• 3 years ago

Video gives impression of a DAILY BREAD Communications project for, and in close collaboration with, Max Planck Society. Our task was to develop an overall communication strategy and -concept for the jubilee year communication campaign with the goal to make more visible how diverse the actual work of Max Planck Society in Germany is. Giving a broader audience and different target groups a feeling for the variety of projects and for the broad range of research topics. Introduce people to science as something possibly making fun.

The choice was for a mix of methods and channels, usable live, in print, online and in social media by both the communications department of Max Planck Gesellschaft in Munich and stakeholders from over 80 institutes in different cities. The communication slogan “Forschen ist Neugier“ with Call-to-Action #wonachsuchstdu“ has been developed as central common theme. YouTuber have been selected to go on a tour through Germany and to create clips.


