Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant along with other Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders was seen celebrating at the BJP office following the official trends presented by the Election Commission (EC) for the Goa Assembly Elections on March 10 in Panaji.
“The people of Goa have given us a clear majority. We will get 20 seats or even 1 to 2 seats more. The people have shown faith in PM Modi. Independent candidates are coming with us. MGP is also coming with us and taking all together, we will form our government,” BJP Leader Devendra Fadnavis said.
“The people of Goa have given us a clear majority. We will get 20 seats or even 1 to 2 seats more. The people have shown faith in PM Modi. Independent candidates are coming with us. MGP is also coming with us and taking all together, we will form our government,” BJP Leader Devendra Fadnavis said.