Meet the bionic woman who roller-skates, weight-lifts and snowboards



Meet the bionic woman who roller-skates, weightlifts and snowboards – despite being born without her left hand or foot. Enya van Egmond, 24, has worn a prosthetic leg since she was two, but has never let her disability hold her back and has instead thrown herself headfirst into challenges. She says her achievements have all been possible thanks to the support of her family - especially her mum, Bibi Zwolman, 57, who has always treated her ‘the same as everyone else’. At 14 Enya became a professional Paralympic snowboarder - travelling to South Korea in 2018 for the Paralympics - but she sadly missed out on competing due to an injury. Despite her limb differences, Enya loves going to the gym, and has three adapted prosthetic legs - one for running, one for walking and one for wearing heels. She has recently received a bionic arm, and although she has always thrived without two hands, Enya says she loves being a ‘bionic woman’ and has a new-found confidence. Enya, a sports and movement student at Roc Nijmegen University, from Arnhem, the Netherlands, said: “I believe this is how I’m meant to be. “I would be boring if I was normal, with two hands and two feet. “Being born this way has given me so many opportunities and made me more determined, it’s a bit of a superpower. "I love being a bionic woman." “I’m so glad I was born like this, I wouldn't change it for the world – and I want to encourage others to be proud of who they are too.”