• 3 years ago
News item on children who have not returned to school in the wake of the disruption of the last two years. The first part of the segment focuses on "school refusal due to severe anxiety" which is technically illness. Therefore a child should be receiving EOTAS the LA have a legal duty to provide this under s.19. That is then conflated with other reasons for pupils not returning to the classroom, and spun as them being danger, however there is no recognition that the situation in schools for the last two years will have done more hard than good to many children's mental health.

This article by a respected research organisation has a more honest approach:

"What is meant by “fallen off the radar”? It seems to me that two different things are being conflated:

* pupils who are on roll at school but who are severely absent; and
* pupils who are not on the roll of a school

From an interview given by the Commissioner to BBC Women’s Hour, it would seem that this is intentional."


