Consider This: Smoking Endgame (Part 2) - Laws Alone Insufficient?

  • 2 tahun lalu
The Tobacco and Smoking Control Bill is expected to be tabled in Parliament this week. Of particular interest in the Bill, will be Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin’s ambitious plan to ban tobacco and vape products for future generations -- touted as the ‘generation endgame’ for smoking. If the bill is passed, Malaysia will be the first country in the world to pass into law a smoking ban for those born after 2005, while others who are older will still be allowed. Melisa Idris & Hafiz Marzukhi speak to Datuk Dr Lokman Hakim Sulaiman, Former Deputy Director General for Public Health, and Syafiq Ridzwan Jamaluddin, Assistant Information Chief for the Malaysian Youth Council.