As Uttar Pradesh is all set to go to the sixth phase of polling in the ongoing state Assembly Elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on March 02 addressed a public rally in Ghazipur district of the state. While speaking at the rally, the PM said that each vote received by BJP will be a befitting reply to 'Pariwarwadi' parties.
“Each and every vote will take us to record victory in the upcoming Assembly Elections. It will give us new energy to work for development and growth. Each vote will give a befitting reply to those 'Pariwarwadi' parties,” said PM Narendra Modi.
“Each and every vote will take us to record victory in the upcoming Assembly Elections. It will give us new energy to work for development and growth. Each vote will give a befitting reply to those 'Pariwarwadi' parties,” said PM Narendra Modi.