Mercor Finance - Crypto Daily Markets Review - Bot Capital Premium Scalper Algo by Bot Capital

  • 2 years ago
Hi everyone and welcome to the Crypto Daily Markets Review show with us Mercor Finance. Copy Trade The Bot Capital Premium Scalper Algo Mercor is the first and only DeFi platform that offers algorithmic copy trading. The Mercor platform allows you to directly invest in algorithms created by leading hedge funds, talented developers, and crypto enthusiasts. Connect to the platform now

Mercor Team March AMA session

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About the Algo Trading Company:
Bot Capital is North American software development firm specializing in algorithmic trading and development, with nearly decade of experience in crypto markets. We were founded with a single goal in mind: consistently outperform buy-and-hold returns of top-performing assets in all market conditions. Our autonomous strategies are designed to trade large cap, highly liquid cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, and a few larger alts. The strategies produce outsized returns based on a combination of proprietary indicators for crypto markets, automated technical analysis, statistical modeling, and on-chain data. We leverage automated on-chain data analysis at the Bitcoin block level to prevent large predictable drawdowns that can often occur in crypto markets, and position accordingly to reduce risk and maximize returns. We have designed our algorithms to exploit inefficiencies in both bull and bear markets, and trading style and risk management are automatically adjusted for market conditions.

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