New Study Confirms Unifying Theory of Supermassive Black Hole Behavior

  • 2 years ago
New Study Confirms , Unifying Theory , of Supermassive
Black Hole Behavior.
According to a new study, supermassive black holes
may more closely resemble pancakes, rather
than doughnuts, as previously believed. .
The study, conducted by a team at
the Université de la Côte d’Azur,
was published in 'Nature' on February 23. .
'The Independent' reports that the findings confirm
long-held theories regarding active galactic nuclei. .
Active galactic nuclei, which exist at the center
of many galaxies, are believed to be driven
by supermassive black holes. .
According to the study's authors,
the discovery could have implications
for how we understand the universe. .
The co-evolution between the
black hole and the host galaxy...
...has a strong impact on
the evolution of the galaxy,
including the formation
of stars in that galaxy, Dr. Romain Petrov, Astronomer at the Université
de la Côte d’Azur, via 'The Independent'.
A link in the chain of events
that lead to the existence of people
that can discuss these issues, Dr. Romain Petrov, Astronomer at the Université
de la Côte d’Azur, via 'The Independent'.
The observations were made using the Multi-AperTure
mid-Infrared SpectroScopic Experiment (MATISSE)
instrument and the Very Large Telescope in Chile.
The team observed Messier 77,
a barred spiral galaxy approximately
47 million light-years away from Earth. .
According to Dr. Romain Petrov,
one of the authors of the paper, the team's
observations will help astronomers learn more
about the formation of stars, planets and even life itself.


