Koffee with Karan 7: Aamir Khan Reaction Ranveer Singh Nude Photoshoot and Thirsty Photos. In the 5th Episode of Koffee with Karan 7, Kareena kapoor Khan and Aamir Khan are coming to have some fun chat with Karan johar. Here, Aamir Khan says, Ranveer singh Nude photos were Bold. aamir Khan Reaction on ranveer Nude photos. check out Aamir Shocking Revelation on Koffee with Karan 7. watch video to know more
#AamirKhan #RanveerSinghNudePhotoshoot #KoffeeWithKaran7
#AamirKhan #RanveerSinghNudePhotoshoot #KoffeeWithKaran7