• 3 years ago
This guy displayed his incredible strength. He demonstrated different techniques to do levitation press. The talented guy successfully showed off his fitness skills.
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00:00How's it going guys? I'm going to show you how I like to build my elbows
00:03reduce side pressure pain
00:05Build side pressure as well as build your pressing power
00:09And this is something you could do at home. No weights. It's a basic calisthenic movement
00:13It's a play off a push-up and it looks a little something like this
00:17So we'll look at the anatomy of it real quick
00:20If this is the ground here our hands aren't really going to be up at our face
00:24Our hands are going to be down here by our chest where we usually press and our muscle from anyways
00:29That being said I usually like to choose a wall where I can get my feet up off the ground
00:33It creates a little bit of forward pressure and I like this in this moment
00:36So I'll do something like this kind of like a Mike Tyson push-up then we'll bring our hands not at our face
00:42But at our core straight down
00:46The movement is going to look with something like this remember we're on the side of our hands here much like a pressing movement
00:54To the elbows
00:56Back up
00:57You only need to go up an inch
00:59I go up all the way sometimes if I really want to build muscle
01:02But really you only need to go up an inch you can do this statically or you can do this with motion
01:17As you get a little stronger you could take away a hand on this takes tons of core strength
01:21I'm just gonna go something like this
01:24brace your core
01:26and then
01:41As you get a little stronger you can add some weight I usually do a
01:4520 pound dumbbell
01:46I'm gonna switch to my right arm for this. My left arm is a little beat up from practice
01:52brace the core hard
02:09Next level after that
02:11It's a little harder. Um, you really gotta believe in yourself
02:14Um, some would call it super saying something say it's impossible
02:17But this is just what it takes to be the best and it looks a little something like this
02:26Think there's a shoulder press
02:43That's a little bit
02:44Like so something like that
02:46if you have any questions, let me know but um
02:48Everyone should be able to do this moment
