• 3年前
Smart Manufacturing: Businesses collect data from customer feedback, media trends, and global markets. AI-enabled systems can synthesize these and other related data to assist in product development and quality control. Based on these insights, IIoT networks of machines and robotic devices can automatically optimize the product manufacturing process in smart factories.
Flexible supply chain: IIoT networks and running AI support systems can help supply chain managers understand where products are located, which suppliers they hold, and how much inventory is in stock. IIoT devices and machines can also be programmed at any time to respond to immediate events and emergencies, providing businesses with built-in contingency planning and a flexible competitive advantage.
Smart Logistics: The term Amazon Effect refers to the growing expectation that any item ordered by consumers will be delivered the next day without shipping. To remain competitive and meet this expectation, logistics providers must allocate storage by geographic location.
goods and work with third-party logistics (3PL) partners. IoT solutions for logistics networks can help managers centrally view every vehicle in their fleet, including drones or cargo ships. The instant data provided by IoT sensors helps consolidate loads, minimize waste, and speed up delivery times.
Healthcare: In terms of patient care, IoT monitors and wearable devices can help patients better understand their physical conditions, and
Keep in touch with your healthcare provider. For medical professionals, the information provided by these devices can provide a more complete picture of a patient's health, which in turn makes diagnosis, treatment, and overall health more accurate and comprehensive.
Agriculture: Tools that help reduce risk and vulnerability are highly needed for businesses that rely on climate and natural forces. Modern agriculture is also beginning to adopt IoT solutions: “Thousands of sensors are deployed to improve water sustainability, imaging and productivity, making farming easier.
