Mark Levin tears sham January 6 committee to SHREDS: ‘An abomination to the American system’

  • 2 years ago
Democrats call everything a threat to democracy. Guns are a threat to democracy. Trump is a threat to democracy. Truckers are a threat to democracy. Supreme Court Justices ruling on cases is. Counting every vote is. Preventing voter fraud, living in Florida, using the wrong pronoun. Even refusing to send your kids to drag strip shows is a threat to democracy according to the left and the media.

But the realest threat to the American system, which is a constitutional system, is what is happening right now in the so-called January 6 “investigation.” Mark Levin broke that down tonight on Life, Liberty and Levin and it’s awesome – in the sense of hearing someone put into words correctly and well a thing that is terrible and not at all awesome.

“This is a sham. This will go down in history as a dark mark on the American political system. You can’t see it now, the mob is in control, the mob runs the media, the propaganda is full-throated, you can’t be it now. But history has a way of sobering events, and we will see this one day is the outrageous attack on our system, on the prior president, on scores of people that it truly is.”

“It’s an abomination to the American system. Not just of justice, but our congressional and representative system.”

What more can be added to that? Exactly right.


