Golden Globe Race Official 2022 : Ertan Beskardes - 2022 Golden Globe Race Entrant

  • il y a 2 ans
Ertan Beskardes entered the 2018 edition of the Golden Globe as one of the last entrants to sign up. With just months to the start, he bought a Rustler 36 and started training and rebuilding the boat. His close knit family were 100% behind his efforts. This was critical to him making the start, as the pressure was immense toward the end. His much-loved friendly style was obvious to all in the GGR and his breakfast omelettes for all on the marina became world famous!

Just five days after setting off on the GGR adventure it all hit home. The boat was ready, but he was not. He made the bold decision to retire. As the FIRST entrant into the 2022 GGR, Ertan is continuing his planning and preparation including the 2020 OSTAR and will surely be ready in Sept 2022!