Greater One Horn Rhinoceros | Kaziranga National Park | UNESCO World Heritage Site | Census 2022

  • 2 years ago
The total area of the park goes to nine hundred fourteen square kilometers after the ten extensions made to conserve the Indian One Horne Rhino.
The population of rhinos is increasing in the UNESCO World Heritage site.
In two thousand eighteen, the rhino population was two thousand four hundred thirteen and now in two thousand twenty-two, the number rises to two thousand six hundred thirteen mean the population of the rhino is increasing by two hundred.
In the census two thousand twenty-two, the number of adult rhinos above six years is eighteen hundred twenty-three out of which seven hundred fifty are male and nine hundred three are female but the gender of one hundred seventy rhinos is unknown.
three sixty-five sub-adult three to six years is recorded one hundred sixteen is male and one hundred forty-six is female, one hundred three grander cannot be ascertained.
two hundred seventy-nine are juveniles one to three year and one hundred forty-six calves below one year are recorded
For the first time drone technology was used in the rhino census in Kaziranga Park. The latest figures are an encouraging sign for the conservation of rhinos in Kaziranga.
The park’s contribution to saving the Indian one-horned rhinoceros from the brink of extinction


