• 3 years ago
- 500 gr usus ayam
- Kerang 100 gr
- 1 lembar daun salam
- 2 lembar daun jeruk
- 2 sdm kecap manis
- 1/2 sdt lada bubuk
- jahe secukupnya ( iris )
- Garam
- Gula pasir
- Minyak goreng untuk menumis
- Air
- penyedap rasa ayam
Bumbu halus:
- 5 butir bawang merah
- 3 siung bawang putih
- 4 cabe rawit ( sesuai selera )
- 5 Cabe merah besar ( saya skip )
- 1/2 sdt kunyit bubuk
- 1/2 sdt ketumbar bubuk
Cara membuat:
1. Rebus usus, masukkan 2 lembar daun salam, ketumbar bubuk, kunyit dan sedikit garam dalam rebusan. Mendidih, matikan api kemudian tiriskan.
- kerang rebus sebentar lalu tiriskan
2. Panaskan minyak, lalu tumis bumbu halus, tambahkan daun salam dan daun jeruk juga jahe. Tumis sampai wangi.
3. Masukkan usus, tuangkan air. Beri kecap manis, garam, penyedap dan gula. Masak sampai air menyusut, bumbu meresap ke dalam sanubari usus. angkat, tunggu dingin. Lalu masukkan kerang di sisa bumbu nya, tambahkan kecap manis lalu masak hingga bumbu mreresap.
4. Setelah dingin, tusuk usus.
5. Panggang di atas teflon yang sudah diolesi marharin dan olesi dengan sisa bumbu yang ada, panggang hingga sesuai selera ( saya suka agak gosong ). Lalu Sajikan

- 500 gr chicken intestines
- 100 gr mussels
- 1 bay leaf
- 2 lime leaves
- 2 tbsp sweet soy sauce
- 1/2 tsp pepper powder
- ginger to taste (sliced)
- Salt
- Sugar
- Cooking oil for frying
- Water
- chicken flavoring
Ground spices:
- 5 red onions
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 4 bird's eye chilies (according to taste)
- 5 large red chilies (I skipped)
- 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
- 1/2 tsp coriander powder
How to make:
1. Boil the intestines, put 2 bay leaves, coriander powder, turmeric and a little salt in the stew. Bring to a boil, turn off the heat then drain.
- boiled clams for a while then drain
2. Heat the oil, then stir-fry the ground spices, add the bay leaves and lime leaves as well as ginger. Saute until fragrant.
3. Enter the intestines, pour water. Add sweet soy sauce, salt, seasoning and sugar. Cook until the water shrinks, the spices seep into the guts of the intestines. lift, wait cold. Then put the clams in the rest of the spices, add the sweet soy sauce and cook until the spices are absorbed.
4. Once cool, prick the intestines.
5. Bake on Teflon that has been smeared with marharin and spread with the remaining spices, bake until it is according to taste (I like it a bit charred). Then Serve

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