• 3 years ago
Whoopi Goldberg
Rejoins 'The View' , Following Suspension.
CNN reports Whoopi Goldberg
is back on 'The View,'.
CNN reports Whoopi Goldberg
is back on 'The View,'.
after being recently suspended
for her misguided comments
on the Holocaust. .
Upon her return, Goldberg did not mention her controversial comments specifically.
There's something kind
of marvelous about being
on a show like this because
we are 'The View,'
and this is what we do. , Whoopi Goldberg, via 'The View.'.
Sometimes we don't do it as elegantly as we could... , Whoopi Goldberg, via 'The View.'.
Goldberg said it is an honor
to be back on the show.
It is an honor to sit at this
table and be able to have
these conversations... They're important to us as a nation, and to us more so as a human entity. , Whoopi Goldberg, via 'The View.'.
During a discussion on a Tennesse
School District's recent banning of 'Maus,' a graphic novel based on the
perils of the Holocaust.
Whoopi said, "the Holocaust
isn't about race.".
ABC quickly suspended Goldberg, calling her comments "wrong and hurtful."


