand that at the time I got back to this country, it was all over.
00:55:02The funeral, everything.
00:55:05I haven't been to Eastbury since.
00:55:08Does Nancy ever visit the Long Island home?
00:55:10I imagine so.
00:55:11You see, Mrs. Messenger requested that Nancy's nurse should occupy it as long as she lived.
00:55:15Nancy's nurse?
00:55:16There's a woman named Nora.
00:55:19I'd like to talk to this Nora.
00:55:21That could be easily managed. I'll telephone her.
00:55:23No. No, let me see if I can arrange to meet Nora without anyone, even Nancy, suspecting anything.
00:55:31Isn't this much nicer than a walk in the park?
00:55:33Oh, of course.
00:55:35But you certainly changed your mind fast.
00:55:37Oh, it wasn't really a whim.
00:55:39When I got out of my shower, there was a phone message calling me to Long Island.
00:55:42So here we are.
00:55:51There's the house.
00:55:56My little lamb.
00:56:00Nora, this is Mr. Kildare.
00:56:02Pleased to meet you, sir.
00:56:03How do you do?
00:56:04Well, come in, come in.
00:56:06Well, now, let me take your things.
00:56:09Oh, my.
00:56:11This is the nicest surprise I've had since the last time you came.
00:56:15Surprise, Nora? Why, it was your message that brought me.
00:56:17What message? I didn't send you any message.
00:56:20Well, that's funny.
00:56:22What did the message say?
00:56:24It said to come to Long Island immediately.
00:56:26But maybe they took the message wrong.
00:56:28I'll ask the servants when I get home.
00:56:30Well, old fella.
00:56:33What's wrong with you?
00:56:35Poor thing's been limping around here for a week.
00:56:39Oh, Pete, you have a bad shoulder there.
00:56:42You found out quick enough.
00:56:44I just happened to hit the sore spot.
00:56:47Looks to me like you were asking questions with your fingers.
00:56:50The way doctors do.
00:56:52What's wrong with doctors, Nora?
00:56:55What's right with them.
00:56:57They stood by and let your mother die right before your eyes, didn't they?
00:57:00Nora, please.
00:57:03I'm sorry, darling.
00:57:06What's the matter, Nancy?
00:57:08It's one of those headaches again.
00:57:11How long have you been having headaches?
00:57:13I don't know.
00:57:15For months.
00:57:16Nancy, are you going to keep on tearing yourself apart with these headaches?
00:57:20Or once and for all, are you going to see him?
00:57:22I don't know.
00:57:26Who's him, Nora? A doctor?
00:57:29No, he's too good to be a doctor.
00:57:31He cures people instead of letting them die.
00:57:35A friend of yours, Nora?
00:57:37Mr. Archer is a friend of everybody who believes in him.
00:57:40Nancy, you must see him. Now. Today.
00:57:43When the blindness comes, even he can't help you.
00:57:46Nora, don't. Don't.
00:57:51Nancy, why not do as Nora says?
00:57:53What's the use? Nobody can help me.
00:57:56Please, Nancy. I'll go with you.
00:57:58Just come and talk to him.
00:58:00I don't know who the man is or what he can do, but...
00:58:03Every day miracles happen that no one can explain.
00:58:16Anyone as young as you, Miss Messenger, is not meant to suffer pain.
00:58:20But you do, don't you?
00:58:22Violent headaches. I can see that.
00:58:24Mr. Archer, Miss Messenger has just had a very severe attack.
00:58:28Don't you think she should lie down and rest a while before you proceed?
00:58:32Yes. Yes. An excellent idea.
00:58:35Nora, will you take her, please?
00:58:37In here, my dear.
00:58:45What was your idea in doing that?
00:58:47You see, I know that Nora's told you all about Miss Messenger.
00:58:50Which is, of course, what she should have done.
00:58:52We're all only concerned with making Nancy well again.
00:58:55Of course. Of course.
00:58:57Just what is your connection with the case, Mr. Kildare?
00:59:00Well, isn't it enough that I induced her to come and see you?
00:59:03After all, Nora wasn't able to, was she?
00:59:06Obviously, I'm in your debt.
00:59:08What's worrying you?
00:59:10As an old friend of the family, I know more about Miss Messenger's case than Nora does.
00:59:14Is that so? Of what, for instance?
00:59:16Well, six months ago, Nora revealed to Nancy the true cause of her mother's death.
00:59:22Suppose I tell you Nora was wrong.
00:59:27The mother's symptoms, as Nora describes them to me, sound very conclusive.
00:59:33Headaches, blindness.
00:59:35Why couldn't they indicate a dozen different things?
00:59:37Meningitis, for instance.
00:59:40Doctor, you must understand, I'm only trying to help you.
00:59:42And help Nancy.
00:59:44If, as we all believe, Nancy has inherited her mother's trouble,
00:59:49we must be sure we're on the right track.
00:59:51Mr. Kildare, unless you have some specific information,
00:59:54I must believe that periodic headaches plus muscular imbalance plus blindness
00:59:59can mean only one thing.
01:00:01Muscular imbalance?
01:00:03Well, suppose I'm wrong.
01:00:06Just how do you propose to treat Miss Messenger for this brain tumor?
01:00:11The first principle of my treatment is to cleanse the mind with truth.
01:00:15I then cure the body with natural methods and electro-vibrations.
01:00:20Well, you're not going to tell that girl she has a brain tumor.
01:00:22Of course, it's essential to my course of treatment.
01:00:24But you mustn't tell her.
01:00:25If you'll excuse me now, Mr. Kildare, I must attend my patient.
01:00:29Look here, Archly.
01:00:31That girl's half out of her mind with fear already.
01:00:33Nothing more than her own suspicions to frighten her.
01:00:36She doesn't know that Nora's told you the whole story.
01:00:38So if you diagnose her trouble as brain tumor, she's likely to lose her mind entirely.
01:00:44I don't agree, Dr. Kildare.
01:00:47Oh, yes, you're a doctor.
01:00:49Well, I don't have to be a doctor to see what your game is.
01:00:52You're going to tell her she has a tumor, knowing full well that she hasn't,
01:00:55so that you can pretend to cure something that doesn't exist.
01:00:58Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let you tell her anything like that.
01:01:07Nora, Miss Messenger, I'm convinced I can bring you back to perfect health.
01:01:12But Dr. Kildare here seems to think differently.
01:01:17It's true, Nancy.
01:01:19Sorry I'd learned it this way.
01:01:21There's no use keeping it a secret any longer.
01:01:23I'm a doctor.
01:01:24You, Jimmy, you're a doctor.
01:01:26Enough of a doctor to know that you're not going blind and you're not going to die
01:01:30because you don't have a brain tumor.
01:01:33Nancy, I'm a pretty good doctor.
01:01:35And every instinct I have tells me there's nothing wrong with you.
01:01:38Nothing but grief and fear and brooding imagination.
01:01:43Since you're a doctor,
01:01:45you oughtn't be the one to drive this poor child's talk raving crazy.
01:01:52Did you mean that?
01:01:53Hasn't she got any tumor?
01:02:02Now you need a little rest, dear.
01:02:05Hello, Nancy.
01:02:07Will you leave us alone, please?
01:02:09But you can't...
01:02:10Nora, please.
01:02:15Sorry to follow you here, Nancy, but I had to get things settled.
01:02:24You realize, of course, you haven't let me see you for a week.
01:02:27Although I've called at the house at least every day.
01:02:35The situation is very obvious, Nancy.
01:02:39You just don't love me anymore.
01:02:42But you're too nice to tell me so.
01:02:45I realize now that it's up to me to make it easier for you.
01:02:50Goodbye, Nancy.
01:02:51I'll never see you again.
01:03:00I'll never see him again.
01:03:17Emergency call. Blair General Hospital, New York City.
01:03:20Oh, hello, Dr. Kildare.
01:03:22No, Joe Weyman's not on duty tonight.
01:03:25He finally promised to buy me a dinner,
01:03:27and he didn't seem feverish when he said it either.
01:03:29Hey, did you say Dr. Kildare?
01:03:30Oh, excuse me, doctor. Here he is.
01:03:33Hello, doc. This is Joe.
01:03:35Oh, Joe. Joe, I'm in a spot and I need action.
01:03:37I want you to bring me an ophthalmoscope and a perimeter out to Long Island right away.
01:03:41Yeah, grab the first bus.
01:03:43I'm on my way.
01:03:44I didn't have anything important to do tonight anyway.
01:03:47Where are you?
01:03:49Okay, doc.
01:03:51I'm sorry about that dinner tonight, Sally.
01:03:54My system must be wrong.
01:03:56Other girls get diamond bracelets and I can't even promote a cheese sandwich.
01:04:01A bus is usually right on time here.
01:04:02On the dot.
01:04:05Take it easy, brother. You've got 25 minutes yet.
01:04:07There's the bus schedule.
01:04:10Hope it's my house.
01:04:11Just paid the insurance yesterday.
01:04:2021 miles in 19 and a half minutes.
01:04:22I'd have made it sooner, only it makes me nervous to go fast.
01:04:24How'd you get the ambulance?
01:04:25You're my pal and you said you were in a hurry.
01:04:27I am.
01:04:28The gadgets are in the back.
01:04:29Let's get going.
01:04:48Nora, I...
01:04:49Go away, doctor.
01:04:50I have to see her.
01:04:51You're not going to.
01:04:52But she hasn't a brain tumor. I'm positive she hasn't.
01:04:54If I can only see her and examine her eyes, I know I can convince her.
01:04:57You've done enough harm already.
01:04:58Nora, you must let me see her.
01:05:06Well, baby, the moment we got that phone call, I knew I'd be needing you.
01:05:13Oh, excuse me a minute, doc.
01:05:14I want to take a look at that back tire.
01:05:44Hey, doc.
01:05:46Doc, how do you like that?
01:05:47These yokels don't fight fair.
01:05:49This guy tried to pull a hammer on me.
01:06:06Look, I know how you feel about me, but I want to help you.
01:06:11I'm sure you don't have brain tumor.
01:06:14I'm positive we can straighten everything all out.
01:06:16Oh, please, Nancy, please look at me.
01:06:22Jimmy, I can't see you.
01:06:25I can't see anything, Jimmy.
01:06:28I'm blind.
01:06:36Son of a...
01:06:37Do you realize that every year millions of men abandon their sweethearts and wives and families just to go fishing?
01:06:46Any excuse is better than none.
01:06:48Well, what have they got this show for?
01:06:54Throw him back in.
01:06:56Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.
01:07:00Fish don't agree with me anyway.
01:07:03You call this a vacation, Conor?
01:07:06I wish you wouldn't move that umbrella so the sun hits my neck through that hole.
01:07:11Son, do you good.
01:07:13Violet Ray.
01:07:14Oh, Violet Applesauce.
01:07:16Too doggone healthy now.
01:07:19If you hadn't come on this here vacation, it's two to one right now.
01:07:23I'd be walking slow behind you.
01:07:25Why, I'll bet you would.
01:07:30Conover, betting is gambling.
01:07:33And gambling is illegal.
01:07:36Furthermore, it's foolish because you can't win.
01:07:39I've had it in my mind to teach you something about gambling for some time now.
01:07:48Out of the dim past, I can't win.
01:07:52Out of the dim past, I seem to remember that if you get a seven or an eleven, you win.
01:08:00Yes, doctor.
01:08:01And if you get a two, three or twelve, you lose.
01:08:05I'll roll you for a dollar.
01:08:17Lucky seven. You win.
01:08:22Let me breathe on them once for luck.
01:08:24Go on, breathe away.
01:08:32Conover, how much money you got on you?
01:08:34House can, four dollars.
01:08:36Four dollars, huh?
01:08:41Snake eye, I win.
01:08:52Double sixes. I win.
01:08:55How much money do you owe me now, doctor?
01:08:58Twenty-two dollars.
01:09:00Now that shows you what a fool a man is to gamble.
01:09:04Those dice I brought with me are crooked.
01:09:07Still, I couldn't win.
01:09:09No, doctor.
01:09:11Here's your dice.
01:09:13I switched on you when I breathed on them.
01:09:17There's a man walking towards us.
01:09:19Probably somebody from the hospital.
01:09:21Tell him I'm asleep.
01:09:23Howdy, Dr. Kildare.
01:09:24Hello, Conover.
01:09:26Uh, may I speak to you for a moment, Dr. Gillespie?
01:09:30Can't you see I'm asleep?
01:09:33I, uh, I hate to be a nuisance, sir, but, well, I'm at the end of my rope.
01:09:38Oh, I see.
01:09:41I, uh, I hate to be a nuisance, sir, but, well, I'm at the end of my rope.
01:09:46So you hung yourself, huh?
01:09:48Well, it's about the messenger girl.
01:09:50She's in the hospital. She's totally blind.
01:09:54Dr. Gillespie, Miss Messenger's optic nerve seems entirely normal.
01:09:58There's no sign of deterioration.
01:10:00By every test, she should be able to see.
01:10:03But she's blind.
01:10:05Please, Dr. Gillespie, if you can't come back to the hospital, I'd like to bring her here to see you.
01:10:10No, young Dr. Kildare.
01:10:12You dug this pit for yourself.
01:10:14Get yourself out of it.
01:10:27When's the next train leaving New York?
01:10:30About a half an hour.
01:10:32Well, what are we waiting for?
01:10:40My lecture today deals with the type of human suffering that invariably baffles a young doctor.
01:10:48And a great many old doctors as well.
01:10:51This is difficult to diagnose because it conceals itself under the symptoms of every known disease.
01:11:00There was, for instance, a woman totally bereft of speech.
01:11:07Shrewd investigation finally revealed that she'd called out to her little daughter,
01:11:12who, running across the street in answer, had been struck down by a car and killed.
01:11:19The subconscious realization that her own voice had called the child to its death paralyzed the mother's vocal cords.
01:11:27Even psychoanalysis failed to affect the cure.
01:11:31We were forced to pretend to operate on her throat.
01:11:37And by this means, convince her that we'd restored her speech surgically.
01:11:46Evidently, Dr. Kildare regards our kindergarten as beneath his notice.
01:11:54Who is it?
01:11:55Dr. Kildare.
01:11:58Nancy, I've found out what's wrong with your eyes and I can cure you.
01:12:02It's been nothing but a simple little myopic strain that always responds to a minor operation.
01:12:09Next patient.
01:12:14I'm pretty sure I know what the trouble is.
01:12:16Don't you tell me what the trouble is. I'll tell you what the trouble is.
01:12:19But doctor...
01:12:20Go on, get in there in the next room and take off your clothes.
01:12:24Go on, don't argue with me. Get in there.
01:12:26Go on, get in.
01:12:29Next patient.
01:12:32Oh, well, good morning.
01:12:35Sit down.
01:12:39Well, I know you.
01:12:41Of course you do. I'm Jimmy Kildare's mother.
01:12:44You're a very bullheaded young man.
01:12:47Well, how are you? I suppose you've come to ask me to take him back.
01:12:51Nothing of the sort.
01:12:53Why, don't you want him to be my assistant?
01:12:55I want him to be what he wants to be.
01:12:57And when he makes a mistake, I want him to find out why he made it, so he won't do it again.
01:13:02I suppose he failed.
01:13:04I'm his mother.
01:13:05I can't even imagine it.
01:13:08Dr. Gillespie, will you examine my husband?
01:13:12Well, what's the matter with him?
01:13:17I'll never be satisfied till you tell me what you think.
01:13:21Oh, I'll wait till you finish reading.
01:13:23Oh, go on talking.
01:13:24I can't stand people who can't do more than one thing at a time.
01:13:30I don't want Jimmy to know anything about this.
01:13:32Why, you don't suppose I tell him to read?
01:13:36Ah, I see.
01:13:39Well, bring him in Monday morning at 11 o'clock.
01:13:42Oh, thank you very much.
01:13:44You're very kind.
01:13:45No, no, this way, Mrs. Kildare.
01:13:50I'm very sorry about you and Jimmy.
01:13:52Your son is a natural-born objector, madam.
01:13:56He doesn't care which side of an argument he takes as long as everybody else is on the other side.
01:14:03Goodbye, Mrs. Kildare.
01:14:07Hey, you!
01:14:09Come on out!
01:14:16Now I'll listen to you.
01:14:17What's the matter with you?
01:14:19Nothing at all, sir.
01:14:21Nothing at all.
01:14:22I never was sick a day in my life.
01:14:25I just come here to repair your telephone.
01:14:35I've already explained my belief that when Miss Messenger experienced several commonplace headaches,
01:14:40Noah, ridden by fanatic fears, convinced the girl that she had a brain tumor,
01:14:43inherited from her mother.
01:14:45But now my conclusion is that the factor which directly induced Nancy's mysterious blindness
01:14:50was Mr. Heron's words,
01:14:52you'll never see me again.
01:14:54Will you come in now, please?
01:14:56Has Dr. Kildare made it clear that Miss Messenger has been led to believe
01:14:59that an operation has been performed on her for a trivial eye ailment?
01:15:03Yes, sir, yes.
01:15:15Nancy, I'm going to take the bandage off,
01:15:17and you're going to be able to see.
01:15:19And you'll know, as I know, that there isn't a single thing wrong with you now.
01:15:23I'll do that.
01:15:24I'll believe everything.
01:15:25If only I can see.
01:15:27Well, I'm so sure of it that I've arranged a little surprise for you.
01:15:32The first thing you'll see will be, uh...
01:15:49Now the room is full of sunlight.
01:16:12Nancy, darling.
01:16:13Oh, dear.
01:16:26Thank God.
01:16:27Fine work, Doctor.
01:16:28We'll talk about gratitude some other time.
01:16:30Do you think I might go in to see her, Doctor?
01:16:32Why, yes.
01:16:33Be a good idea to knock first.
01:16:40Doctor Kildare.
01:16:42Doctor Gillespie would like to see you at once.
01:16:53You sent for me, sir?
01:16:55I sent for a lot of unimportant people.
01:16:58You just happened to get here first.
01:17:01Well, uh, Doctor Gillespie,
01:17:04without knowing it, you've done me a very great service.
01:17:08You'll be happy to hear that Miss Messenger...
01:17:10I don't want to hear anything about your diamond-studded millionaire patients.
01:17:14I got a couple of pretty good patients myself.
01:17:18Send in those patients.
01:17:20You know, the funny thing is, ever since you left here,
01:17:23everything's been running like clockwork.
01:17:26What patients?
01:17:27Those two people.
01:17:29The man and the woman you met with.
01:17:32Oh, why didn't you say so?
01:17:37It's her fault. I don't talk loud enough.
01:17:46What are you two doing here?
01:17:48Sir, what's the matter? Is something wrong?
01:17:51Dad, are you ill?
01:17:53No, Jimmy.
01:17:54Oh, Mother, I have a right to know.
01:17:57We were worried about your father's heart, Jimmy.
01:18:00Oh, why didn't you tell me?
01:18:02But we know it's all right now.
01:18:04Dr. Gillespie, they're trying to make me think there's nothing serious.
01:18:08My diploma's over there. Have a look at it.
01:18:11Are you sure, Dr. Gillespie?
01:18:13Did you look for any signs of thrombosis?
01:18:15You little whiffeth! Are you questioning my diagnosis?
01:18:19I beg your pardon, sir. I didn't mean that.
01:18:20Oh, yes, you did, too.
01:18:22Ever since you started your Park Avenue practice,
01:18:25you don't trust any doctor unless he wears a high hat and spats.
01:18:29I'm sorry, sir.
01:18:31You should have told me.
01:18:33Well, it was our worry until we had to tell you, Jimmy.
01:18:36Then stop fretting about it.
01:18:38It's all over now, isn't it?
01:18:40Yes, but the past two minutes I've been doing some fast thinking.
01:18:43About what?
01:18:44My week off next month.
01:18:45I was going to spend it in the research clinic,
01:18:47but now I'm coming home and stay with you.
01:18:50Oh, we like that, son.
01:18:52I want to tell you how happy you've made us, sir,
01:18:55but I don't know what to say.
01:18:57Well, why don't you say something stupid?
01:18:59You usually do.
01:19:00Well, Stephen, are you going to stand around there
01:19:02gossiping with Dr. Gillespie all day?
01:19:05This is a place for sick people, isn't it?
01:19:07Oh, yes, yes.
01:19:08Doctor, I said everything I could think of in there,
01:19:11but I'd like to say it again.
01:19:12Oh, write me a letter about it.
01:19:14See you later, son.
01:19:15Well, we're going to have dinner together, aren't we?
01:19:28Goodbye, son.
01:19:33Now, let's see.
01:19:34Who are you?
01:19:35Oh, yes.
01:19:36I remember.
01:19:37An Irish porn broker named Kildare.
01:19:41I'm still grateful for what you've done for my father.
01:19:45Are you still here?
01:19:46Well, I just want a minute more, sir.
01:19:48Uh, the messenger girl is cured,
01:19:50thanks indirectly to you.
01:19:52To me?
01:19:53Yes, and to the happy coincidence
01:19:55that your lecture gave me the clue.
01:19:57Happy coincidence.
01:19:59Isn't that splendid?
01:20:02The first happy coincidence was
01:20:04that I happened to come back from my vacation
01:20:06on that particular day.
01:20:08The second happy coincidence was
01:20:10that I happened to lecture for the first time in a year.
01:20:13And the third happy coincidence was
01:20:15that I picked that particular subject.
01:20:18Happy coincidence.
01:20:20Why, you stupid little tadpole,
01:20:22I've been leading you around like a pug dog on a string.
01:20:28Well, I don't know.
01:20:30I don't know what to say.
01:20:32Well, you've said that before.
01:20:34As regards the messenger case,
01:20:36even good doctors often forget
01:20:38that fear is a tyrant over the body as well as the mind.
01:20:42People can acquire the evil results of every disease
01:20:45just through fear alone.
01:20:47I had an instinctive feeling about that case from the beginning.
01:20:50You should have been positive, young Dr. Kildare.
01:20:53There's nothing new about it.
01:20:55Why, way back in the Middle Ages
01:20:57when the Black Plague killed half the people in Europe,
01:21:00there were thousands of folks that died of the disease
01:21:03that didn't have it at all.
01:21:05I thought I was so smart.
01:21:07There's only one really smart guy around here,
01:21:10and that's me.
01:21:12I know everything.
01:21:14I'm convinced of that.
01:21:16Yeah, I know even more than you think I do.
01:21:20For instance, I know
01:21:22that you didn't quit your job with me
01:21:24on account of Paul Messenger's money.
01:21:27What? Why?
01:21:28Easy now, Jimmy, easy.
01:21:31You knew I'd have to stop and take a rest
01:21:34if you walked out on me.
01:21:36So, you walk out on me.
01:21:40I'll never forget that, Jimmy.
01:21:43How did you find out?
01:21:45Who could have told you?
01:21:47Nobody told me.
01:21:49I figured it out for myself.
01:21:51That is to say, I figured it out
01:21:53after I'd wangled around with your mother for a while.
01:21:57Mary Lamont, come here.
01:22:00How did you know I was here?
01:22:02I've got an extra eye in the back of my head.
01:22:06I heard everything.
01:22:08Mary, that's one of the things you'll have to learn
01:22:11if you're going to be in love with a doctor.
01:22:14Uh, I've got to do something.
01:22:18Heh, heh.
01:22:20None so blind as those who won't see.
01:22:23Uh, excuse me, I have something to do, too.
01:22:26No, you haven't.
01:22:28Tonight, you've got a date with an airplane
01:22:30and a bottle of sulfur pyridine.
01:22:36Well, don't let the local doctors give you any gawk.
01:22:40I'll try not to do anything wrong.
01:22:42Suppose we do everything wrong.
01:22:45Someday, some fella smarter than we are
01:22:47will look it all over and say,
01:22:49well, thank heaven I don't have to waste my time
01:22:51finding that out.
01:22:53He'll find the real answer to pneumonia.
01:23:01He'll get the real answer to pneumonia that much sooner.
01:23:05Yes, sir.
01:23:08Bye, sir.
01:23:09Goodbye, son.
01:23:16Hey, you Lincoln Poop,
01:23:18look at what you're doing with that umbrella.
01:23:35I sure hope you folks find a cure for pneumonia real quick.
01:23:39I'll watch it to you.
01:23:41I sure hope you folks find a cure for pneumonia real quick.
01:23:44I'll watch it to you.
01:23:46Because I'll get it right now.
01:23:49Because I'll get it right now.