The Best Diet Plan For a 6 Pack Abs (Simple)

  • 2 years ago
In a nutshell:

1. Focus on protein
Eating enough protein is super important.

Protein keeps you fuller for longer, as well as aid in stabilizing blood sugar levels, reducing sugar cravings, and preventing energy crashes.

Moreover, amino acids, which are found in protein, help repair microtears in the muscles and build new muscle tissue.

When you're exercising a lot, aim for 1.2g to 1.6 g of protein per kg of body weight.

If sedentary, 0.8g per kg of body weight would suffice.

2. Keep yourself hydrated
It’s advisable to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Being hydrated helps prevent thirst-induced hunger.

It also aids in maintaining energy and brain function throughout the day.

3. Eat lots of fiber
Load up on veggies and fiber-rich foods so you can be fuller for longer.

Plus, doing so sustains your energy throughout the day.

4. Be mindful of your portion size
Weight loss occurs when you’re using up fewer calories than you require.

Large portion sizes can contribute to the overconsumption of calories.

And so, for non-starchy veggies, aim for two fistful portions or half of your plate.

Keep your protein serving around the size of your hand.

For your carb portion, it should be one fistful of complex carbs.

Lastly, your healthy fat intake should be about a tablespoon of healthy unsaturated fats, say, a sprinkling of nuts and seeds.
