• 2 years ago
Bhagavad Gita 4.18-20
by HG Dravida Dasa 6/21/2022
Akarma, "inaction," here refers to actions that are wholly performed as service to Lord Krishna and therefore produce no karmic reactions but rather free one from all such reactions and awaken one's dormant love for God. In other words, "inaction in action." Karma here refers to acts performed in service to one's own sensual, mental, or intellectual desires. These acts can include sitting rigidly and struggling to stop the workings of the restless mind, with the aim of attaining peace or liberation from birth and death. In other words, "action in inaction." Such false "inactivity" just produces frustration, for one remains bound to the cycle of birth and death. But real "inactivity" -- actions in Krishna consciousness -- free one from the cycle of birth and death and pave the way for returning home, back to Godhead, for an eternal life of full knowledge and ever-expanding bliss.

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