《景春蘿》 [Jing Chun Luo] - 古箏獨奏 (Guzheng solo) 陳蕾士 [Chen Leishi, Louis]

  • 2 years ago
《景春蘿》 [Jing Chun Luo]
古箏獨奏 (Guzheng solo): 陳蕾士 [Chen Leishi, Louis]

Digitized by Patrick Wong from LP: New Wave Records (新風唱片) NWLP-18
《春江花月夜》 - 陳蕾士古箏獨奏選集 ("Moonlit Night on Spring River" - Chen Leishi Guzheng Solo Selections)

錄音日期: 1970? (Recording date: 1970?)
唱片發行日期: 1970? (Releasing date: 1970?)

  近年录音出版的音乐激光唱片有《柳青娘·陈蕾士古筝专辑(一)》、《浪淘沙·陈蕾士古筝专辑(二)》、《浔阳夜月·陈蕾士古筝专辑》、《国乐选粹》及压卷之作《陈蕾士古筝演奏》等。   古筝名家:陈蕾士个人资料简介及档案介绍附照片   陈蕾士先生曾任台湾国立艺专教授,台湾中国文化大学教授及香港中文大学音乐系教授,主讲中国音乐史及中国音乐专论,并兼任中文大学中国音乐资料馆馆长。曾应邀到英国、美国、法国、意大利、德国、比利时、瑞士、日本、韩国、新加坡、马来西亚各国大学、音乐学院、电视台、广播电台举行古筝演奏及演讲会,驰誉国际。曾在欧洲、美洲各国从事国际文化交流工作,历任多处国乐团体顾问,亚洲音乐艺术协会理事。其主要论着有1970年出版的《潮乐绝谱二四谱源流考》,文章有《筝的起源及演变》、《古筝的流派》、《潮州音乐的种类及其历史性》、《潮州音乐的继往与开来》等。


Chen Leishi (陈蕾士, 1917-2010) was a major guzheng artist and scholar of the Teochew school. During his career, he performed, lectured, and recorded internationally, and served as a professor of music at the National Taiwan University of Arts (New Taipei City), the Chinese Culture University (Taipei), and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He also served as the curator of the Chinese University of Hong Kong's Chinese Music Archive.

Chen was born in the Chao'an District (潮安区) of Chaozhou, in the Chaoshan region of eastern Guangdong province. Over the course of his lifetime, he lived in Penang (Malaysia), Singapore, Muar (Malaysia), Taiwan, Hong Kong, Sungai Petani (Malaysia), and Malacca (Malaysia). He was also a scholar of Teochew gongfu tea.

(note provided by dbadagna - https://www.youtube.com/user/dbadagna)


