• 3 years ago
A free mindfulness experience has opened at Tottenham Court Road to help bring calm to London’s commuters.

“Room to Breathe”is a soothing sensory experience which aims to help anxious commuters and busy people in the city unwind.

Speaking at the opening, Riaz Farooq, creative director at Pixel Artworks said: “The main thing we want people to take away from this experience is the fundamental principles of box breathing.

“Everything you see from the beautiful sun from above, to the clouds and all of the colour waves cycling through all really following the rhythm of box breathing.

“Every four seconds there is a transition and that really speaks to the breathing in, the holding, the breathing out and holding of the exercise.

“That is really something that people can take away and utilise in their day to day to really enhance their ability to deal with anxiety.”


