Black Site Movie (2022) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: CIA Officers based in a top-secret military black site must fight for their lives in a cat-and-mouse game against Hatchet, a brilliant and ruthless detainee who escapes and retaliates by killing them off one-by-one.
directed by Sophia Banks
starring Michelle Monaghan, Jason Clarke, Jai Courtney, Lucy Barrett, Uli Latukefu, Pallavi Sharda, Fayssal Bazzi
release date May 3, 2022 (in theaters and on VOD)
directed by Sophia Banks
starring Michelle Monaghan, Jason Clarke, Jai Courtney, Lucy Barrett, Uli Latukefu, Pallavi Sharda, Fayssal Bazzi
release date May 3, 2022 (in theaters and on VOD)
Short film