• 3 years ago
NHS Lothian launches COVID-19 vaccination video for 5-11-year-old children
NHS Lothian has launched a special video to help reassure children, parents and carers who might be nervous about receiving their COVID-19 vaccination.

The video features paediatric vaccinator Nurse Mollie Dunn, who is part of NHS Lothian’s 5-11-year-olds COVID-19 vaccination team, at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, Edinburgh.

It has been launched following the decision to widen the vaccination programme to all 5-11-year-olds across Scotland and will be available on NHS Lothian’s website and social media channels.

Mollie said: “We know that coming in for a COVID-19 vaccine might be concerning, however we are here on the day to answer any questions.”

The video also features questions from six-year-old Matthew Street from Edinburgh, who received his vaccine as part of the first tranche of the 5-11-year-old COVID-19 vaccination programme.

Following his vaccine, Matthew said: “The vaccine was a little sharp, but it was okay, and it didn’t hurt for long.”

Pat Wynne, Interim Executive Nurse Director, NHS Lothian, said the special video was filmed to help provide reassurance and comfort.

He added: “We are delighted to offer these clinics to all children in Lothian and our new video will hopefully explain to children what they should expect when they come for their vaccine.

“We recognise that parents and carers may have questions regarding the COVID-19 vaccination, however all medicines, including vaccines, are tested for safety and effectiveness before they’re allowed to be used.

“We will also ensure that information is available, including our new video, to help parents and young people reach an informed decision.”

All children in Lothian will be offered two doses of the Pfizer childhood COVID-19 vaccine at least 12 weeks apart. More details on how the programme will be delivered will issued by NHS Lothian in the coming weeks.

The first round of 5-11 vaccinations targeted children with a higher COVID-19 risk factor and children living in the household of an immunosuppressed person.

This group is still eligible to receive their vaccination and should contact the national COVID-19 vaccination booking helpline if they have not already done so on 0800 030 8013.

A third primary dose is also being offered to children aged 5-11 years with a severely weakened immune system. The third primary dose will be offered after the second dose.

Parents and carers should remember that if a child has tested positive for COVID-19 there is a need to ensure at least four weeks have passed from a positive test before being vaccinated.

Mr Wynne added: “Vaccination remains a key component of the continued fight against COVID-19. We welcome the further expansion of the vaccination programme across Lothian and look forward to welcoming children and parents to our clinics.”

Established vaccination clinics for over 12s will continue to operate separately from these clinics,


