The Webb Space Telescope's New View of the Cosmos - Webb Space Telescope's first full-color image

Curiosity Guide

by Curiosity Guide

As a result of the Webb Space Telescope, we are now able to view the universe in a completely different way. New technology used to fine-tune Webb has improved the vision of millions on Earth, and a new study on climate change is heading to space.

Webb Space Telescope's first full-color image revealed thousands of galaxies in a section of the sky so tiny that it is only about as big as a grain of sand.

The Webb Space Telescope has released its first full-color images and spectroscopic data, revealing previously hidden cosmic features. These images kick off the beginning of the telescope's science operations, which will allow astronomers to observe everything from objects within our solar system to activity from the very early history of the universe.

NASA-developed technology is helping to improve the vision of millions of people on Earth by measuring imperfections in visual pathways and cornea curvature.

NASA's Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation was launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida on July 14.

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover is still collecting samples at Jezero Crater's ancient river delta, and is also scouting for locations where the future Mars Sample Return Campaign can land spacecraft and collect samples.