Bollywood actress Mouni Roy has been shelling out major travel goals as she has bombarded her social media handles with stunning pictures and videos. Keeping up with the trajectory, the Gold actress took to her official Instagram handle on Friday and shared beautiful glimpses of how she is about to kick start her weekend, amid the snowcapped mountains in Kashmir with her husband Suraj Nambiar.
The Made in China actress shared a reel on Instagram featuring Australian singer Ruth Moody’s song Cold Outside. The clip sees Mouni and Suraj enjoying her honeymoon in Kashmir as the duo played in the show and captured their precious moments in the camera. As the video starts, it sees Mouni dressed in a green trench coat and a pair of aviators. While Suraj held the camera as Jack Frost nippes at his nose, Mouni comes crawling from back, trying to fit in the frame.
The Made in China actress shared a reel on Instagram featuring Australian singer Ruth Moody’s song Cold Outside. The clip sees Mouni and Suraj enjoying her honeymoon in Kashmir as the duo played in the show and captured their precious moments in the camera. As the video starts, it sees Mouni dressed in a green trench coat and a pair of aviators. While Suraj held the camera as Jack Frost nippes at his nose, Mouni comes crawling from back, trying to fit in the frame.