• 2 years ago
This is the internationally award-winning Fominyh`s Choir/Women’s Choir of the College of Culture and Arts in Mykolaiv, Ukraine. Most recently, the choir won the 9th All-Ukrainian Choir Competition on 27 October 2021.

The conductor of the choir, Tetyana Anatoliyov Ostrovskaya, is an associate professor of music at the Mykolaiv College of Culture and Arts. She is the recipient of both the Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian National Prize and the Order of Merit - Fominykh S.G. Диригент хору Тетяна Анатолійов Островська – доцент кафедри музики Миколаївського коледжу культури і мистецтв. Вона є лауреатом Української національної премії імені Тараса Шевченка та ордена «За заслуги» - Фоміних С.Г.

Psalm 142:1 reads as follows: “I cry aloud to the LORD; I lift up my voice to the LORD for mercy. I pour out my complaint before Him; before Him I tell my trouble. When my spirit grows faint within me, it is You who know my way.”

Miy golos do Gospoda, “Мій голос до Господа” was composed by Iryna Aleksiychuk.


