• 2 years ago
The African Desperate Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: The feature debut from renowned artist Martine Syms, this electrifying film tracks one very long day for Palace Bryant: a newly minted MFA grad whose final 24 hours in art school become a real trip. She is not going to the fucking graduation party! If this were a reality show, Palace would be the person who was not here to make friends. She needs to get home, back to Chicago from upstate New York. But that means surviving a hazy, hilarious, and hallucinatory night-long odyssey, stumbling from academic critiques to backseat hookups.

Director Martine Syms
Writers Martine Syms, Rocket Caleshu
Actors Diamond Stingily, Erin Leland, Cammisa Buerhaus, Aaron Bobrow, Ruby McCollister
Genre Comedy
Run Time 1 hour 39 minutes