Persona 4 Arena Ultimax 2.5 - Adachi - Challenge Mode

  • 2 years ago
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax 2.5
Challenge Mode
Character: Tohru Adachi


- If you are having trouble in any challenge, use 236A, 236B or 236AB to apply fear to Yu. Fear tends to make the combo a bit easier, giving you more timing to hit Yu without droping the combo. Highly recomendable to use in challenges 21, 22, 23, 24. It is always better to use the AB version (needs meter) because it will hit Yu whereever he is, while you will have to position him in a specific place to be hit by A or B versions.

- To make this mission easier, put Yu in corner. And you can also apply fear to make it easier.
- After the first jump you need to do a micro dash before 5B. Delaying j.C also helps. Not necessary if done in the corner.
- You need to do a very small delay in the second j.C. It is probably not needed if done in the corner with fear.
- After the second jump you need to do a another micro dash before 5B. Not necessary if done in the corner.
- After 214AB you need to quickly run before doing 5B. This is only run you need to do even if you are doing the combo in the corner.

- You need to do a precise micro dash after 236AB~A in order to hit 5B. If you use the fear, it will become easier to hit this link.

- The sequence 'grab, OMC, D' must be done very quickly in order to give enough time to hit 5A.
- After the OMB, try to keep Yu as high as possible. Don't let he fall before doing 2C and cancel it into the super instantly.
- The timing I use to hit 5B after the super is react to the moment I see Yu appears falling in the screen.
- After the super you need to do like this: '5B, 236A, smal delay, A, 236236A'. If you don't do this delay Yu will recover too high to be hit by the next move. But, if you used fear do it normally and forget about the delay.
- If you do 5C too high, the grab that comes right after won't come out. You need to let Yu fall a bit.
- Do 214A, in the moment you hear (or see) the persona hit Yu in the ground.

+ Preparation 1: 236236B (it must hit Yu, buffs Adachi)
+ Preparation 2: 214214B (it doesn't need to hit Yu, buffs the persona)
+ Preparation 3: 236CD (buffs the combo damage)
+ Actual combo: (Adachi in the corner) 236236B, 236B~B, dash, 5B (1 hit), 5C, OMB, 5B (1 hit), 5C (1 hit), 2C, 236AB~A, 214214CD

- Combo from the demo (not tested): cross-up j.C, 5B (1 hit), 236B~B, OMB, 2C, 214214B, 5B (1 hit), 5C (1 hit), 2B, j.2C, 236AB~A, 214214CD