Alice Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Alice (Keke Palmer) yearns for freedom as an enslaved person on a rural Georgia plantation under its brutal and disturbed owner Paul (Jonny Lee Miller). After a violent clash with Paul, she flees through the neighboring woods and stumbles onto the unfamiliar sight of a highway, soon discovering the year is actually 1973. Rescued on the roadside by a disillusioned political activist named Frank (Common), Alice quickly comprehends the lies that have kept her in bondage and the promise of Black liberation. Inspired by true accounts, Alice is a modern empowerment fable tracing Alice's journey through the post-Civil Rights Era American South.
directed by Krystin Ver Linden
starring Keke Palmer, Common, Jonny Lee Miller, Gaius Charles, Alicia Witt
release date March 18, 2022 (in theaters)
directed by Krystin Ver Linden
starring Keke Palmer, Common, Jonny Lee Miller, Gaius Charles, Alicia Witt
release date March 18, 2022 (in theaters)
Short film