Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister and BJP leader Yogi Adityanath on February 19, while addressing a public rally in Pilibhit, attacked the Samajwadi Party over corruption and crime issues in the state.
“In the previous governments, the farmers used to commit suicide, the poor died of hunger, there was a state of jungle raj, the criminals dominated the power and the law was operated by the history-sheeters. Before 2017 there was an atmosphere of chaos all around,” said Yogi Adityanath.
Seven-phase Assembly Elections in Uttar Pradesh commenced on February 10, and the polling for the first two phases has been held. The third phase of UP polls will be held on February 20.
“In the previous governments, the farmers used to commit suicide, the poor died of hunger, there was a state of jungle raj, the criminals dominated the power and the law was operated by the history-sheeters. Before 2017 there was an atmosphere of chaos all around,” said Yogi Adityanath.
Seven-phase Assembly Elections in Uttar Pradesh commenced on February 10, and the polling for the first two phases has been held. The third phase of UP polls will be held on February 20.