Roar Season 1 Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Eight stories, one roar. A collection of genre-bending stories told through eight women's eyes. Based on the book by best-selling author Cecelia Ahern and led by a star-studded cast of female talent in front of and behind the camera, ROAR explores female experiences that many women have but rarely talk about. Through these 8 stories, each episode uses magical realism and delivers an insightful, poignant, and sometimes hilarious portrait of what it means to be a woman today.
starring Nicole Kidman, Cynthia Erivo, Issa Rae, Merritt Wever, Alison Brie, Betty Gilpin, Meera Syal, Fivel Stewart, Kara Hayward
release date April 15, 2022 (on Apple TV Plus)
starring Nicole Kidman, Cynthia Erivo, Issa Rae, Merritt Wever, Alison Brie, Betty Gilpin, Meera Syal, Fivel Stewart, Kara Hayward
release date April 15, 2022 (on Apple TV Plus)