Security turned SAS and abseiled off the roof of a posh London home

  • 2 years ago
The team of ex-special forces veterans roped down the front of the stunning property on Bloomsbury Way. They were needed to block the windows to stop squatters jumping out as bailiffs stormed inside through the front door. The abseiling team were from 'Specialist Group International'. Made up of former special forces, fire, police and military veterans, SGI is contracted by the police to recover evidence in impossible situations and evict protestors safely. Kitted out with £3mn worth of equipment, two dogs, vans, and even a helicopter, the group have previously removed protestors from oil rigs and even underground. Hired out by bailiffs Veritas, the SGI executed an early morning raid on the squatters at 4:30am by descending down on zip-lines from the roof. SGI group Leader Peter Faulding, 59, known as the 'human mole' for his ability to crawl through any space and get anywhere, said the operation had gone 'safely'. Peter, a former Parachute Regiment veteran from Sussex, said that his group's operations were always aimed at safely and respectfully removing people. After the removal, he said that the house had been 'trashed' by the squatters in the building. The father of three explained: "We've always built a good relationship with protestors, in all the incidents we've dealt with we've never had an accident or aggression. "These people in this building were squatters, so it was a different approach, but despite it being a 'raid' we try to be kind and respectful. "We were brought in by the bailiffs because we're the group that deals with situations other people cant deal with. "This incident was a private removal, so not a police matter, but I've dealt with every major protest since the Newbury bypass protests in 1995. Filmed on 23rd June 2022