Disaster Wars: Earthquake vs. Tsunami (2013) Full HD

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Deep underwater in the Marianas Trench an accident results in a devastating Tsunami that destroys the Hawaiian Islands as it continues toward the west coast. Panic ensues all up and down the western coast of North and South America. In an attempt to lessen its impact, scientists launch an underwater explosion that inadvertently makes the tsunami more powerful and focused on Los Angeles. Scientists rush to a solution while the military begins planning for the worst. Los Angeles begins emergency evacuation. Lives and loves are lost even as a brash young grad student comes up with a solution: start the mother of all earthquakes to counter the rushing torrent and raise the continental shelf off the coast of the United States.
00:00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:00:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:01:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:01:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:01:37This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:01:40Tanya, radio Topside and tell him we're nearing our desired depth.
00:01:45Sure thing, Dr. Tate.
00:01:49Topside, this is Deep Abyss Explorer. How's it looking up there, over?
00:01:54Explorer, this is Topside. Calm seas up here, over.
00:01:58Roger that, Topside. We are approaching the desired depth in the trench, over.
00:02:04Roger, Explorer. You're clear to continue, over.
00:02:09Roger that. Continuing with the experiment. Deep Abyss Explorer, out.
00:02:13Okay, nice and slow. Now watch your depth very carefully.
00:02:28Don't worry, Dad, okay? I got it.
00:02:44What was that?
00:02:45I don't know. The controls, they aren't responding.
00:02:51Tanya, radio Topside. Tell them they have to stop us now. We're dropping too fast.
00:03:01Mayday, mayday, Topside. We are dropping too fast.
00:03:04We are closing in on collapsed depth.
00:03:08Topside, put out the deep abyss.
00:03:11Roger that, Explorer. Breaking now.
00:03:16Stan, Stan, are you all right?
00:03:19I think so.
00:03:20Wait, wait, wait. How bad is it?
00:03:22Hold my finger.
00:03:27Well, outside of a bump on the head, I think you'll laugh.
00:03:33Are you two okay?
00:03:36Okay. Tanya, pass me through to Topside, would you?
00:03:40The comms are a little flaky right now, but I'll try.
00:03:45Topside, this is Deep Abyss Explorer. Do you copy?
00:03:48Karen, are the controls working?
00:03:51Not at the moment.
00:03:53Okay, keep trying, okay?
00:03:56Doctor, we're going to have to stop.
00:03:59Keep trying, okay?
00:04:02Doctor Green, can you run a full diagnostic of the wave generator, please?
00:04:05Right away.
00:04:06Topside, this is Deep Abyss Explorer. Do you copy?
00:04:12Explorer, this is Topside.
00:04:19Topside, this is Doctor Taylor. Our controls are not responding.
00:04:25We want you to pull us up right away. Over.
00:04:30Topside, can you hear me? Over.
00:04:35Explorer, this is Topside. Repeat last transmission. Over.
00:04:39Topside, controls are not responding.
00:04:42I repeat, they are not responding. Request you pull us up now. Over.
00:04:47Explorer, was the wave generator damaged? Over.
00:04:52Doctor Green, has the diagnostics check completed?
00:04:55All systems are normal.
00:04:59Topside, we request aborting the experiment and be pulled up. Over.
00:05:04Explorer, negative on extraction. What's the status of the wave generator? Over.
00:05:08Topside, diagnostics report all circuits are operating, but I am very worried about our position.
00:05:16And we wish to be pulled up now. Over.
00:05:21Explorer, negative on extraction. We will hold your position. Proceed with the experiment. Over.
00:05:30Karen, how are the controls coming?
00:05:33I've got nothing. We're hanging on by a thread.
00:05:40Dad, what's the plan?
00:05:48Topside, proceeding with the experiment. We'll get back to you. Over.
00:05:55Doctor Taylor, good luck. Topside out.
00:06:03Doctor Taylor, this is madness. The sheer power from the pulse from the wave generator could break this hull apart.
00:06:10Yeah, Doctor T, I don't like this either. I mean, there's got to be something we can do.
00:06:15You know, I could just fake the data.
00:06:25Karen, is the brake locked?
00:06:27For now, but it's all being controlled by Topside.
00:06:31Well, we're above collapse depth, so only by a few hundred feet.
00:06:36Look, I don't like this any more than the rest of you.
00:06:40The fact is they're not going to pull us up until we're through with the experiment.
00:06:43Okay? It's unfortunate, but it's the simple truth.
00:06:48Tanya, can you get the operating systems up and running?
00:06:53All set.
00:06:55Doctor Green?
00:06:57All set.
00:07:05Well, here goes nothing.
00:07:10Yes! Oh, it's working! Doctor T, we're getting a ton of data!
00:07:16Doctor Taylor, we really did it!
00:07:20Oh, shh, shh, shh.
00:07:26Doctor Green?
00:07:28Doctor Green?
00:07:30Doctor Green?
00:07:32Doctor Green?
00:07:34Doctor Green?
00:07:36Shh, shh, shh.
00:07:46What was that?
00:07:48Everybody quiet. Just be quiet and just listen for a second.
00:07:55Tanya, can you patch me through to Topside?
00:07:58On it.
00:08:03Topside, this is Deep Abyss Explorer.
00:08:06We need immediate evacuation.
00:08:08We are experiencing falling debris. Over.
00:08:12Explorer, this is Topside. Was the experiment successful?
00:08:17Yeah, yes. We have all the data we need.
00:08:20Now, now, now, pull us up. Over.
00:08:23Roger that, Explorer. Pulling you up.
00:08:31Whoa. What was that?
00:08:34Oh, this can't be good.
00:08:37I'm sure we'll be moving in a moment.
00:08:50Doctor Green, do you know what's going on?
00:08:52This is more than a volcanic eruption.
00:08:56Doctor Green, do you know what's going on?
00:08:58This is more than a little shake-up from the wave generator.
00:09:02It could be a number of things. I'm not one to speculate.
00:09:05Maybe right now is a good time to start, don't you think?
00:09:09I think we might have triggered our worst fear, Jeff.
00:09:12Dad? What is he talking about?
00:09:18Megathrust earthquake.
00:09:21Oh, that doesn't sound good.
00:09:26I think we might have triggered our worst fear, Jeff.
00:09:29Dad? What is he talking about?
00:09:32Megathrust earthquake.
00:09:35Oh, that doesn't sound good.
00:09:45No. Neither is the megatsunami that will follow.
00:09:51Megathrust earthquake.
00:10:04I should have brought the bigger boat.
00:10:08Megathrust earthquake.
00:10:20What is that? What's going on?
00:10:22There's got to be something we can do, Doctor T. Right?
00:10:26I'm afraid not. We only have a short amount of time.
00:10:30Until what?
00:10:35I'm finishing what we started.
00:10:37Your arrogance will kill millions.
00:11:05Megathrust earthquake.
00:11:35Megathrust earthquake.
00:12:06Take a look at this.
00:12:17This can't be right.
00:12:20Luke, check the remote connection to the Pacific seismometers.
00:12:25It looks like two at the Marianas Trench are kaput,
00:12:29but it looks like the rest of them are operational.
00:12:32The recent readings are off the chart.
00:12:35It's got to be a glitch.
00:12:37Nothing can be that big, right?
00:12:40Let me check. Hold on.
00:12:48Oh, no.
00:12:49What is it?
00:12:50It looks like one of the seismometers is down.
00:12:52There were four of them, and now only three are operational.
00:12:56Are all three in the western Pacific?
00:13:01Then it's headed this way.
00:13:14What are we going to do?
00:13:15Get the thing. Get the headpiece. Get the headpiece.
00:13:17We have to warn everyone.
00:13:19Put it on your head. Call them.
00:13:21Get it.
00:13:24This is an emergency broadcast from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.
00:13:30A massive earthquake has been detected,
00:13:33originating from the Marianas Trench,
00:13:36resulting in a mega-tsunami.
00:13:42Yeah, yeah.
00:13:43Send out the warning.
00:13:45I'm on it.
00:13:46I'm on it.
00:13:47I'm on it.
00:13:48I'm on it.
00:13:49I'm on it.
00:13:50I'm on it.
00:13:52Send out the warning to the other centers.
00:13:54All right, all right.
00:14:00The tsunami will hit the islands very shortly.
00:14:04Seek high ground and shelter immediately.
00:14:07There is no time for evacuation.
00:14:11May God have mercy on us all.
00:14:13Luke, what are you doing?
00:14:16I have to be with her.
00:14:18Wait. There isn't time.
00:14:20I have to.
00:14:22No one is available to take your call.
00:14:25Please leave a message.
00:14:29Honey, I don't know why you're not answering the phone right now,
00:14:32but listen.
00:14:36On my way home, don't leave the house.
00:14:38Don't listen to anything you hear on the TV.
00:14:40Just stay where you are.
00:14:41I'm going to be right home.
00:14:42Just please stay where you are.
00:14:43I'll be right home.
00:14:50I'm home.
00:15:20I'm home.
00:15:50I'm home.
00:15:51I'm home.
00:16:21It can't be.
00:16:23No, no, no, that's not right.
00:17:11Roger Stoker?
00:17:12Yeah, Daniel. Daniel.
00:17:14Can you get down to the lab immediately?
00:17:17I've got a lot of data to sort out
00:17:19and very little time to do it in.
00:17:21What are you talking about?
00:17:25The mega tsunami.
00:17:29It's only theoretical.
00:17:31It's not possible.
00:17:33Well, it's happening.
00:17:36Look, look, look.
00:17:38Just get down to the lab.
00:17:39I'll explain it when we get there.
00:17:48Get up.
00:17:53What time is it?
00:17:55Get up. Put those on.
00:17:58What's going on?
00:18:00I have to go to the lab
00:18:03and you need to get out of here someplace far away.
00:18:07You're joking, right?
00:18:09You have to get out of here.
00:18:13Just go stay with my mom for a while.
00:18:18Are you serious?
00:18:19Please? This is important.
00:18:36Your mom lives in Arkansas.
00:18:40It's like 15,000 miles away.
00:18:44Hopefully that's far enough.
00:19:17I'm sorry.
00:19:18I'm sorry.
00:19:19I'm sorry.
00:19:20I'm sorry.
00:19:21I'm sorry.
00:19:22I'm sorry.
00:19:23I'm sorry.
00:19:24I'm sorry.
00:19:25I'm sorry.
00:19:26I'm sorry.
00:19:27I'm sorry.
00:19:28I'm sorry.
00:19:29I'm sorry.
00:19:30I'm sorry.
00:19:31I'm sorry.
00:19:32I'm sorry.
00:19:33I'm sorry.
00:19:34I'm sorry.
00:19:35I'm sorry.
00:19:36I'm sorry.
00:19:37I'm sorry.
00:19:38I'm sorry.
00:19:39I'm sorry.
00:19:40I'm sorry.
00:19:41I'm sorry.
00:19:42I'm sorry.
00:19:43I'm sorry.
00:19:44I'm sorry.
00:19:45I'm sorry.
00:19:46I'm sorry.
00:20:00She's gone.
00:20:10Come on.
00:20:11I don't want to stay in bed.
00:20:13I know, but I need you to get up, okay?
00:20:15Come on.
00:20:16Get dressed.
00:20:45I'm sorry.
00:20:46I'm sorry.
00:20:47I'm sorry.
00:20:48I'm sorry.
00:20:49I'm sorry.
00:20:50I'm sorry.
00:20:51I'm sorry.
00:20:52I'm sorry.
00:20:53I'm sorry.
00:20:54I'm sorry.
00:20:55I'm sorry.
00:20:56I'm sorry.
00:20:57I'm sorry.
00:20:58I'm sorry.
00:20:59I'm sorry.
00:21:00I'm sorry.
00:21:01I'm sorry.
00:21:02I'm sorry.
00:21:03I'm sorry.
00:21:04I'm sorry.
00:21:05I'm sorry.
00:21:06I'm sorry.
00:21:07I'm sorry.
00:21:08I'm sorry.
00:21:09I'm sorry.
00:21:10I'm sorry.
00:21:11I'm sorry.
00:21:12I'm sorry.
00:21:13I'm sorry.
00:21:15I'm coming.
00:21:17I'm coming.
00:21:19Hold your horses.
00:21:25I'm coming I said.
00:21:40Can I help you?
00:21:41Can I help you?
00:21:42Dr. Vickers, I'm Gunnery Sergeant Benjamin Wright.
00:21:44You need to come with me.
00:21:49What happened?
00:21:49I'm not at liberty to say, sir.
00:21:51My orders are to take you
00:21:52to the Thunderclap Bunker immediately.
00:21:54The country needs you.
00:21:56I don't understand.
00:21:57What do you want with me?
00:21:59Please step out of the house, sir.
00:22:02I have my orders.
00:22:03You'll be removed by force if necessary.
00:22:07It's not necessary.
00:22:08Just give me a minute.
00:22:09You can take care of that later.
00:22:12Okay, tell them I just grabbed my papers.
00:22:14No need, sir.
00:22:15We have everything.
00:22:17Let's go, Doc.
00:22:29Let's go, Doc.
00:22:39Let's go.
00:23:09Let's go.
00:23:22Now listen to yourself.
00:23:23You're just going on and on and on
00:23:24for the last 10 minutes, 20 minutes.
00:23:26We're the ones who caused it.
00:23:27If we hadn't-
00:23:28You are not listening to me.
00:23:30We just flew over the island.
00:23:32There's nothing left.
00:23:34It's what we've been waiting for.
00:23:37A true test of our abilities.
00:23:40Yes, I understand.
00:23:41An earthquake caused the tsunami.
00:23:51Is this thing working?
00:23:55Are you hearing me?
00:24:00Get a press release prepared.
00:24:01I want this transmitted to all of the affiliates.
00:24:04You hear me?
00:24:06Yes, I got it.
00:24:07All of them.
00:24:08All of them.
00:24:09You have about 20 minutes.
00:24:12All right.
00:24:50Afternoon, gentlemen.
00:24:51IDs, please.
00:24:57Gunnery Sergeant Wright, who do you have with you?
00:25:00Dr. Ivan Vickers.
00:25:02Dr. Ivan Vickers?
00:25:05Wait here, please.
00:25:08Sergeant Wright, Dr. Vickers, please follow me.
00:25:38Going down, huh?
00:25:47Not very talkative, are you?
00:26:06How far down are we going?
00:26:09It's classified, Dr. Vickers.
00:26:15That's strange.
00:26:17What harm could it be?
00:26:20Let's just say we're going far enough.
00:26:30I see.
00:26:33You need someone to help with this structure.
00:26:35That's why you need a geologist, right?
00:26:39I really can't say, Dr. Vickers.
00:26:41Of course.
00:26:44Well, when do you think I can get some different clothes?
00:26:46I really don't want to be walking around like this.
00:27:35Oh, that feels good.
00:27:37Right there.
00:27:44Alright, come on. We gotta get going.
00:27:48What are you doing?
00:27:49I'm buttoning your shirt up.
00:27:50We're late. The reporter's upstairs waiting for us right now.
00:27:58We gotta get going. Come on.
00:27:59Finish getting dressed.
00:28:01Zip your pants up.
00:28:03Let's go. Now.
00:28:05Zip my pants up.
00:28:06Zip my pants up.
00:28:08Good day, Harry.
00:28:14Let's do this.
00:28:17Come on.
00:28:20Go ahead and get behind that, uh, panel right there.
00:28:24Come on. Get in front of the boat.
00:28:37Dr. Vickers, please join us.
00:28:40Dr. Vickers. Nice to meet you.
00:28:42Although I wish it was under better circumstances.
00:28:44Dr. Vickers. Nice to meet you.
00:28:47Okay, sit down.
00:28:48So, what are the circumstances, exactly?
00:28:59I'm sorry.
00:29:01I'm sorry.
00:29:03I'm sorry.
00:29:05I'm sorry.
00:29:07I'm sorry.
00:29:09I'm sorry.
00:29:11I'm sorry.
00:29:13I'm sorry.
00:29:15I'm sorry.
00:29:17I'm sorry.
00:29:22What am I looking at?
00:29:27Oh, right. Um.
00:29:30Approximately 12 hours ago, an earthquake suddenly occurred here.
00:29:34Along the Mariana Trench.
00:29:36Our reports indicate that this was a massive shift of the Pacific and Mariana plates.
00:29:42What were the seismic readings before the earthquake?
00:29:44Um, all reports were normal, up to the point of the quake.
00:29:49No tremors at all.
00:29:51What about from the Pacific Warning Center?
00:29:54That's not important, doctor.
00:29:56Dr. Vickers, uh, the earthquake is not our major concern right now.
00:30:01Right now we have much more pressing issues to consider.
00:30:09The tsunami.
00:30:12Where is it now?
00:30:14The tsunami is on a collision course with the western coast.
00:30:17It looks to hit Southern California up to Los Angeles.
00:30:20We need your input on a possible solution.
00:30:23A solution to what?
00:30:25My field is geology.
00:30:30Stopping it.
00:30:32You want to stop a tsunami?
00:30:37We have to stop it.
00:30:38A tsunami?
00:30:42It is one of the most destructive natural forces known to man.
00:30:46Its only purpose is to destroy. You cannot stop a tsunami.
00:30:50It's a juggernaut...
00:30:52of death.
00:31:06Tony, turn on the news. The press conference is about to start.
00:31:19Good afternoon, everyone.
00:31:20So then everyone, let's go ahead and get started, shall we?
00:31:24Finally, the ability to control Mother Nature's most destructive forces is at man's disposal.
00:31:31Through my company, we can stop the tsunami.
00:31:36And because of my generosity, I will make my satellites available to the United States.
00:31:43Together, we will save millions of lives.
00:31:48Has the United States contacted you yet, requesting your help?
00:31:51No, not yet, but I expect a call at any moment.
00:31:55So please do excuse me if I need to rush off.
00:31:58Mr. Nereño, how exactly is the satellite supposed to work?
00:32:05A concentrated wave of energy is directed at the Earth's crust, causing it to fracture.
00:32:12It will be a much larger scale, of course, covering a broad area.
00:32:17And what is the energy wave composed of?
00:32:20The actual frequency and pulse of the wave is a closely guarded secret, something we cannot share.
00:32:28We would hate for it to fall into the wrong hands, no?
00:32:32Has this process been tested? I mean, have you successfully created a wave in the ocean before?
00:32:38Not in the ocean, but smaller-scaled lab tests have been conducted, and the results have been very favorable.
00:32:46And I have been informed that the satellite will perform equally as well on the scale we need.
00:32:53So the satellite has not been properly tested?
00:32:55No, no, no. That is not what I'm saying.
00:32:58The satellite is being repurposed to perform the necessary actions.
00:33:03This is well within our capabilities.
00:33:06Firing a wave of energy at the tsunami is within your capabilities?
00:33:11Directly in its path, actually.
00:33:14It sounds like a military operation.
00:33:17But if successful, won't that just add to the problem and create another tsunami?
00:33:21It will create another wave.
00:33:24But it will be traveling in opposition to the original tsunami.
00:33:28When the two waves collide, they will just cancel out one another.
00:33:34Now I want to make one thing perfectly clear.
00:33:36Nothing of this scale has ever been attempted by any man.
00:33:41Today, we will make history.
00:33:44And I stake my reputation on it.
00:33:51And cut.
00:33:55Good job. You back over here. You over here.
00:34:05All right. Five, four, three, two.
00:34:17Ladies and gentlemen, there you have it.
00:34:19Straight from billionaire Simon Narainyo of Thunderstorm Technologies.
00:34:23The fate of the entire West Coast may rest upon his cutting-edge technology.
00:34:28May God look down upon him today.
00:34:31I'm Jason Andrews reporting to you live from Channel 4 Metro News.
00:34:36Please stay tuned for further updates as more information filters in.
00:34:41Thanks for watching.
00:35:11Who told him this was possible? He's just playing God with people's lives.
00:35:16What's that, Daniel?
00:35:19The press conference. What do you think about it?
00:35:22I wasn't listening.
00:35:25There's something here.
00:35:27Some rich guy, Simon Narainyo.
00:35:29He's on every channel telling people about the tsunami.
00:35:33And, well, Hawaii.
00:35:35So now everybody knows.
00:35:39Couldn't have been timed any worse.
00:35:42Mr. Narainyo claims he has a solution.
00:35:45He said one of his satellites can create an opposing tsunami that will roll this one on top of itself.
00:35:51A smaller wave, maybe, but this one seems far too powerful for that.
00:35:56He's going to make things worse. I can feel it.
00:36:01Well, let's work it out and find out.
00:36:05The only way to know for sure is to run the numbers.
00:36:09Trust those, not your gut.
00:36:13All right, where's the stress point?
00:36:16Here is where Mr. Narainyo is planning to focus the energy wave from one of his satellites.
00:36:21Directly in the path of the approaching tsunami.
00:36:24Oh, I see.
00:36:26Can you pull up the underlying structure?
00:36:32Well, I think you're right.
00:36:35It has no chance of success at that point.
00:36:38Let's try a few more possibilities.
00:36:41How about here and here?
00:36:46I think those should give us good possible scenarios.
00:36:50What about here?
00:36:52I think we may be running out of time for that one, but include it anyway.
00:36:57If a counter-tsunami is going to work,
00:37:00it's going to be from one of those points.
00:37:06Now all we have to do is sit back and wait for the results.
00:37:10In the meantime, I'm going to work with another idea that I've got.
00:37:31Dr. Vickers, are you familiar with Mr. Narainyo and his thunderstorm technologies?
00:37:36Yes, I've worked with Mr. Narainyo and the military on several projects together.
00:37:42Then you are familiar with the wave machine of Mr. Narainyo.
00:37:49But the theory is simple.
00:37:53Um, we've run a number of simulations based on the information provided by Mr. Narainyo
00:37:58and everything seems to check out,
00:38:01but I'm not sure if I should be looking for something in particular.
00:38:05Maybe you could check through these and see if you spot anything?
00:38:10Definitely the direction that I would have taken.
00:38:14I'm not sure if I should be looking for anything in particular.
00:38:20Definitely the direction that I would have taken.
00:38:29The exact spot as well. I think Mr. Narainyo has everything figured out for us.
00:38:35So you would recommend that we go with his plan?
00:38:39I would, yes.
00:38:41No reservations whatsoever?
00:38:45No. No, I think everything is good.
00:38:52Colonel, do you agree?
00:38:56Yes, Madam Vice President.
00:38:58It seems we don't really have any other choice.
00:39:01Millions of people are counting on us and the clock is ticking.
00:39:08Madam Vice President, may I also recommend that we begin evacuations as a proactive measure?
00:39:13Not that we won't succeed, ma'am.
00:39:15Yes, of course, Gunny. I'll call Feinman, get the ball rolling.
00:39:19And if you'll excuse me, I've got a very important call to make.
00:39:24Madam Vice President.
00:39:29Well, now we wait.
00:40:13Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
00:40:43What's up?
00:41:07What's up?
00:41:08Hey, looks like you're having some car trouble there, huh?
00:41:11No, I actually got it covered.
00:41:14Oh, you think so?
00:41:16You know, maybe I can give you a ride, you know, give you a hand.
00:41:19No, no, no.
00:41:20You sure? You know, maybe I can help you out, you know, I'm good with my hands, you know what I mean?
00:41:24No, no, thanks, I got it covered.
00:41:27Well, you know, looks like you're heading out of town, maybe you can give me a lift.
00:41:31Actually, I'm going to be picking a lot of people up, so I can't, I really got to get going.
00:41:35Well, hold on.
00:41:37I think you and I could be friends.
00:41:39So why don't you just make some room in the back.
00:41:41I know you got room in there.
00:41:44You need to just let me go, I'm not looking for any trouble here, okay?
00:41:47And I'm kind of in a hurry.
00:41:50All right, babe?
00:41:51You know, the world's about to end, okay?
00:41:52See, I know where to be.
00:41:53So why don't you and I get in the back and go for a little ride, all right?
00:41:57Come on.
00:42:16Sir, you wanted to see me?
00:42:18We need to talk about our little experiment.
00:42:25What we have here is an opportunity of a lifetime.
00:42:33It's a chance to win the hearts and minds of the world.
00:42:40As well as show them the power we yield.
00:42:46But what about the incident that started all of this?
00:42:49Well, that depends on you.
00:42:53I see no reason why it even needs to be discussed.
00:42:57Maybe because we caused the tsunami that killed many people?
00:43:06I caused nothing.
00:43:09I was nowhere near that submarine.
00:43:12And I had no idea you were there either.
00:43:16Well, no, I wasn't there personally.
00:43:19But we both know what happened.
00:43:21There you have it.
00:43:22None of us was on that submarine.
00:43:26None of us really knows what happened.
00:43:29And the one who do know...
00:43:32Well, they're gone.
00:43:35For a moment, sir.
00:43:40That settles that.
00:43:42Now we need to concentrate on the next step,
00:43:45which is to stop what has been created.
00:43:48I expect a call from Dr. Vickers very soon.
00:44:19Oh, not much.
00:44:21But it's something.
00:44:22Thank you, Daniel.
00:44:27Did you see anyone else on campus?
00:44:30I'm pretty sure we're the only ones dumb enough to be here.
00:44:35About that, I'm sorry.
00:44:38But I really do appreciate having you here.
00:44:41Hey, hey, hey.
00:44:42I don't think you should be here.
00:44:44But I really do appreciate having you here.
00:44:47Hey, not a problem.
00:44:49That's what we do, right?
00:44:51Besides, not like I had anywhere I needed to be today.
00:44:55What about Allison?
00:44:57Where is she?
00:44:59I sent her to my mom's as soon as you called.
00:45:03She should be a while on her way now.
00:45:07I'm glad she's safe.
00:45:20Well, this is worse than I thought.
00:45:29Here are the data points we ran,
00:45:32representing the possible locations for a counter-tsunami to be created.
00:45:36And, according to the data,
00:45:41this one won't do what we want.
00:45:45Neither will this one.
00:45:51Or these.
00:45:52That's unfortunate.
00:45:54None of these will do any good?
00:45:58No matter which point we choose,
00:46:03No matter which point we choose,
00:46:05the outcome will be the same.
00:46:07Which is?
00:46:09The tsunami will be even bigger and stronger than it is now.
00:46:14Just as we feared.
00:46:16If this data is accurate,
00:46:18parts of the tsunami will reach Nevada.
00:46:21We have to stop them.
00:46:23Well, this is the federal government you're talking about, Daniel.
00:46:27You can't just call them up and tell them what to do.
00:46:30Maybe we can.
00:46:41Madam Vice President.
00:46:42Ms. Sims.
00:46:48The President has considered all options,
00:46:52including our recommendations,
00:46:56and he has decided to go with Mr. Norino's plan.
00:47:00We have a lot of work to do and not much time to do it in.
00:47:03So, this being a military operation,
00:47:08I'm handing it over to Colonel Brayman.
00:47:10Thank you, Madam Vice President.
00:47:15Now, Dr. Pickett,
00:47:17I'll expect you to work closely with Ms. Sims during this project.
00:47:22Absolutely, Colonel. I'll do anything I can to help.
00:47:36Ms. Sims, I need you to coordinate this with the computer for the satellite uplink.
00:47:43Right away, Colonel Brayman, sir.
00:47:47It's okay.
00:47:49Do your job, all right?
00:47:51And you're more than up to doing it.
00:47:54Okay, Kim?
00:47:55Yes, sir.
00:47:58Dr. Vickers, this is your field of expertise.
00:48:03Now, we are expecting you to get us through this.
00:48:06You know what's at stake.
00:48:11Inputting the coordinates to the satellite,
00:48:14Inputting the coordinates to the satellite uplink now.
00:48:20Double-checking them.
00:48:25How does everything look, Doc?
00:48:28There are no changes in the recent satellite scans.
00:48:34Everything looks good to me.
00:48:41You know we only have one shot at this.
00:48:49Ms. Sims, what are the present coordinates?
00:48:52Gunning, I have a call for Colonel Brayman, sir.
00:48:54Hang on a second, Corporal.
00:48:55Just waiting on the Doc's confirmation of the target zone.
00:48:59What is the final confirmation of the target zone? Are we on target?
00:49:03I recommend we proceed immediately.
00:49:06Madam Vice President, it's time.
00:49:11Carry on, Colonel.
00:49:12Colonel, I believe the caller said it was important, sir.
00:49:16Who is it, Corporal?
00:49:18He said his name is Dr. Stoker, sir.
00:49:20Dr. Mitchell Stoker?
00:49:21Yes, sir.
00:49:22You know him, Gunning?
00:49:24Yes, sir. Dr. Stoker was Dr. Vickers' predecessor.
00:49:28Could be a second opinion, sir.
00:49:34Patch it through.
00:49:37Yeah, hi. Are you in charge?
00:49:40Oh, Gunning, hi. Good to see you.
00:49:43You know, listen, I...
00:49:45Dr. Stoker, I am Colonel Brayman.
00:49:49I'm in charge here. I'm afraid we don't have much time.
00:49:52Exactly. So please, listen.
00:49:55Noreno's plan to stop the tsunami won't work.
00:49:59You must not go along with it.
00:50:01Colonel, he has no idea what he is talking about.
00:50:05No, no. I've run a simulation.
00:50:08You're insane, old man. The numbers don't lie.
00:50:11You were fired for a reason, and I replaced you.
00:50:15Your ideas are outdated.
00:50:17No, the wave generator cannot...
00:50:20Dr. Stoker, I...
00:50:22Please, Mr. Noreno's machine will only make the tsunami stronger.
00:50:28More people will die.
00:50:30Colonel, Colonel, you have to believe us.
00:50:32We have the data right here.
00:50:34He has no idea what he's talking about. We should proceed.
00:50:37We do have an alternative.
00:50:39What is it?
00:50:41Well, I'm still working on it, but we do have...
00:50:44I'm sorry, we really must carry on. Thank you very much.
00:50:47But, Colonel...
00:50:49Colonel, he doesn't understand the new technology.
00:50:53I made my decision.
00:50:56Are the final coordinates ready?
00:50:58The satellite is in position, sir.
00:51:01I'm powering up the fire.
00:51:04Okay, are you framed up right? Because we only got one shot at this.
00:51:07Yeah, I got it.
00:51:10On it's firing.
00:51:20In five...
00:51:28Come on.
00:51:31Please work.
00:51:50That was louder than I thought.
00:51:55It's working!
00:52:04It's coming back.
00:52:06It's coming back.
00:52:08Get us out of here.
00:52:12There's no time.
00:52:16See, this is coming for us.
00:52:18It's time for us to pay for our sins.
00:52:52No, no, no, no. Why didn't that work?
00:52:57Dr. Vickers...
00:53:00You have a theory on what just happened there?
00:53:11I have no explanation.
00:53:14Colonel, we have a...
00:53:16We have a...
00:53:19The tsunami...
00:53:21Just spit it out.
00:53:25Besides getting larger and gaining speed...
00:53:29The tsunami is also changing course, sir.
00:53:32Where is it going to hit?
00:53:35It's going to hit Los Angeles full force, sir.
00:53:40There's more.
00:53:44The aftershocks from the blast...
00:53:48They're going to be a lot stronger than we had expected.
00:53:51Excuse me, I have to make a call.
00:53:54Catch me at the...
00:53:56Dr. Stoker.
00:54:24We have breaking news.
00:54:26A flood warning is in effect from 6 p.m. tonight until 7 a.m. tomorrow morning.
00:54:31County officials are serving evacuation notices to residents that live close to major levees.
00:54:38Floodwaters are predicted to rise up to 4 feet above normal.
00:54:42In emergency situations, residents are advised to move to higher ground and seek help.
00:54:48Mommy, I'm hungry.
00:54:50What'd you say, honey?
00:54:52Are we almost there? I'm hungry.
00:54:56We're, um...
00:54:57We're almost...
00:54:58We're almost there.
00:54:59Okay? In just a little bit.
00:55:02We're, um...
00:55:03We're almost...
00:55:04We're almost there.
00:55:05Okay? In just a little bit.
00:55:31Oh, my.
00:55:53What's wrong, Mommy?
00:55:55Just looks like there's a woman ahead that needs Mommy's help.
00:55:58Just stay here.
00:56:00Don't move.
00:56:03I'll be right back.
00:56:13Please help.
00:56:14Are you hurt?
00:56:15Get me out of here.
00:56:16No, just a bump in my head.
00:56:18How am I?
00:56:19I can't be here.
00:56:20I gotta get to work.
00:56:21I can't lose my job.
00:56:22I know.
00:56:23I know.
00:56:24Okay, just calm down.
00:56:29Are we almost there yet?
00:56:32Listen, little girl.
00:56:33I want you to do everything I say, okay?
00:56:35I don't want to hear a peep out of you.
00:56:37Otherwise, I'll have to cut you.
00:56:40I can't be here anymore.
00:56:41I mean, can't I just step out?
00:56:43No, don't...
00:56:44Don't do anything.
00:56:46Just give me a second to figure things out.
00:56:55The aliens are coming, so...
00:56:57The mothership.
00:56:58We need to get to it.
00:57:00Quietly now.
00:57:01Let's get out.
00:57:03I told you not to make a peep.
00:57:04Don't leave me.
00:57:05Not to make a peep?
00:57:06The mothership doesn't like it.
00:57:07In front of the people?
00:57:09Don't you hurt my baby, okay?
00:57:10You just let her go, mister.
00:57:11I'll shoot you dead.
00:57:12Do you understand?
00:57:13Just let her go.
00:57:14Captain, no one doesn't care about guns.
00:57:15I'm not a gun.
00:57:16I'm not a gun.
00:57:17I'm not a gun.
00:57:18I'm not a gun.
00:57:19I'm not a gun.
00:57:20I'm not a gun.
00:57:21I'm not a gun.
00:57:22I'm not a gun.
00:57:23I'm not a gun.
00:57:24I'm not a gun.
00:57:26Captain, no one doesn't care about guns.
00:57:27And god, this is it.
00:57:28There's nothing you can do about it.
00:57:30The world is over.
00:57:31I'm gonna tell you one more time.
00:57:33Let her go, or I'll shoot you dead if you hurt her.
00:57:35Just let her go.
00:57:41Get in the car.
00:57:42Get in the car.
00:57:49Don't leave me.
00:57:55Dr. Stoker, this is Thunderclap.
00:58:22Are you reading me?
00:58:24Dr. Stoker, are you reading me?
00:58:27Dr. Stoker?
00:58:29No, it's Daniel Ashe.
00:58:33Listen, Daniel, we don't have a lot of time.
00:58:35You two were right, the tsunami is still coming.
00:58:37We really need your help.
00:58:39The tsunami is stronger than ever and headed straight to Los Angeles.
00:58:42Do you two have any ideas?
00:58:45I think we just might have something.
00:58:52Um, Miss Simms...
00:58:56Have you been able to get a hold of Dr. Stoker?
00:58:59Actually, sir, it's Daniel.
00:59:01And he is coming through right now.
00:59:06Mr. Ashe?
00:59:08Uh, yes, uh, yes, uh, can you hear me, Colonel?
00:59:13Hang on, everybody, here comes another one!
00:59:22Daniel, we lost him.
00:59:51What happened?
00:59:52It must have been on their end.
00:59:54That last tremor must have knocked out their communications.
00:59:57Daniel, we're running out of time.
00:59:59I know, I'm...
01:00:01I'm just running out of ideas.
01:00:03Well, maybe we've done all we can.
01:00:06You know, this may be your last time to get away.
01:00:13No, we can do this.
01:00:15It's only temporary, they'll fix it, we need to give them more time.
01:00:18What about Allison?
01:00:20She's fine.
01:00:24And we will be, too.
01:00:26I'm not going anywhere.
01:00:27All right.
01:00:28All right, let's keep trying, then.
01:00:31You know what?
01:00:33We just may be onto something here.
01:01:06Colonel, can you hear me?
01:01:07Tony, are you okay?
01:01:09Yeah, yeah.
01:01:10Anybody else hurt?
01:01:12Good, Tony, see what you can do to get us back up and running.
01:01:15We still got a job to do.
01:01:19Okay, I'll, um, I'll see what I can do.
01:01:22Go on, we got this.
01:01:25Colonel, Colonel, can you hear me?
01:01:28Where's the Vice President?
01:01:29Last I saw her, she was in the break room.
01:01:31She appeared to be all right.
01:01:34One, two, three, go!
01:01:41Tony, don't make the same mistake I made.
01:01:47Let me go see your gun.
01:01:49See your gun.
01:01:52You'll be okay, Colonel.
01:01:53Let's get you up.
01:01:58Let me see.
01:02:45No one is available to take your call.
01:02:47Please leave a message.
01:02:48Daniel, it's Allison.
01:02:50Um, I don't know why you're not answering.
01:02:53My car just stopped in the back of an alley.
01:02:56I'm on 7th and Wilshire.
01:03:01Please give me a call back when you get a chance, or I don't know.
01:03:04I haven't even gotten out of the city yet, so I don't know what to do.
01:03:15What do you got?
01:03:16Not good.
01:03:17Um, we're running on emergency power only right now, but it's only working for the lights.
01:03:22We've got to find a way to get power back to those systems.
01:03:25The earthquake must have tripped the breakers as a safety precaution.
01:03:29Not very helpful in this situation.
01:03:33Where's the Corporal?
01:03:34Uh, over there.
01:03:35Thank you, sir.
01:03:36Here's what we're going to do.
01:03:38Yes, Gunny?
01:03:39If you're coming with me down to the sub-basement, we're going to find a way to get those generators back up and running.
01:03:42I'm going to check on the Vice President on the way downstairs.
01:03:45Dr. Vickers?
01:03:48Just do something.
01:04:05Ready for your cardio, Corporal?
01:04:10How far down are we going, Gunny?
01:04:12Ten more stories.
01:04:13The breakers are supposed to be isolated from man-made and natural disasters.
01:04:16Like a mega-tsunami?
01:04:19Precisely, Corporal.
01:04:40Come on.
01:04:57Is it working?
01:04:59For the moment.
01:05:01I'm bringing up the university feed right now.
01:05:14Dr. Stoker, we may not have much time.
01:05:16I'm running on emergency power now.
01:05:18Have you two come up with anything that might help?
01:05:20Yes, yes.
01:05:22I'm afraid it might be our only chance, though.
01:05:26Daniel, they're back.
01:05:30You have any news on the evacuation?
01:05:33Last we heard, nearly 82% have been evacuated to a safe distance.
01:05:38Good, good.
01:05:40Here's Daniel.
01:05:42He has an idea, but it's drastic.
01:05:50What do you have in mind?
01:05:53An earthquake.
01:06:03What do you got, Corporal?
01:06:07I'm not sure, Gunny.
01:06:09I've definitely seen something like this before, but...
01:06:11But what?
01:06:15The fuse is blown.
01:06:18We don't have another one.
01:06:22Let me get that.
01:06:27I've got to find something to bridge this gap.
01:06:33I miss you, Daddy.
01:06:36Look, I really think you should come with us.
01:06:40Okay, I mean, there's no telling how long before your ride gets here.
01:06:43I appreciate it, Victoria, really, but...
01:06:46You've been a godsend already, and I don't want to be a burden.
01:06:49You're not a burden.
01:06:52You've been a godsend already, and I don't want to be a burden.
01:06:54You're not a burden.
01:06:56Okay, what do you say we just get back on the road, huh?
01:07:00Mommy, I want Daddy!
01:07:03I know, baby.
01:07:06I know.
01:07:08Me too.
01:07:11I hope you guys are okay.
01:07:41I love you. I'll see you soon.
01:07:57It's a topside.
01:08:01Listen, I really appreciate it, but I'll be fine.
01:08:04You two go ahead.
01:08:14Oh no.
01:08:16You're coming with us.
01:08:28All systems check out, Gunny. We're back on full power.
01:08:31Thank you, Corporal.
01:08:33Now explain that again to me, Mr. Ash. You want to do what exactly?
01:08:36In order to stop the tsunami, we need to give it a place to go.
01:08:40And that means opening a trench.
01:08:45An earthquake.
01:08:47This is ridiculous.
01:08:50The only way to stop the tsunami is with another counter-tsunami.
01:08:56We need to use the satellite again to find another target area before it's too late.
01:09:00Didn't you learn anything the first time around?
01:09:03The satellite won't work.
01:09:05You simply do not understand the forces involved.
01:09:08You are as outdated as your data.
01:09:11Gentlemen, please.
01:09:14How big of a trench are we talking about?
01:09:17Big. Real big.
01:09:20We're going to have to activate the Newport-Inglewood-Rose Canyon fault zone somehow.
01:09:25Wait a minute.
01:09:27It should do the rest for us.
01:09:29Are you talking about dropping Santa Monica Pier, LAX, and...
01:09:33...and more into the ocean?
01:09:34You are insane!
01:09:37Madam Vice President, what do you think?
01:09:39Miss Simms, what are the evacuation numbers?
01:09:44Coastlines are...
01:09:46...89% evacuated.
01:09:48FEMA is running into resistance from some of the locals.
01:09:51Looks like we don't have a choice, Gunny.
01:09:56What will it take to activate that fault line?
01:09:58We need a big, localized bang, Gunny.
01:10:01One that will reverberate through the crust along the fault.
01:10:05I think we have something like that.
01:10:07Send me the coordinates.
01:10:10You do realize if we do this, people will die, Madam Vice President.
01:10:14And if we don't do it, even more will die.
01:10:17This is an earthquake versus a tsunami.
01:10:20Whichever one wins, we lose.
01:10:24You best get cracking, Gunny.
01:10:26We still have the option to use the satellite.
01:10:28We can move it closer to the shore.
01:10:31We're going with Mr. Ashe's plan. You had your chance.
01:10:35He's a student intern.
01:10:38It's done.
01:10:40Tony, I need you to get a hold of Black Talon 5.
01:10:43Have them drop us a package at Mr. Ashe's coordinates.
01:10:50Black Talon 5, this is Thunderclap.
01:10:53Do you read me? Over.
01:10:55Corporal, you're coming with me.
01:10:57We've got an earthquake to set off.
01:10:59Wait, wait.
01:11:05Let me go with you.
01:11:07Gunny, please, I need to do this.
01:11:14All right, you're with us.
01:11:16But you stay out of the way and do as you're told, you understand?
01:11:30Keep your fingers crossed.
01:11:35Setting off an earthquake can have indeterminable results.
01:11:39I feel confident it will work.
01:11:41It's past time you got out of here.
01:11:45Now's your time to take your best shot,
01:11:48while things are still somewhat calm.
01:11:50Now's your time to take your best shot,
01:11:53while things are still somewhat calm.
01:12:21Black Talon 5
01:12:25Black Talon 5
01:12:51We have breaking news.
01:12:53A 7.3 earthquake has struck central Los Angeles.
01:12:57Hundreds of reports are coming in now from frazzled residents
01:13:01who are witnessing major structural damage to many roads and buildings.
01:13:05The U.S. Government has issued a State of Emergency
01:13:08for the entire city of Los Angeles.
01:13:10Let's go to our on-the-spot reporter, Mary,
01:13:13who is on Sepulveda Blvd. and in the midst of this chaos.
01:13:16It's a pull to the boulevard and in the midst of this chaos.
01:13:46I don't know what you want from me, okay, okay, I don't care, ahhh!
01:14:02Get out of here, go!
01:14:06We have to get out of here, I can't, we have to get out of here, like now.
01:14:32We gotta go.
01:14:36She said so.
01:15:00How about giving us a hand with this GPS doc?
01:15:16Right here.
01:15:26Power it up, Corporal.
01:15:40She's all powered up, sir.
01:15:45You understand that anything with a half mile radius will be killed from the last wave of this machine, right?
01:15:54I know, Doc, but that is what it was designed to do.
01:15:58The earthquake I'll set off is just an added bonus.
01:16:01Gunny, we have a problem.
01:16:03What is it, Corporal?
01:16:05The device isn't connecting, we're gonna have to do this manually.
01:16:10Alright, take the doc and get out of here.
01:16:14I got this.
01:16:19That's an order, Corporal.
01:16:26Whoa, what do you think you're doing, Doc?
01:16:28Move over there.
01:16:29What do you think you're doing, Doc?
01:16:30Put your gun down.
01:16:31Hand me the weapon.
01:16:32Put your gun down.
01:16:33I'm not gonna ask you again.
01:16:36Drop the weapon, Corporal.
01:16:39Drop the weapon, that's an order.
01:16:40I said drop your weapon, Corporal.
01:16:48I gotta make this thing right, right?
01:16:50Don't do this, Doc.
01:16:53Don't do this.
01:16:54Oh, you shot me.
01:16:58I can't believe you shot me.
01:17:01I'm gonna give you five minutes to get out of here before I set this thing off.
01:17:14You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:17:18I'm gonna make this right, right?
01:17:47You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:18:15You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:18:43You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:19:11You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:19:40You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:20:09You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:20:37You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:06You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:07You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:08You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:09You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:10You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:11You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:12You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:13You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:14You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:15You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:16You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:17You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:18You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:19You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:20You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:21You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:22You sure you know what you're doing, Doc?
01:21:24You sure you know...
01:21:40You sure you know...
