In the backdrop of a small town, four childhood friends lead by Ginna who runs a tent house for his livelihood. Will Ginna reach his goal in the game of love and friendship?
Cast & Crew:
Starring - Vishnu Manchu, Sunny Leone, Paayal Rajput
Banner - AVA Entertainment & 24 Frames Factory
Presented By: Dr. M. Mohan Babu
Producer - Vishnu Manchu
DOP - Chota K Naidu
Music - Anup Rubens
Director - Suryaah
Editor - Chota K Prasad
Music Label - Saregama
Cast & Crew:
Starring - Vishnu Manchu, Sunny Leone, Paayal Rajput
Banner - AVA Entertainment & 24 Frames Factory
Presented By: Dr. M. Mohan Babu
Producer - Vishnu Manchu
DOP - Chota K Naidu
Music - Anup Rubens
Director - Suryaah
Editor - Chota K Prasad
Music Label - Saregama
Short film