• 3 years ago

Originally titled "The Big Red Car". I remember watching this DVD at my Nana's in the early 2000's.

DVD distributor: HIT Entertainment
Original release date: April 3rd, 2001 (by Lyrick Studios on VHS)
DVD release date: February 4th, 2003 (by HIT Entertainment on VHS/DVD)

1. FBI/Interpol Warning screens (1996-2003)
2. HIT Entertainment logo (2001-2007)
3. Bob The Builder: The Knights A Fix A Lot VHS & DVD Trailer
4. Barney: Round And Round We Go VHS & DVD Trailer
5. Kipper: Imagine That VHS Trailer
6. The Wiggles: Wiggly Wiggly World VHS Trailer
7. Title Screen
8. Can You Point Your Fingers & Do The Twist
9. Wags The Dog
10. Five Little Joeys
11. Di Dicki Do Dum
12. I'm A Cow
13. Do The Flap
14. On Your Holiday
15. Hat On My Head
16. Brown Girl In The Ring
17. Georgia's Song
18. Our Boat Is Rocking On The Sea
19. Nicky Nacky Nocky Noo
20. Dorothy's Dance Party
21. Big Red Car
22. End Credits
23. HIT Entertainment logo (2001-2007)

I was originally going to do the fanmade 2001 Lyrick Studios DVD, but the end credits on the 2003 DVD cross fades to the HIT Entertainment logo.

Credit to Fabian's Media Corner 2001/MediaCollector2001 for the file on Internet Archive.
NOTE: This DVD has no DVD menu.