Ibu adalah orang tua perempuan seorang anak, baik melalui hubungan biologis maupun sosial. Ibu memiliki peranan yang sangat penting bagi anak, dan panggilan ibu dapat diberikan untuk perempuan yang bukan orang tua kandung (biologis) dari seseorang yang mengisi peranan ini. Contohnya adalah pada orang tua angkat (karena adopsi) atau ibu tiri (istri dari ayah biologis anak).
Mother is the female parent of a child, both through biological and social relationships. Mothers have a very important role for children, and the title of mother can be given to women who are not the biological (biological) parents of someone who fills this role. Examples are adoptive parents (because of adoption) or stepmothers (wife of the child's biological father).
Mother is the female parent of a child, both through biological and social relationships. Mothers have a very important role for children, and the title of mother can be given to women who are not the biological (biological) parents of someone who fills this role. Examples are adoptive parents (because of adoption) or stepmothers (wife of the child's biological father).