Gitana Team 2022 / Passage de Santa Maria et duel passionnant Passage at Santa Maria and a riveting duel

  • il y a 2 ans
Arrivée de nuit et en tête à la porte Action Enfance Açores au large de l’île de Santa Maria, le Maxi Edmond de Rothschild a amorcé sa remontée vers l’arrivée à Concarneau, mais la route est encore longue. En effet, depuis le Cap Finisterre, Charles Caudrelier et ses hommes se livrent à une bataille intense avec le Banque Populaire XI d’Armel Le Cléac’h et son équipage, en s’échangeant à tour de rôle cette place de leader.

Un duel stimulant pour les marins de l’écurie aux cinq flèches qui doivent trouver les meilleures options pour prendre le dessus sur leur concurrent direct à moins de 900 milles de l’arrivée de cette Finistère - Atlantique Challenge Action Enfance.

First to make the Action Enfance Azores gate offshore of the island of Santa Maria last night, the Maxi Edmond de Rothschild has begun her climb up to the finish in Concarneau, but there is still a way to go yet. Indeed, since Cape Finisterre, Charles Caudrelier and his men have been embroiled in an intense battle with Banque Populaire XI skippered by Armel Le Cléac’h and his crew, both of them constantly jockeying for the top spot.

A stimulating duel then for the sailors of the five-arrow racing stable, who must find the best possible options to gain the edge over their direct rival less than 900 miles from the finish of this Finistère Atlantique - Challenge Action Enfance.

Overnight from Sunday 3 to Monday 4 July, the Ultims competing in the Finistère Atlantique had to negotiate the Challenge Action Enfance Canaries gate; a narrow passage of around ten miles between the south of Lanzarote and the northern tip of Fuerteventura. Added to that, it was moonless in a pretty lively breeze of up to 24-25 knots, according to the sailors’ on-board accounts, as the crew of the Maxi Edmond de Rothschild ticked off this course mark in 2nd place. Indeed, the men on Banque Populaire XI pipped them to the post by just 38 seconds! Earlier in the day, the two giants became embroiled in a real mano a mano as they dropped down towards the Spanish archipelago. However, the duel clearly reached a head at the Lanzarote passage: intensity and engagement were the words which best described the moment for Morgan Lagravière, who took control of the helm of the Maxi with Franck Cammas during these high-speed phases. As a bonus in this latest video are some stunning new drone images by Yann Riou!

Yann Riou / polaRYSE/ Gitana S.A.


