01:00Oh, have a heart, Alibi, it's fun, fun, give me a rest.
01:23Now don't start squawking, Elmer.
01:25A few more rehearsals and we'll be able to ditch these two wandering trouble hunters
01:29and get ourselves a job on the stage.
01:31Ain't you an optimist, pal?
01:33Elmer sure got your number, Alibi.
01:36We're getting plenty fed up with that jabbering.
01:39Why don't you put that dummy away?
01:42Who's a dummy, you big ape?
01:44Get on off of that horse and I'll tear you apart, if I can catch you.
01:49Take it easy, Elmer.
01:51You know, the dust can crash your plumb hard to get along with.
01:56If we get that vulnerable contract, we're going to have to put up with them.
02:00You darn tootin' you're going to have to put up with us.
02:02And if we have any more trouble with it, we're going to use Elmer for firewood.
02:05Yeah, you and who else?
02:08Trouble, that's all you and Christ think about.
02:11Can we find enough trouble back on the ranch without going out and hunting first?
02:21Uh-oh, three against one.
02:22Looks like that ombre in the wagon needs some help.
02:24Let's go.
04:14Let him go!
04:15Let him go!
04:16We got to stop the wagon!
04:45We got to stop the wagon!
04:48We got to stop the wagon!
05:14For the love of Mike.
05:18Hey Dusty, look, it's a real baby.
05:20A what?
05:34Doggone, I knew there was trouble coming.
05:36Oh, kids ain't no trouble.
05:38You don't know kids.
05:39My baby, he was in danger.
05:44So I...
05:46Oh, take it easy, pal.
05:48Take care of him.
05:51Barring age, Marion.
05:55Look out for him.
06:03Poor little maverick.
06:09There's nothing to identify him.
06:25Well, what do we do with the baby?
06:26Take care of it until we find out what's in back of this killing.
06:29He said the kid's in danger and to look out for Amos.
06:32Say, uh, you suppose that's the owner's name?
06:34No, I'm betting Amos is someone else.
06:36What about this Marion in the Bar H Ranch?
06:38You reckon we ought to look him up?
06:40Yeah, but first we got to go into town and report they're shooting.
06:42But what if they think we did the killing and throw us in jail?
06:45After all, we're strangers here.
06:46I never thought about that.
06:48After all, there's no reason for us to leave with our chins.
06:50Yeah, I guess you're right.
06:52Say, if we turn the horses loose, they'd head for home.
06:56And we'll take this two-legged yearling to that cabin we just passed until we're sure who it is.
07:01That's right, give me a hand.
07:02Whoever killed my brother apparently turned the horses loose
07:05and knew that they would bring him home.
07:08Have you any suspicions who might have committed the crime, Miss Warner?
07:11Oh, no.
07:12We've had a great deal of trouble ever since the state started buying gravel
07:16from our ranch for medicine hat band.
07:19A couple of our men were mysteriously killed, as you know.
07:23And Bob's life was threatened several times.
07:25That's why he was taking the baby to town.
07:27He thought it would be safer with Mrs. Parker.
07:29But now my brother is dead, and no one seems to know what happened to the baby.
07:33Marion, Bob was my best friend.
07:35He wanted me to be the baby's guardian,
07:37and I'll help the sheriff search until we find the youngster.
07:40Chances are that Bob Horner's killers are holding the child.
07:43Rex, get a posse together.
07:45We're combing the country for that baby.
07:48Well, Mr. Morland, I heard that there was a meeting at the sheriff's office.
07:52Oh, yes.
07:53He told me to call you.
07:54Is that Mr. Morland?
07:56Yeah, that's Mr. Morland, the attorney.
07:59Oh, Mr. Morland, thank you.
08:00He's very kind, and it's a wonderful thing you're going right in.
08:03Oh, just a minute, Mr. Morland.
08:05He says he wants you to go down to the sheriff's office
08:08to see whether his men have been named.
08:11All right, Mr. Morland.
08:12All right, Mr. Morland.
08:14Jerry, I've been looking for you.
08:16I heard that there was a meeting at the sheriff's office today.
08:18You heard right.
08:20Didn't I tell you to never come here in the daytime?
08:22Oh, you've got nothing to worry about now.
08:24We got Horner out of the way and you're sitting pretty.
08:27Sitting pretty, huh?
08:28Where's the baby?
08:29Why, did those three strangers bring the kid into town and report the killing?
08:33What do you mean three strangers?
08:35The wagon with Horner's body showed up to bar H and nobody was with it.
08:38Say, there's something phony going on then.
08:40Yeah, after we flogged Horner, three army started shooting at us and we had to take out.
08:43But they must have the kid.
08:45You bird sure put me in a tough spot.
08:47Until that kid's found, the court will hold up my trusteeship of the estate.
08:50Well, after all, we're no mind readers, Morley.
08:52Listen, we had a deal with you.
08:53We won't go into that.
08:54Find that baby and you can fix it up somehow so those three strangers are blamed for the murder.
08:59Say, that's an idea.
09:01We'll check with you later on.
09:15Milk warm yet?
09:17Just about.
09:18Let me have that bottle.
09:20You know, Dusty and I are going into town tonight and we'd better hurry up and feed my little maverick.
09:24What do you mean your little maverick?
09:25Didn't I find him?
09:26You mean I did.
09:29You know what?
09:31I'll bet he'd go for this.
09:32He sure would if you'd loan him your teeth.
09:34I remember when I was a kid, I liked cows and this.
09:36Hey, what are you doing?
09:37Hey, what are you doing?
09:38Hey, what are you doing?
09:39Hey, what are you doing?
09:40Hey, what are you doing?
09:41Hey, what are you doing?
09:42Hey, what are you doing?
09:43Hey, what are you doing?
09:44Hey, watch what you're doing.
09:47You'd never make a mother.
09:50Think of the baby.
09:51I bet I know how to use him.
09:52He needs new dungarees.
10:01You think you can do it?
10:02I reckon I ought to be able to, seeing as how I'm an expert at throwing a diamond hitch on a pack mule.
10:14I reckon I ought to be able to, seeing as how I'm an expert at throwing a diamond hitch on a pack mule.
14:50What do you want?
14:53Oh, I want a little bit of information, sherif.
14:55I'm looking for a gent named Amos.
14:58You mean Amos Hardy?
15:00Yeah, that's him.
15:02He owned the gold mine saloon across the street.
15:06They have the bombing trace of the fells that killed Horner.
15:11No, we haven't.
15:12But when we do, they'll sure swing.
15:13Yeah, I reckon they will.
15:14Thanks, Sheriff.
15:15Find out anything?
15:17For one thing, we're in for lynching if we don't find them killers.
15:28A lynching?
15:36What'd we do?
15:37Well, we're holding a kid that ain't ours, and he can't talk and say we didn't kill his
15:40old man.
15:42Well, what are we gonna do?
15:43Have a look at Amos.
15:44You got his trail?
15:45He's within walking distance.
15:46Goodbye, old man.
15:47I'm leaving China.
15:48Goodbye, old man.
15:49I'm leaving China.
15:50I'm leaving China.
15:51Goodbye, old man.
15:52I'm leaving China.
15:53Goodbye, old man.
15:54I'm leaving China.
15:55Goodbye, old man.
15:56I'm leaving China.
15:57Goodbye, old man.
15:58I'm leaving China.
15:59Goodbye, old man.
16:00I'm leaving China.
16:01Goodbye, old man.
16:02Goodbye, old man.
16:03Goodbye, old man.
16:04Goodbye, old man.
16:05Goodbye, old man.
16:06Goodbye, old man.
16:07Goodbye, old man.
16:08Goodbye, old man.
16:09Goodbye, old man.
16:10Goodbye, old man.
16:11Goodbye, old man.
16:12Goodbye, old man.
16:13Goodbye, old man.
16:14Goodbye, old man.
16:15Goodbye, old man.
16:16Goodbye, old man.
16:17Goodbye, old man.
16:18Goodbye, old man.
16:19Goodbye, old man.
16:20Goodbye, old man.
16:21Goodbye, old man.
16:22Goodbye, old man.
16:23Goodbye, old man.
16:24Goodbye, old man.
16:25Goodbye, old man.
16:26Goodbye, old man.
16:27Goodbye, old man.
16:28Goodbye, old man.
16:29Goodbye, old man.
16:30Goodbye, old man.
16:31Goodbye, old man.
16:32Goodbye, old man.
16:33Goodbye, old man.
16:35The errant.
16:53Don't screw with me.
16:59This time theStop.
17:02Here we are, boss.
17:07Amos, Kirk and his boys don't find that baby, we're allowed to lose the gravel contract.
17:25I can't sign a thing until the kid's officially my award.
17:31Your proposal to supply a barrage for the $50,000
17:34covering the guarantee you requested
17:35has been deposited with the Medicine Hat Bank
17:38and will be turned over to you upon receipt
17:40of enclosed contracts duly signed.
17:43This acceptance expires July the 14th.
17:47There's no use worrying, Jim.
17:50If those three strangers still have the kid,
17:52they're no doubt trying to find out who he belongs to.
17:55Well, I hope you're right.
17:57Once we get our hands on that $50,000,
17:59we're leaving this bird for good.
18:05Here's what it's going to be.
18:06Take mine at Kentucky Bourbon.
18:08I'll have milk, and my partner will have milk, too.
18:11I get that.
18:13A little rattlesnake milk, huh?
18:16My partner said milk.
18:30No luck, Bowman.
18:32You couldn't catch cold in the barrel of ice water, Kirk.
18:34Now beat it.
18:35I'll talk to you later.
18:52Didn't I tell you to beat it?
18:53I told you to beat it.
18:54I told you to beat it.
18:55I told you to beat it.
18:56I told you to beat it.
18:57I told you to beat it.
18:59Two of those strangers have got the kid around at the bar.
19:03Try and get them out of the slum without any trouble,
19:05and we'll see what they're up to.
19:06We're looking for Amos Hardy.
19:08Is he around?
19:10He's in his office.
19:26Looks like we're going to have to wait.
19:28Looks like we're going to find more than we expected.
19:34All right, Jake, set him up.
19:35I'll back.
19:41Stranger in town?
19:46Look up a work?
19:49I just noticed the way you do them is pack your guns.
19:52Thought maybe you'd like to hire them out.
19:55What's your proposition?
19:57Just watch back and talk it over.
19:58I see why we shouldn't talk it over here.
20:00That is, if the job's on the up and up.
20:02I'm not in the habit of discussing
20:03my business in public.
20:04Are you interested in the job, or ain't you?
20:06You put it that way, stranger, no.
20:09It might have to do with ambushing some rancher
20:11in a buckboard with a little baby.
20:13Are you?
20:27I'm not in the habit of discussing my business in public.
20:30I'm not in the habit of discussing my business
20:32in public.
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20:35in public.
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25:02And no one yells at me.
25:03That's my baby.
25:04No, I'm not.
25:05I'm looking for someone with a baby.
25:07Have you seen any of them?
25:08No, sir.
25:09They're desperate character, motored by the law.
25:13That's a baby's barter!
25:15Oh, yes, sir.
25:16Oh, yeah, why, uh, this is belong from a partner.
25:21Your partner?
25:22Yeah, though.
25:24This is my partner, Elmer Sneezeweed, Sheriff.
25:26This is the sheriff who's trying to track down some bad men.
25:29Bet he couldn't track an elephant in three feet of snow.
25:33A polite little fella, and funny.
25:35Very funny.
25:36Maybe so, but he ain't funny to me.
25:39I can't understand, what does this mean?
25:40I hire a call hand, what's a call hand?
25:43Don't forget to come back when I get her act down good.
25:46Plum loco.
25:47So am I.
25:57Well, you saved my life that time, Elmer.
26:00Oh, gee, I'm a big boy now.
26:02Stop and take this hat off of me.
26:18Now remember, Dusty, don't mention the baby
26:20and let me do the talking.
26:22Oh, you always want to do the talking.
26:23You're getting a bit bad as Elmer.
26:53Well, now, my little friend, let me tell you a story.
26:57What story?
26:58I'll tell you a story.
27:01Do tell.
27:01I want to know if I can make it happen.
27:06A little stories like this make me very happy.
27:09You don't know what will happen to you.
27:11I know.
27:12Oh, don't tell anybody, I know.
27:13I know.
27:14Oh, you'll see, he'll kill you.
27:16I know, I know.
27:16I'll tell the whole world.
27:18And I'll tell you the whole world.
27:20I'm going to kill the whole world.
27:22I'll tell everybody.
27:23Iļæ½m going to take a look at that bushwacker and find out what that shootingļæ½s about.
27:46Iļæ½m going to take a look at that bushwacker and find out what that shootingļæ½s about.
28:16Iļæ½m going to take a look at that bushwacker and find out what that shootingļæ½s about.
28:46Iļæ½m going to take a look at that bushwacker and find out what that shootingļæ½s about.
29:16Iļæ½m going to take a look at that bushwacker and find out what that shootingļæ½s about.
29:47Iļæ½m going to take a look at that bushwacker and find out what that shootingļæ½s about.
29:57And thatļæ½s about all there is to tell.
30:00Amos Hardy has been trying to buy the ranch for the last year or so, but Bob refused to sell.
30:05Do you reckon this Amos Hardy has anything to do with these mysterious threats and killings?
30:10I donļæ½t really know.
30:13We thought perhaps he was trying to frighten us into selling, but we couldnļæ½t prove it.
30:18The sheriffļæ½s been carrying on an investigation, but so far nothing has come of it.
30:22What about this lawyer you mentioned, James Morland?
30:25Why should your brother leave a will appointing him the babyļæ½s guardian and placing him in complete charge of the Horner estate?
30:30Jim Morland and Bob were lifelong friends.
30:33Heļæ½s always handled Bobļæ½s business and advanced the money to keep the barrage going.
30:37Do you owe him any money now?
30:39The gravel weļæ½ve been selling to Medicine Hat Dam has cleared all our debts.
30:43But Bob was against running the books in the ranch by digging the gravel,
30:47so when our last contract expired, he wouldnļæ½t renew it.
30:50Morland thought he was very foolish.
30:53Well, this Morland sounds like a right interest in jest, maļæ½am.
30:56If the baby shouldnļæ½t be returned, will he still be trustee of the estate?
31:00In that case, the ranch reverts to me.
31:02But I donļæ½t want the place.
31:04It rightfully belongs to Bobļæ½s son, and we have to find him.
31:07Weļæ½ll find him, all right, maļæ½am. And donļæ½t you worry.
31:10Thank you. It might be easier if youļæ½d call me Marian. That is my name.
31:15Thatļæ½s a nice name.
31:18Well, I reckon weļæ½d better be going.
31:21Marian, if anyone asks about us, weļæ½re working for the Bar H.
31:28I understand.
31:38Good morning, Marian. New hands?
31:41Yes. This is Dusty King and Crash Corbin, Jim.
31:44Two of the Range Busters. Jim Morland.
31:47Hiya, Mr. Morland.
31:48Range Busters, huh? Howdy.
31:50Well, Iļæ½m certainly glad Marian was able to hire men of your caliber
31:54to aid in the search for her nephew.
31:56Seems like the sheriff hasnļæ½t been able to pick up a single clue.
31:59Well, we might not be able to do much better, Mr. Morland.
32:02Weļæ½re in a hurry.
32:04Well, we might not be able to do much better, Mr. Morland.
32:07Weļæ½re much too modest.
32:20Howdy, Miss Horner.
32:21Hello, Jim.
32:22Any news?
32:23Not yet, but Iļæ½m still looking for another young one.
32:26Have you got some new hands living over in Pete Johnsonļæ½s cabin?
32:28Why, yes. The boys.
32:30Oh. Well, Iļæ½ve seen you before.
32:32Yeah, but Iļæ½ve got a job now. Iļæ½m the bar age.
32:35Well, I suppose itļæ½s your business, Marian. See you later.
32:52Well, I think Iļæ½ll be running along, Marian.
32:54Iļæ½ll just stop by to see if you have anything good to report about the baby.
32:57Goodbye. So long, maļæ½am.
32:59So long.
33:00So long.
33:02So long.
33:13Morland didnļæ½t stay very long, did he, maļæ½am?
33:15I usually have to almost run him off.
33:18Weļæ½ve been, what you might say, halfway engaged for some time.
33:22Well, Iļæ½m sure glad itļæ½s only halfway.
33:25Oh, you are, eh? Well, itļæ½s not going to do you a lot of good with me around.
33:30Weļæ½ll check with you this evening, Marian.
33:52Come on, Romeo. Youļæ½re holding up the parade.
33:55Sheļæ½s mad, isnļæ½t she?
33:56Sheļæ½s a perfect girl, Chris.
33:57Yeah, sheļæ½s beautiful, all right, but boy, oh, boy.
34:00What a run-up.
34:01She wouldnļæ½t trust anybody she likes.
34:04Like me, for instance.
34:28You know who those three hombres were that butted into your little play last evening?
34:31What difference does it make?
34:32Honey, theyļæ½re the Range Busters.
34:34You mean the outfit to clean out the Torrance gang and parcel all this way?
34:37Thatļæ½s right.
34:38No wonder they cause us so much trouble.
34:40Now, listen to this.
34:41I think theyļæ½re bunking at Pete Jonesļæ½ cabin.
34:44Two of them are at the Bar H, so the other one must be along with the baby.
34:48Well, you donļæ½t have to tell us any more.
34:49Weļæ½ll get the kid and take him to the mine cabin in the Peak Canyon.
34:52Youļæ½ve been prepared.
35:27I didnļæ½t do it to you.
35:52Hey, Barney, put that baby down.
36:18You get strung up for this.
36:19Come on, Greg.
36:49Oh, boy, the roof must have fell in.
37:11Come on, snap out of it and talk sense.
37:14Hey, the kidļæ½s gone.
37:17Heļæ½s behind the curtains.
37:18Oh, heļæ½s human.
37:19Heļæ½s crooked.
37:20Yeah, heļæ½s here all right, Alibi.
37:21Naturally, heļæ½s all right.
37:22I switched the elm for the baby and the turkey elm.
37:23What do you mean, Greg?
37:24Them three gunfighters that killed Horner.
37:25Those three gunfighters?
37:27The only ones that know weļæ½re staying at this cabin are Marion, the sheriff, and Morland.
37:28And Morland left the Bar H before we did.
37:29Alibi, you take the baby to the Bar H and donļæ½t talk.
37:30Dusty and I are riding to town.
37:31Letļæ½s travel.
37:32Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:33Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:34Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:35Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:36Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:37Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:39Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:40Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:41Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:42Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:43Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:44Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:45Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:46Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:47Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:48Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:49Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:50Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:51Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:52Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:53Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:54Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:55Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:56Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:57Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:58Iļæ½ll stay here.
37:59Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:00Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:01Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:02Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:03Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:04Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:05Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:06Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:07Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:08Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:09Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:10Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:11Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:12Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:13Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:14Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:15Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:16Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:17Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:18Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:19Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:20Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:21Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:22Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:23Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:24Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:25Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:26Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:27Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:28Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:29Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:30Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:31Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:32Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:33Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:34Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:35Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:36Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:37Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:38Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:39Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:40Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:41Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:42Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:43Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:44Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:45Iļæ½ll stay here.
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38:47Iļæ½ll stay here.
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38:49Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:50Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:51Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:52Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:53Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:54Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:55Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:56Iļæ½ll stay here.
38:57Iļæ½ll stay here.
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38:59Iļæ½ll stay here.
39:00Iļæ½ll stay here.
39:01Iļæ½ll stay here.
39:02Iļæ½ll stay here.
39:03Iļæ½ll stay here.
39:04Iļæ½ll stay here.
39:05Iļæ½ll stay here.
39:06Iļæ½ll stay here.
39:07Iļæ½ll stay here.
39:08Iļæ½ll stay here.
39:09Iļæ½ll stay here.
39:10Iļæ½ll stay here.
39:11Iļæ½ll stay here.
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39:13Iļæ½ll stay here.
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39:34Iļæ½ll stay here.
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46:53Iļæ½ll stay here.
46:54Iļæ½ll stay here.
46:55Iļæ½ll stay here.
46:56Iļæ½ll stay here.
46:57Iļæ½ll stay here.
46:58Iļæ½ll stay here.
46:59Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:00Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:01Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:02Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:03Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:04Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:05Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:06Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:07Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:08Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:09Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:10Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:11Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:12Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:13Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:14Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:15Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:16Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:17Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:18Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:19Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:20Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:21Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:22Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:23Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:24Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:25Iļæ½ll stay here.
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47:33Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:34Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:35Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:36Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:37Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:38Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:39Iļæ½ll stay here.
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47:41Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:42Iļæ½ll stay here.
47:43Iļæ½ll stay here.
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48:00Iļæ½ll stay here.
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48:02Iļæ½ll stay here.
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48:05Iļæ½ll stay here.
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48:09Iļæ½ll stay here.
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48:23Iļæ½ll stay here.
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53:59Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:00Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:01Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:02Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:03Iļæ½ll stay here.
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54:05Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:06Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:07Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:08Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:09Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:10Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:11Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:12Iļæ½ll stay here.
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54:14Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:15Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:16Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:17Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:18Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:19Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:20Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:21Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:22Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:23Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:24Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:25Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:26Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:27Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:28Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:29Iļæ½ll stay here.
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54:31Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:32Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:33Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:34Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:35Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:36Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:37Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:38Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:39Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:40Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:41Iļæ½ll stay here.
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54:45Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:46Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:47Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:48Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:49Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:50Iļæ½ll stay here.
54:51Iļæ½ll stay here.
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54:54Iļæ½ll stay here.
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54:56Iļæ½ll stay here.
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54:59Iļæ½ll stay here.
55:00Iļæ½ll stay here.
55:01Iļæ½ll stay here.
55:02Iļæ½ll stay here.
55:03Iļæ½ll stay here.
55:04Iļæ½ll stay here.
55:05Iļæ½ll stay here.
55:06Iļæ½ll stay here.
55:07Iļæ½ll stay here.
55:08Iļæ½ll stay here.
55:09Iļæ½ll stay here.
55:10Iļæ½ll stay here.
55:11Iļæ½ll stay here.