Sila Nerangalil Sila Manidhargal is an Indian Tamil-language drama film written and directed by debutant Vishal Venkat and produced by AR Entertainment and Trident Arts. The film stars Ashok Selvan in lead role with Nassar, K. Manikandan, Abi Hassan, Reyya, K. S. Ravikumar and Riythvika in supporting roles.
Host - Krishna
Camera - Sandeep
Edit - Krishna
Appappo App Link: http://bit.ly/2WDTNNa
Vikatan App - https://bit.ly/vikatanApp
Subscribe Cinema Vikatan : https://goo.gl/zmuXi6
Sila Nerangalil Sila Manidhargal is an Indian Tamil-language drama film written and directed by debutant Vishal Venkat and produced by AR Entertainment and Trident Arts. The film stars Ashok Selvan in lead role with Nassar, K. Manikandan, Abi Hassan, Reyya, K. S. Ravikumar and Riythvika in supporting roles.
Host - Krishna
Camera - Sandeep
Edit - Krishna
Appappo App Link: http://bit.ly/2WDTNNa
Vikatan App - https://bit.ly/vikatanApp
Subscribe Cinema Vikatan : https://goo.gl/zmuXi6