Major Border Crossing Reopens After Canadian Truckers Protest Shut It Down

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Major Border Crossing , Reopens After Canadian , Truckers Protest Shut It Down.
On February 8, Canada's busiest border crossing
reopened after traffic ground to a halt for nearly
a day as a result of protesting truckers. .
On February 8, Canada's busiest border crossing
reopened after traffic ground to a halt for nearly
a day as a result of protesting truckers. .
The BBC reports that truckers protesting
Canada's COVID-19 vaccine mandate blocked the
Ambassador Bridge on the evening of February 7. .
The BBC reports that truckers protesting
Canada's COVID-19 vaccine mandate blocked the
Ambassador Bridge on the evening of February 7. .
The bridge across the Detroit River is an important crossing between the United States and Canada. .
According to the BBC, more than
40,000 people and over $323 million worth
of goods cross the bridge every day. .
Travelers were directed to take long detours, as hundreds of vehicles were backed up for miles. .
On February 7, Canadian Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau accused protestors
of trying to "blockade" the economy. .
On February 7, Canadian Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau accused protestors
of trying to "blockade" the economy. .
According to the BBC, demonstrations have been
centered on the Canadian capital of Ottawa,
where a state of emergency has been declared. .
According to the BBC, demonstrations have been
centered on the Canadian capital of Ottawa,
where a state of emergency has been declared. .
Many local businesses have reportedly had to close after the city was essentially brought to a standstill. .
Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, who declared the state
of emergency on February 6, said the protests were , "out of control.".
The BBC reports that the so-called
Freedom Convoy began on January 9. .
Demonstrations have now reportedly
spread to other Canadian cities,
including Toronto and Vancouver. .
Internationally, the protests against COVID-19 restrictions
and mandatory vaccination have seen rallies of support in
New Zealand's capital Wellington and Canberra in Australia.
Internationally, the protests against COVID-19 restrictions
and mandatory vaccination have seen rallies of support in
New Zealand's capital Wellington and Canberra in Australia