Macaws Instantly Solve Shape Puzzle

  • 2 years ago
Ruby and Jolie, the unique parrot show star macaws, instantly solved the shape puzzle when they were brought to the puzzle table. They effortlessly put the shapes back into their place in no time and got treats from their owner for correctly solving the puzzle.
00:00 Hello everyone, this is Marc Steiger together with two beautiful macaws, Ruby and Julie.
00:07 Solving jigsaw puzzles is one of the most astonishing things you can do with parrots.
00:12 Let us show you two different-shaped puzzles.
00:15 First, a colored one, and after, a more complicated puzzle without any colors, but with only grey shapes.
00:24 Alright, let's start with the colored puzzle and Julie.
00:29 Alright Julie, please show us how you solve the puzzle. This is your reward, you're right.
00:37 Please Julie. Julie is a 17-year-old Catalina macaw, a hybrid macaw.
00:44 You know what a hybrid is? A hybrid runs on petrol and electric.
00:49 She goes on with a triangle. I was joking.
00:54 A hybrid animal is the result of the reproduction of two different species, in this case of two different macaws.
01:02 Remains the last one, the cross, and that was perfect Julie, very, very good.
01:09 Immediately, we go on as promised with the more complicated puzzle without any colors, but with only grey shapes.
01:18 Here I mix up the eight grey shapes, and now it's Ruby's turn.
01:26 Here is Ruby's reward. Please Ruby.
01:30 Ruby is a 20-year-old Green-winged macaw, and he will start, I hope, immediately.
01:40 He takes the square, the star. You see, important is that the bird recognizes immediately every shape.
01:49 He should not need several attempts to find the correct hole for a puzzle piece.
01:56 Very good Ruby, the last one was a triangle. I give you your reward. That was perfect.
02:03 Here also, these were Ruby and Julie. My name is Marc Steiger. Thanks a lot for your attention and your interest.
02:13 If you like this, please watch also my other videos, or even better, come to see one of my shows.
02:20 Thank you Ruby again, thank you Julie again. Thanks everyone.
02:26 (Ruby's sound)
