Mit dem Wintermute Reduxe Update wird das Survival-Spiel The Long Dark stark überarbeitet. Version 1.41 von The Long Dark bringt neben Bugfixes und Gameplay-Verbesserungen beim Survival-Modus, der Wintermute-Karte und dem Benutzer-Interface vor allem die bereits angekündigten Neuauflagen der ersten beiden Story-Episoden des Spiels.
So sind jetzt alle Figuren vertont und es gibt mehr Dialogoptionen und Story-Momente, sowie Missionen und Charaktere. Einen kleinen Ausblick auf die Neuerungen liefern die Entwickler von Hinterland Games mit diesem Launch-Trailer zu The Long Dark Redux gleich mit. Episode 3 der Story soll übrigens 2019 folgen und wird die Verbesserungen der Redux-Fassung gleich beinhalten. Genau genommen, war es die Arbeit an Episode 3, die das Remaster-Bestreben für die ersten beiden Folgen auslöste und deren Release sich deshalb auch verzögert hat.
Offizielle Details zu den Änderungen von Episode 1 & 2:
Narrative Presentation: New dialogue mode; all story is now experienced in first-person; all dialogue is fully voiced and animated. All cinematic moments have been redone.
Narrative Content: All dialogue has been re-written and re-recorded. While the high-level story arc of Episodes One and Two remains the same, many of the supporting details have changed. We’ve introduced new plot elements, new locations, a new introduction, and overall a general layer of presentation polish on narrative content.
Mission Structure: We’ve opened up the mission structure; previously there were several plot elements or side mission content (ex. Jeremiah’s Survival School) missions that were prerequisites to progressing in the story. As much as possible, while maintaining a logical story flow, we’ve made the mission structure more flexible. Side content is properly optional now and can be accessed over time and in between key narrative moments.
Gameplay Improvements: In addition to opening up the structure somewhat, we’ve also retuned many of the mission objectives to provide the right amount of challenge. We’ve worked to reduce the amount of backtracking that is required to complete missions (while maintaining the right amount of open-world exploration to keep things interesting). We’ve completely overhauled the Bear Hunt mission structure, integrating it more fully into Episode Two, adding new Bear Spear gameplay, and adding climactic new encounter to complete that story. We’ve also made improvements to how we present mission information to the player. And finally, we’ve retuned the Survival “needs” per Story Experiene (Green, Capable, Hardened) and increased the amount of ammunition (Rifle, Distress Pistol) available in the world.
Da sich so viel geändert hat, sind die Spielstände der neuen Redux-Version nicht mehr mit früheren Speicherständen des Story-Modus kompatibel. Die komplette Liste der Änderungen des Updates gibt es auf der Steam-Seite von The Long Dark .
So sind jetzt alle Figuren vertont und es gibt mehr Dialogoptionen und Story-Momente, sowie Missionen und Charaktere. Einen kleinen Ausblick auf die Neuerungen liefern die Entwickler von Hinterland Games mit diesem Launch-Trailer zu The Long Dark Redux gleich mit. Episode 3 der Story soll übrigens 2019 folgen und wird die Verbesserungen der Redux-Fassung gleich beinhalten. Genau genommen, war es die Arbeit an Episode 3, die das Remaster-Bestreben für die ersten beiden Folgen auslöste und deren Release sich deshalb auch verzögert hat.
Offizielle Details zu den Änderungen von Episode 1 & 2:
Narrative Presentation: New dialogue mode; all story is now experienced in first-person; all dialogue is fully voiced and animated. All cinematic moments have been redone.
Narrative Content: All dialogue has been re-written and re-recorded. While the high-level story arc of Episodes One and Two remains the same, many of the supporting details have changed. We’ve introduced new plot elements, new locations, a new introduction, and overall a general layer of presentation polish on narrative content.
Mission Structure: We’ve opened up the mission structure; previously there were several plot elements or side mission content (ex. Jeremiah’s Survival School) missions that were prerequisites to progressing in the story. As much as possible, while maintaining a logical story flow, we’ve made the mission structure more flexible. Side content is properly optional now and can be accessed over time and in between key narrative moments.
Gameplay Improvements: In addition to opening up the structure somewhat, we’ve also retuned many of the mission objectives to provide the right amount of challenge. We’ve worked to reduce the amount of backtracking that is required to complete missions (while maintaining the right amount of open-world exploration to keep things interesting). We’ve completely overhauled the Bear Hunt mission structure, integrating it more fully into Episode Two, adding new Bear Spear gameplay, and adding climactic new encounter to complete that story. We’ve also made improvements to how we present mission information to the player. And finally, we’ve retuned the Survival “needs” per Story Experiene (Green, Capable, Hardened) and increased the amount of ammunition (Rifle, Distress Pistol) available in the world.
Da sich so viel geändert hat, sind die Spielstände der neuen Redux-Version nicht mehr mit früheren Speicherständen des Story-Modus kompatibel. Die komplette Liste der Änderungen des Updates gibt es auf der Steam-Seite von The Long Dark .