The Santa Clauses Trailer - mini series - Plot Synopsis: Scott Calvin (Tim Allen) is on the brink of his 65th birthday and realizing that he can't be Santa forever. He's starting to lose a step in his Santa duties, and more importantly, he's got a family who could benefit from a life in the normal world, especially two sons, one that grew up in Lakeside, Illinois (Charlie) and one that grew up at the Pole (Buddy). With a lot of elves, children, and family to please, Scott sets out to find a suitable replacement Santa while preparing his family for a new adventure in a life south of the pole.
directed by Jason Winer
starring Tim Allen, Elizabeth Mitchell, Kal Penn, Matilda Lawler, Rupali Redd, Devin Bright, David Krumholtz, Laura San Giacomo, Elizabeth Allen-Dick, Austin Kane
release date November 16, 2022 (on Disney Plus)
directed by Jason Winer
starring Tim Allen, Elizabeth Mitchell, Kal Penn, Matilda Lawler, Rupali Redd, Devin Bright, David Krumholtz, Laura San Giacomo, Elizabeth Allen-Dick, Austin Kane
release date November 16, 2022 (on Disney Plus)