♾︎ Excellent mudra for the entire pelvic area ♾︎

  • 2 года назад
Excellent mudra for the entire pelvic area
Action: Reinforces and strengthens the external and internal muscles in the anus and the entire lower pelvic region. Prevents weakening of the external constipation muscles of the anus, which causes many problems for the elderly.

♾︎♾︎♾︎♾︎I will create an individual physical or breathing complex for recovery and prevention of diseases and blocks in the body. Learn to tune in and listen to your body, then it will always be grateful to your soul for such attention and you will always be in harmony with the outside and your inner world.♾︎♾︎♾︎♾︎

My website: https://kundalphilosophy.com

I send you rays of goodness and love.
