Teen FaceTimes Friend In Front Of House After 2 Years | Happily TV

  • 2 years ago
A teen who hadn’t seen his middle school best friend since moving states two years earlier returned to surprise him with an ingenious FaceTime prank. Corbyn Bechler, 17, stood outside his friend Aeron Jenkins' house in Pickerington, Ohio, a suburb of Columbus, where he FaceTimed Aeron and said he had come across a home that looked exactly like his. Aeron agreed that the house looked identical – but he had no reason to suspect something was up, as Corbyn had moved to Wichita, Kansas, a couple of years earlier. As the pair chatted about the similarities between the homes, Corbyn's dad, Heath Bechler, 50, recorded their interaction on video. Then, Corbyn said to his friend that he should perhaps check outside, which, after a brief pause, saw Aeron come darting out of his front door in shock, grabbing his friend for an emotional embrace. Corbyn grew up in Wichita, but when Heath got a new job in Columbus, Ohio, in 2017, the family moved to the area. The teenager was initially worried about making friends in middle school, but during Corbyn's first week, Aeron noticed his searching for a place to sit and lunch and called Corbyn over to chat with his friends. However, the Bechlers then moved back to Kansas a year later, and so Corbyn and Aeron were only able to keep in touch remotely. Their big reunion took place June 2020, but Heath only recently shared his footage of the surprise online which quickly went viral.