• 2 tahun yang lalu
ARCHER needs less than 30 seconds from the time the operators receive a call for fire to stop the vehicle, position for action, and fire the first round. And then less than 30 seconds after the mission is accomplished, ARCHER is on the move again.

With a road-speed of up to 45mph or 70km/h, the ARCHER system has been specially developed for mobility in the most difficult terrain. Rounds can be fired at distances up to 40km with conventional 155mm ammunition and 60 km with precision guided munitions including the Excalibur. ARCHER carries 21 complete rounds, which can all be fired in 2.5 minutes, from fully automated magazines.

Operators control the entire gun system from the safety of ARCHER’s armored cabin. The cabin offers four workspaces, but the system requires only one person for operations. A standard ARCHER team would consist of the gun commander, gun operator and driver. The complete system can be transported by aircraft such as the C17 and A400M “Atlas.”


